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i forgot to mention that a member of the kitchen staff has left. she was very nice but i only found out she was going on the day she was leaving. it was nice to have small conversations with her

also my great uncle has died.
my great grandad had 6 children. brian, graham, ruby, colin, norma and grandville
brian has just died, norma died a while back and grandville moved to new zealand
graham is my grandad

we've been trying to contact grandville in new zealand but we don't have his contact details. some of the family has also fallen out with him and his family over there so it's left to our side of the family to try and tell him that his brother has died. he'll be around 89 now too
brian's daughter, melanie lives in america and has come back here this morning to sort out the funeral.
i'll be visiting my grandma tomorrow and sleeping the night so hopefully i get to meet melanie for the first time
i got very lucky and saw grandville from new zealand when i was young. i remember it slightly

my grandad isn't doing too well either. but he has recovered from his cancer operation at least

my mum asked me to find some reece's hot chocolate for her but it doesn't exist. so i bought some 'peanut butter' hot chocolate from whittards and the mf thing must've had her email in when it made the account because now she's had a notification about me buying some..
so much for a surprise

i'm now going out to find carrot cake at some distant shop as i have a craving
also i'm not sure if i've mentioned eliza on here before but my cousin daniel isn't treating her very nicely. they're dating i believe and she's telling me about him. i also like eliza, i think she's pretty.
so i hope it doesn't start any family issues

i suppose my sideburns have always been hidden behind my long hair. i'm starting to notice them now seeming as they have been getting darker and longer.
if i got my hair cut short again then they would definitely be visible


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