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So i woke up, dragged myself out of bed and got ready for this far away football game

Before i knew it, Jake was knocking on my door. Because it's a night game we both needed to put lots of layers on so i got another vest on and headed out. Before me and Jake even got to the bus stop my mum rang me and said that the game was postponed..

Well me and Jake didn't want to waste the day so we decided that we'd go into our local city and do some shopping. Then i remembered that there was another localish game on at the same time today. So we sat at the market place and got tickets for that game (luckily they have a mobile ticket option) so it was literally a last minute thing

We waited for the bus and went all the way up north to this city. When we got off the bus we noticed what looked like a shopping centre. So we went inside and it was, we ended up inside a tesco where we got one of those small plastic fruit tubs each, mine with strawberries and grapes and his with watermelon slices

we ate and walked using google maps to the nearest restaurant chain that i work at and sat down for some food. We sat right by the access toilet and there was an old man looking at us.. like directly facing us too. Odd. But anyway i had some gammon and eggs and Jake had a small fish and chips. We had that £11 cheaper due to my 20% discount

Once we had finished we needed to kill about 3 or 4 hours so we decided after looking on google maps that we'd visit a retail park just down the road. We went into a pet store where we looked at rabbits, guinea pigs, fish and frogs. They were fun but when i went to tie my laces i got bird shit on my hand so we went into b&m and got 35p water to wash it off with. We also went into a few clothing stores looking for a good bobble hat to no avail. Later we went into the currys pc world there and played around with all the electronics there. Trying headphones on (crap playlist) watching football highlights on a 82" tv and going around all the expensive fridge freezers. Some were like £3k due to it having double doors, milkshake maker, touch screen internet accessible, ice dispenser etc etc

When we'd broken everything we decided to start walking to the football stadium. We took some pictures and went into the club shop where we bought scarfs and Jake also got a autographed photo of a midfield player. We had a while until the turnstiles opened so we went to a local tesco near the ground and got some canned drinks while we waited

When we got back to the ground we decided to go inside. The tickets worked just fine on our phones and so we proceeded inside. It's a decently sized stadium to say its non-league. A kind lady asked us where we were sat and she directed us towards our seats. Jake eventually wanted a hot chocolate and after a man had pushed in, he got one.

The game was very cold, funny at times even but a very interesting experience to say the least. The late winner was lovely to see and to top it off jakes team had a late comeback to win too. So after this we needed to go to the train station to go to a local town and from there my parents would pick us up. Apparently the train had a replacement bus and after a while of waiting a mini bus showed up... It got us to where we wanted anyway and soon we were both back home

I just booked the Bermuda holiday seeming as my passport has arrived today and its already been accepted by the host!

Out with Tina tomorrow from college


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