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my grandad was just rushed to hospital because he tried to remove his bag which took the fluid out of his body from his lymph nodes or something

i worked today.. an old lady said my hair was very 60s but i said i prefer it more 70s
i stayed behind after work for a burger which was quite nice. because im eating a lot i'm putting weight on :/
when did i last update my diary.. oh yes
on saturday i went out with jake. he beat me on penalties again but i really messed up. we both missed loads at the end where i could've easily won it

jake's started his new job on sunday

idk what else to say. im lonely but i'm coping i guess

im still needing to save my money up for this holiday lol

im messaging leah about everything. i think it's odd to go from messaging each other a lot to completely not, and then her not offering any chances of starting again once she's finished her exams. :(

it's raining more now so it'll get colder


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