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i woke up and put my shirt back on in the dark as i didn't want jake to see me shirtless. i knew we had to get up because my mum was planning on having breakfast at the hotel and we needed to be out in two hours time
so i turned on the lights and he immediately woke up

i went for a shower in the mouldy bathroom and washed my hair while he slowly woke up
after me he went in and he also said that his trousers were dry now but still smelt a little bit of sick

i poured my cold tea away and drank the rest of my monster. we went down for breakfast which was nice. there was a girl i was looking at but had to leave before anything
jake was still wearing the jogging bottoms i gave him too and as we went back up to the room he put his programme in his bag :/
we packed everything up and i called an uber which took longer than usual to come. i suppose that is because it's sorta outside of london
but moussa came anyway and we got into his van to the victoria coach station.

we found our exit gate and waited for around an hour until we boarded onto the coach. this time i got the window seat and somehow i didn't feel sleepy in the journey. and jake wasn't sick!!
we watched bits of football on the coach back too while i was looking for girls out the window. next to him was a very large lady which i found amusing
and then behind the lady was a somalian lady loudly talking about her life story to the lady next to her
it was also the same coach driver
jake also got his match programme out and gave it to me :) i'm happy that he did that

anyway we got to the bus station and walked to the car park to where we drove jake back home. he said thank you to my parents and me and off he went

later in the day he sent me £4 (the price of a programme) which was v nice of him. my mums bought him another one online so when i next meet him i'll give him it

so yes that was the football weekend! i had lots of fun and i'm glad i did it in the end
next time i wanna go with jake sitting next to me and without my family. maybe alfie can come too if he wants to pay for the ticket


My diary 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن