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well yesterday was crazy..
my alarm failed to wake me up so i had 15 minutes to get ready. i was rushing a lot and in that time i washed my hair, did my teeth and got dressed. somehow i was only 2 minutes late to start but i definitely will start to set lots of alarms every minute near to my wake up time. i normally like it when i have a while to wake up properly and go on my phone

anyway scott was in early yesterday he was meant to be with me for all my shift but he still is ill. the day before, daniel went home sick too... today scott went home which left one person on the bar, one in the kitchen and me running around doing everything. at weekends it's policy to have two people as floor staff but of course as scott was ill i was left to suffer
what made it even worse was that we had ran out of cutlery completely. there was no forks or knives so each time i had food to serve i had to get my hands dirty and wet to clean them manually which took forever
there were customers waiting 45 mins, i had to explain to some that we had no forks but luckily they were nice about it. on the other hand there was a teenage girl and her boyfriend who weren't best pleased. she asked me if i was busy yet still proceeded to complain about it to me. what the fuck did she want me to do? give her sympathy? there's literally nothing i could do. i'm running around apologising serving food AND THERE WAS A 45 MIN WAIT ON FOOD TOO WHICH SHE WAS TOLD ABOUT!!!! the spoilt bitch got her food anyway. and meanwhile all this was happening loads of tables needed clearing as they had food and plates on them. but i had no time at all and i really wanted to go home for the world cup final at 3 but i had to clear all these plates before i left

i got home and managed to see all the goals though. i was disgusted that those entitled black twitter women think that romero could be racist to mbappe. they know NOTHING about football and stereotype him because he's Argentinian. he's done it lots of times before to white players, he does it as a shithouse move to rub it in and he always goes back to apologise even if it's on text. he's a family man and could never be racist. it makes me sick
he may of done it to get back at mbappe for laughing at kanes penalty miss, it would make sense seeming as romero takes note of everything that happens towards his team and he will never fail to retaliate whether is screaming in their face or snapping their ankles

tonight i have a shift until midnight
i also have booked football tickets for the 8th of January for my local team. jake says he can come but hopefully he doesn't change his mind again

god work was odd. sexual in ways too?
there was a man outside doing something with a lady in a church parking lot. they were intimate apparently. laurence said it was the holy fingering

it's unusually warm today too. recently it's been around -2 but today it was 12 for some reason
anyway a man was so drunk that he couldn't open his eyes when he was speaking to me. i saw on his shirt that he works where my mum works, so i asked him his name and he said Paul. so in the morning i'll tell her
there were some lads talking about their sexual experiences too which i unfortunately overheard

i was told by a friendly old man that comes in that jay, the newish huge guy that works on the bar doesn't have a place to live. apparently he brought all his suitcases into work with his belongings.. and sofa surfs at his friends houses. it's sad and i hope his parents, if he has any, have some heart

omg the tables have all moved at the back of the restaurant so idk what tables are which. these lads around my age (i checked one of their IDs and they were a day older than me) all dressed up smartly ordered lots of food in different orders. i served them for a third time and they took the food
after a while i was told that some ladies were missing their food. so i was blamed for taking it to the wrong table when these lads said it was theirs?
i didn't accept the blame at all but one of the bar staff made the lads pay for the food they accepted which i was happy about
i'm also working wednesday now too because scott is ill. i lied and tried to push it back a bit and i got it to 1pm - 6:30pm

today i saw we had southern comfort in. a type of whisky i think. well at the end of an engelbert song 'don't touch that dial' on spotify, from one of his live shows, a lady shouts southern comfort and he couldn't hear her. it's quite funny and i'm happy they added it into the song at the end. i never knew what southern comfort was until my mum said it and so tonight with me finding it i wanna try it


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