13.8.22 🧳

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It's half past midnight so I might as well start another diary entry. I'm typing from my new phone, my sisters old iPhone XR

Driving through a run down part of Birmingham and I recognise a place from a tv show where they did a family swap from here to Chicago

Stopped off at some dodgy restaurant pub at the side of the road. Hopefully I don't die
It was okay.. at the end. It was freezing in there and literally everything was dirty, staff were stuck up too so I left a review saying 'cold as a polar bears arse'

We arrived at the place early so we went to the local beach for a look around. It was so so hot and extremely busy. What made it worse was the fact there is no pavement at all

Eventually we went into our cottage. It's very spacious and comfortable I like it a lot
I wouldn't mind living in a place like it

We went to the local corner shop where I got overpriced strawberries, grapes, apples, fruit pastels, jelly babies and a few fantas
I must say everyone down south especially here is so fucking self centred and rude. You can move out the way for them and they don't even look at you
I don't get what's wrong with these people
Oh and in the shop there was a girl my age in a bikini. I've never seen that much skin before at all. and she was walking around like it's completely normal. It's a FUCKING STRING DUDE
Something like that would be illegal where I'm from
I've seen less of intimate partners

There's been lots of attractive girls around but as a teenage boy it's hard not to look. So I have to put my good boy hat on
Shame they'll grow up to be complete fucking cows

The lady at the checkout was very nice to me. The nicest person anywhere near here. Like from here to London she's the nicest

We went on a shopping trip to a local Lidl and now I'm back in my room on my chair
I've had two glasses of merlot so I may be slightly tipsy
Oh and I had a bath..

I'm gonna try and sleep seeming as I haven't slept in a long time
It's so hot here


My diary 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora