4.2.23 ⚽️

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i rushed out as usual and forgot my glasses. alfie was at my door again and so we walked to the restaurant i booked last night
after some waiting, jake showed up late and we got shown to our seat by a window. it was a go up and get what you want kinda breakfast and for three of us it was £29.97

we all ate our breakfasts and talked about the upcoming match among other things. we only ate early today because we wanna see all the players go into the stadium and take selfies with them. alfie doesn't think it'll happen. he says they'll walk past

after my muffin was obliterated on the floor and seasoned with pepper we set off 4 hours before kick off for the match. alfie left us half way to go walk his dog but me and jake waited for the bus with a friendly old lady. she asked if this was the bus to our local city and i explained the bus system to her

eventually when the bus came, it was very busy but me and jake managed to sit close to each other and i set next to this old lady whom i spoke to for most of the ride. she's from liverpool and came here recently as her husband is here for work i think? i explained the buses again and she was saying people in the city aren't friendly or speak to you. they said they'd look at her gone out but i guess i proved her wrong by being friendly. i did agree that the people in the city aren't friendly
i said that me and jake are going to the football match and she wished us well as we departed

pretty much less than a minute after we got off the bus there was a old decrepit man moaning every 3 steps he took. lovely!

we strolled into the market where we found absolutely nothing of interest, and so ended up going to sainsburys to get an expensive bottle of mango and orange tropicana (which i later found disgusting) with a little bobble hat on which was very cute
after walking for a while we decided to head to the stadium. it's fair to say we arrived before the players but there were people there already! we found an opening on the fence further down and waited for a while
every player signed and took pictures with everyone waiting, including me and jake! we took turns for each player that came past us. the only reason i wanted to go and meet the players was to meet the one on loan from my club and i got a picture with him! it's crazy to meet people you think so highly of but my god i looked awful in most of the photos

there was a moment where i took a video, thinking it was a photo and a player noticed it and pointed it out to me but i showed it to him as the like frozen video picture and he then knew it was good
oh i also got a picture with the manager who is a great guy

we bought chips and sat down for the beginning of the match
it was an amazing game. 5-0 one player got a hat trick and that player on loan got his shot blocked by his own teammate!!! furious

we walked back to the shopping centre to look for food but gave up after it was all crappy overpriced stuff and went back to sainsburys for polos

we got the fast bus back and went home

i start work on monday, as i've just got it confirmed by email. full time work for the next 18 months! it'll take a big toll on me but hopefully i'll realise that it's worth it in the long run
lots of football games upcoming too, like tuesday i go back to that far away town to see them play again


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