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my boss declined the weekend i'm going to london on. i mean it's all booked now so it's not as if she's gonna stop me going
as soon as i saw the notification i rang up and she said i need to give 6 weeks notice, that people are on holiday so there's nobody to cover..
my mum read the contract and it says i need to give 3 weeks notice and it's 3 weeks away

me and my mum have a plan that i call in sick on the friday with a chest infection :) they can't stop me going away. i even offered to swap my holidays

on that friday night i'm having a sleepover at jake's where we'll order pizza. then early in the morning parents will pick us up and get the coach to london. then we'll get the uber to the hotel and get ready for the match. maybe go for a meal later in the day? and then sleep there in our room. then coach back the next day

i have work soon

finished work. today went quickly
i helped a customer confidently with choosing their meal, SHE came in.. she was with her parents and as i went to take the plates to their table i recognised her mum first. i said the wrong thing that was on the plate because i was in shock. my legs were weak and i was in a 'AAAAGH' moment in my head
anyway i took the last plate out and had a small conversation as i didn't want to disturb their evening. it was nice to see her again
i was smiling like a crazy person for the next 10 minutes though. to the point where the kitchen staff were asking me why

so that was work today
tomorrow i don't have work and i'll be going to my sisters college option evening at my old secondary school too which should be fun

i sometimes wonder about the time i discovered the SR. like if i went to visit it often on my own before jake knew about it or not but i realise that it'll be in my first diary somewhere
i've still not made the SB. at least now i can see how much of it will be visible in the winter so i know how to hide stuff i put up there

it's nearly been a year of writing these diaries too. that takes a lot of commitment and if i'm doing it for at least 5 minutes a day for a year then that's nearly 3 days of purely diary writing

i never thought i'd get over that hangover on holiday. i thought i'd die but i'm glad to say it's over now. all i did was drink wine a little quickly and i was done for

oh i went driving today too and i rang my grandma up to see how's she's doing seeming as i haven't seen her in a while. i'll be going to see her saturday hopefully


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