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rushed myself ready on this very foggy and cold sunday morning. i had two people cancel last night so there'll be around 6 people going to a 5 a side... i'm sure we'll make it somehow
i realised on my way there that i'd forgot my monster so i had to go home. then as i was nearly there i remember that i'd forgotten my headband which i really needed because my hair restricts my vision
as i walked up to the place i noticed them all standing there. i greeted them as we speak just had to wait a bit for charlie
we realised we couldn't wait for charlie much longer so i went in and got us all into the hall. they were all shocked at how big it was. it was cooler knowing that the whole place was ours for an hour
eventually josh came and we got on with the games. i didn't score a goal until right at the end i think? i don't know if we were still playing or not but i definitely got one good assist
it was 3v4 for the two games but i lost twice. first game was 8-7 i think i lost there but i don't remember which.. second game was 3-3 but lost on penalties

after the game we took a picture and marley gave me a card, the other jake who i've never met before and nobody liked gave me some chocolate buttons, and charlie said he has a engelbert CD for me but he couldn't find it. hopefully it's not one of the two that i already have. jake said he and his mum have presents for me later on
me, charlie and jake stayed together and went to watch the remembrance parade but were a little easily so we went to a local park to talk about girls for a few minutes until we heard the drums of the parade. we'd missed it!
we watched the ceremony anyway where i was making friends with a dog the whole time
charlie had to sit down because he felt sick. he wasn't sick though and went home leaving me and jake to go to a local shop
this time the hot section was in stock so i got an extremely dry bacon cob and i got jake and myself some chocolate milks

i then rushed home for my covid booster. when me and my mum reached the doctors we had to wear a mask to my dismay. when we were told to wait i spoke to this lady about having to wear a mask. she said that they had the conversation that morning on whether it should be mandatory or not but chose to anyway
i was eventually called into a nurses office where the very nice nurse said she had a son called joseph too and said happy birthday! the receptionist didn't even notice. but i had to tell the nurse it was my 18th
so i had it done, barely felt it which was nice and before i knew it i was walking home

when i got home i had a nap for an hour and woke up with a sore left arm
i hastily got ready and went out in the car to pick alfie up from his girlfriends
after some trouble finding him he got into the car as we then went to pick up jake
jake had bought me some presents as he said, from him and his mother. we agreed that we'd open them later on in the car
we drove to the restaurant me and my family went to yesterday, i booked myself in and we all had the same burger. also this time when i ordered the wine i got asked for ID which i happily gave at the ready

i got made fun of by alfie and jake for having wine. i think it's more of the romantic aspect that makes it attractive to me. i don't particularly like the taste but for me, or from what i know, all alcohol tastes bad so i choose wine for its connotations
eventually after getting served by a girl who was in our school 6 years earlier, we'd finished and so my mum came to pay the bill and we left for the cinema
in the car park of the cinema i opened the presents. in one it was a local football clubs shirt with the player name 'mendez wang' instead of 'mendez liang' which i suppose was payback from the shirt i got jake. i found it funny nonetheless and proceeded to open what jakes mum got me. it was a bottle of shiraz! a type of red wine which i haven't tried yet and a chocolate bar :) very kind of her

we got into the cinema but i forgot which room we were in so i had to guess. luckily it was the right one and we sat in our seats, me in the middle and watched the movie
it was called 'prey for the devil' i think? it had some very scary moments though i was laughing most of the time. jake was hiding behind his coat
alfie's breath stank and i said it was his girlfriends bum breath. also at the end of the movie there was a taxi scene where a woman was in the back of a taxi with the driver so i said to alfie 'fake taxi' which he found very funny
then we took them both home!
i messaged jakes mum to say thank you too

i could barely sleep on my shoulder as it was hurting a lot. and i've applied for a lot of jobs now so hopefully they progress


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