30.1.23 ⚽️

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Finally woke up and headed out with my notice letter. It's very cold and as the letter didn't fit in my pocket i had to cover it beneath my coat. I got there and saw Andy at the bar, not seeing Vicky. Assuming she was upstairs, i went up and knocked on the office door to no avail. So i went back down and noticed that she was in front of Andy speaking to a customer. I asked if i could speak to her and she took me to this small table in front of the bar. I handed it to her and said that its my notice. She didn't question it at all and in fact said 'thats brilliant.' when she opened the letter and then said she'd sort it out for me and that was it..

I had a macdonalds wrap for the first time. Way too many tomatoes. I was watching youtube in bed, not ready at all when Alfie said he's at my house so i had to rush like crazy whilst he was calling me
we got to the pub where i noticed my grandparents and their children on my dads side of the family. i caught up with them and noticed they had AA documents on the table so it must've been from when he had his crash recently
later on he came over to the table me and alfie were at and told us about it all and about his wife leaving him.
later on jake came in with his new haircut and we spoke a lot about football and his mum. after a while alfie needed to go and walk his dog so me and jake went to see when the next bus was, but it was around half an hour away. so we walked around a local park for a while until we got our bus

once we were there we had around 4 or 5 hours to spare so we went looking around shops at football shirts and into sainsburys for a small drink
we got bored after a while, meaning we had a slow walk to the stadium where there were thousands of crows or something flying above. there were so many in this huge flock and the sound was crazy. an ocean of squarks
i looked on my phone and i'd missed a call from that pharmacy job. they said to call back tomorrow

we got to the stadium that early that the team buses hadn't arrived yet. we managed to see a lot of players but we were too shy to engage contact. i mean we could've easily got a photo or whatever but oh well

after waiting for the turnstiles to open, we went in. and because it's a cup game the away fans got more seats. so little did i know, i was the seat closest to the away fans.. made me nervous

well the game finished with a loss and it wasn't a surprise as the opposition was a few leagues higher. it was still good to of seen some world class players though
i saw on my phone that my shifts after this week have been removed

walked back in the dark to my family's car who picked me up amongst all the thousands of fans walking back. we dropped jake off and that was it


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