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staying behind for a meal. the rlly good burger again
i learnt to get ice from the cellar today which is cool and also an american lady called linda (very stereotypical) and said she was deadly serious about having hair like mine. she kept wanting my hairdressers number and then was asking if my hair gets darker in winter etc
i pointed to a hairdressers i used to go to down the road and said she should go there. she said that she'll find me if it's shit....

americans are weird

i go to cornwall in two weeks!

work tomorrow then 3 days off
wednesday i have driving lessons
thursday i meet leah
and friday is to myself hopefully

was just looking at works rota and there are some new people in tomorrow. i only get to see one of them for an hour tho. idk where they'll be working either but my guess is that at least one will be in the kitchen
i've stalked them both. both big fat men, one is into reptiles and goes to the res a lot with his weird friends and the other is a gardener


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