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i've been rotting in bed over the last few days. i really ought to sleep for a long time instead i just stay up super super and sleep 8 hours

i woke up very early to meet jake. we both wore shorts out in the freezing wind and rain, we got some funny looks but oh well
we played football where i was terrible and then walked to the SR which is all barren and dead

it's sort of a last minute thing but i booked the football game for tonight and printed the ticket off. i held it off because nobody would go with me. all made excuses so i'm just going by myself

there was a man standing in the main road in pitch black? crazy
got back from the game. i wrapped up very warm with two thermal vests so i wasn't cold
the game was okay, but there was a man behind me, right behind me absolutely screaming for the entire game and my ears hurt badly. even the lady sitting next to him was saying how she was deaf in that ear because of him. because i was in the east stand i got to sit around everybody abusing the linesman
a ball boy time wasted with the goalkeeper which he found amusing

i'm applying for lots of jobs. i have two phone interviews on the same day coming up soon, both crappy jobs though
two managers i don't get on well with and i'm on a 0 hour contract. i need to progress my career and it won't be happening here

i'd love a crap job if it was in Bermuda let's say. i really would and i'd be forever happy

work tomorrow.. it's new year's eve and i'll be working until midnight. unfortunately walking home at midnight is bad enough never mind with drunks everywhere ESPECIALLY on a saturday night. very unsafe
yikes what a bad place to spend your first moments of the new year. oh and to top it all off i'm working from midday new years too, gonna be so exhausted
and the day after that until midnight. yikes

see you next year!


My diary 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon