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i lost my remote for the fan already :((

work was tough. first 10 mins i had a lady saying to me how a few weeks ago she saw me and was saying to her husband about how amazing my hair is
sometimes people talk to me as if i know them but i just don't recognise them at all. i forget a lot of faces which isn't usual for me. i know sandra the blue eyed lady. norma the old lady with all her old lady friends, julie and tim who sit at the window (haven't seen them in a while) and a lot of other people too who haven't been in for a while or names i haven't gotten. oh the 101 man ofc
a lady today, she ordered something but it came as the wrong thing. so she blamed the person who put the order through. so i got it redone for her and the money given back but there was an hour wait. so then she wanted another refund and so the manager just spoke to her. she was really nice to me and dragged me away in a long conversation about how she always gets that food etc. i even asked her name it was something like tuliana idk

but yeah i like being dragged off in conversation especially when there's nothing to do. i was speaking to an old man about german swear words earlier too

work was tough because it was sooo chaotic in the kitchen. the worst i've seen it. so many items were out of stock and the orders were all mixed etc. the old lady and this vegan burger lady didn't help at all. it shouldn't be like that on a thursday lunch time
after a while it settled though and i was speaking to the kitchen lead, allen who was speaking about how he left his parents at 5 to live with his grandparents until 15. he had 4 jobs and so saved up to rent an apartment for £90 a month or something. the first house he got was only £9,000 but sold it at like £70K

hes had a lot of time to travel the world with the job holidays too. going to america and he was saying how he lived in austria for 3 years.
hes now 56 and never had a wife etc. lives in a shared house with 2 other mates or something but has always had money to back him up.

guess real estate really is worth investing in.
said he wouldn't mind a lover though, just not a wife as he likes his independence

i like how he has independence, money to back him up and has travelled the world. but for me at 56 i want to have had an early retirement with lots of money and just travel or something idk. you can always have an income by selling stuff

talking of money, i've just been paid for the week in my bank account. i never spend money on things i don't need at all. like any subscriptions etc or random food items. i hoard it all for when i need it
like how i've just bought clothes etc that's a yearly thing for me. i save it all in my other bank account
tomorrow me and jake are going to the burger place i believe and ig i'll be paying for it
he seemed weird about going on the water tho

going to my grandmas first for a few hours then walking home, to later meet him


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