7.2.23 💼⚽️

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it's my second day of full time work today!
i normally aim to sleep at around 11pm and wake up at 8 so i have enough time to wash my hair and get ready
yesterday was good. i learnt some names of my colleagues like annika, chloe, amy and adil
they're all middle aged women except from adil and chloe
i had to sign a lot of paperwork yesterday for the job and i found that they get paid every 25th of the month
annika even went out to get me hot chocolate because i was cold!

on my lunch hour now! not sure if i've mentioned but it'd a 9-6 job with an hour break and a 5:30 finish on a wednesday
i stopped off at my local greggs to get a steak bake

later i've gotta go home last to get my clothes on for tonight's football game far away

there was man who came in, swearing a lot because he wanted to change his perscription to us but he needed his current doctors consent so they can transfer the info etc... so he goes crazy saying stuff like 'what if i can't breathe and die right here'
everything was so calm and then all of a sudden he comes in like this. just so uncalled for
anyway he eventually stormed out. apparently he was from a different town and one of my colleagues said 'why doesn't he go to '' and swear at their pharmacy'

so i finished work and went straight home and got changed and as fast as i could, went back to the market place where i met jake for the bus
we eventually realised it was one of those infamous ghost bus. the one time we want a bus to be there it isn't.. so i ended up spending £30 on an uber. mr syed came in his volkswagen and stopped in the middle of a main road to find a place to park..
it said he'd been driving for a week, has done 35 trips and enjoys family time so me and jake were fully prepared to get kidnapped

we were not kidnapped in the end but got there in time for the match. i even tipped him £2

the match was terrible. they conceded 2 goals in 6 minutes and the manager started shouting at the fans... one even went over for a conversation with him. very tension packed game
it ended in defeat of course and an old lady fell down the steps there too

we got the train back which was very quick and efficient. trains seems to be cool, i imagined them all as the london underground but they have seating booths

jake's mum took us home


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