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ugh body clock woke me up at 2:50am i got like an hours sleep :/ idk what's wrong with me, i can't sleep for long anymore

it's 4am now and i've just been on youtube looking around. jake's fast asleep on the sofa next to me

jake's now awake. he's gone upstairs to shower while i've changed my shirt
for breakfast i've had a tangfastic and a prawn cocktail pringle
ready to be picked up to go to the bus station any time now! had a sip of jake's mums raspberry smirnoff and i died. it was very firey

we arrived in the city. it was completely empty and pitch black and the bus station too
but after a while of waiting we got on the coach and endured a very long journey
towards the end i was very tired and jake slept most of the way
i was listening to music. jake ended up being sick in a plastic bag which leaked all over his trousers so that wasn't v nice.. he didn't bring any spare clothes either so he went around smelling of sick for a while. the bus driver was nice about it though

once we got off the coach i had the task of booking an uber on my phone. it had to be an XL uber because there was 5 of us
it only took 3 minutes and i got a phone call from this arabian man asking where i was. he couldn't hear me so he hung up and when i realised he was ringing me again we looked around and found him
we followed him across this main road when there was literally cars right in front of us
he put our bags in the boot and set off. that uber cost like £60
he drove past a lot of landmarks which i thought was cool. i got some photos too. london is crazy.. there was a colombian hen party
this driver was really skilled and got us there even faster. he did small things like cutting in and out a slip road to get a few cars ahead
and that's why i tipped him £5 :)

after an hour we arrived at the hotel, we got into our rooms and unpacked everything
i gave jake my jogging bottoms that i planned to sleep in and he went to shower. we tried to wash his trousers in time for the match but they wouldn't dry seeming as he completely dunked them in water
we had the hair dryer out trying to dry them for about an hour
i moved jakes single bed next to my double bed and put the double covers over to his side so we could be closer together
we set out for the match a few hours early. my parents said they were going to the shopping centre but eventually said that they're gonna follow us.. that was never the plan so i told them i didn't want them to and they walked behind us from a distance

outside the stadium it was very busy. jake pointed out a programme stand so i went to it and got two programmes for £8
we wanted to go inside the stadium early so we could find our seats in time as we knew it would only get much busier

we tried to get into this one entrance as i thought you could walk around from it but the man said i had to walk the whole way around the stadium and go in that way
so when we got to the east side of the stadium we put our belongings through a security check and then went in through the turnstiles
i immediately knew i was in the premium area as it was all fancy and there were few people. we had no idea where to go so we decided to go up this escalator which took us to this super super posh area with laid out tables, marble floors and bars in the middle of the floor
i looked outside the glass windows and saw the pitch. i thought i was too high up for my seat so i needed to get back down. i asked one of the staff at the top of the escalator and he said to go to the lift. when we got to the bottom again i still couldn't find where to go
so i asked a lady at a door, she took a look at my ticket and said to go back upstairs
so me and jake went back up and asked one of the people standing at a door by the windows. they said 244 was two doors along so we went to that one and showed my ticket. the kind man said that we can stay for free food and drinks pre and post match and even got someone to show me to my seat! wow
i was treated like a VIP
jake wasn't meant to be with me at all but he did have a premium ticket too and came to sit with me by my seat until the people around me came.
me and jake sat there and looked at the huge huge stadium. i was shocked at its pure size. i'd seen it so many times but never imagined it to be so real
the seats were padded and had drink holders in the seat in front. and a little slot to put the match programme in

eventually jake had to go to his seat. as we got there super early barely anybody was in the stadium so we waited an hour or two for the warm ups, lineups and the game
the game was great in the end. the person to my left was south korean who got schooled by the person behind because he kept standing up and taking videos. and the person to my left was a man with his mate who thought i was in his seat lol. he sang a lot
there were two kind ladies in front of me who smiled at me and told me to get behind the team
i sang and chanted a little bit but my deep teenage voice mixed with my shyness held me back mostly. i'd of course celebrate the two goals that were scored and shout out every now and again

at the end of the match it was pitch black and quite cold. i stayed behind in my seat for a while to really take in the atmosphere but eventually knew i needed to find jake. i was so reluctant to leave my seat as i knew it would be hard to get into the premium area again. before the match i told jake to either meet me in the premium area or at the shop
so i went into the general area looking for him but couldn't find him. then i remembered his data didn't work so i tried messaging him but he barely responded. so i called him but he couldn't hear me. so i waited a long while inside and called him again. he said he was outside
so i left the stadium, knowing that i wouldn't be able to get back in. so we wasted a lot of money there
after a few more messages and calls he said he'd come to me. so i waited a long time and he didn't show. then a while later he said he was at a different place so i went there and then he said he went to where i was. i was cold and surrounded by drunk football fans i didn't like it at all
after around 40 minutes he found me and we started walking back
we spoke a little about the game and the area he sat in but i was too mad to speak. i didn't wanna ruin anything
he asked me where my match programme was and i realised that i forgot it in the slot thing in the seat
he offered me his but i never took up the offer
we walked by the beautifully lit up stadium and i got some more photos. then as we walked by the scarf stands i really wanted to buy one but i don't think the ones i wanted were for sale
so we walked on past lots of loud and dodgy looking people in the pitch black. i didn't wanna get my phone out in case i was mugged
there were lots and lots of police too. we took a wrong turn down a road and once we got back on track through the crammed chaotic traffic we walked back. it was a silent walk back as i was partially mad and partially super tired with only an hour of sleep from the night before. the only thing keeping me awake was the energy drinks and the excitement
we saw the team bus drive past on the way back which was nice
we crossed the bridge over the motorway too which was windy and scary. but we got back. my mum kept messaging me asking where i was so i had to keep calling her and when we walked into the premier inn they were waiting for us to join them at the restaurant which is also why i was annoyed with jake because he wasted the time we could have used to use our premium priority and look at the shops inside the stadium etc, explore there
we went straight to our room and then back to the table where i was quiet. i had a burger with a coffee stick in it? my dad kept asking jake questions idk why. should've just stfu and drank his beer

my mum said that she'd forgot to ring work to tell them that i was off again. as work told her that i needed to ring up every day before my shift to say i wasn't gonna be in
when the meal was finished me and jake went to our room where we watched match of the day. i made myself my first coffee and tea with the sachets, kettle and mugs provided by the hotel in our room. i didn't mind the coffee i just thought it was boring. and i never got around to drinking the tea. i'd just left it on the bedside table
me and jake lay in bed watching match of the day. we talked a little until we did some play fighting like we did the night before where i'd scruff his hair up while he was under the covers
i kissed his head which he found weird. i was flicking through channels when i found him to be fast asleep so i decided to sleep too. it was so hot in the room so luckily before we both slept i turned to room temperature down to 19°C
i took my shirt off and fell asleep

i knew that i didn't wanna go back to the stadium in the morning as my family had already been there
so i didn't set an alarm i just slept


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