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woke up being home alone and went driving
i was home alone because my sister and mum went to a police trial to watch. basically a police officer did something wrong and got fired meaning he losing his pension etc and he is appealing against it. it was adjourned today tho

when i got back we went out for a meal at the local burger place. i feel like the staff always stare at you there and are too forward and attentive. just makes me a little uneasy
i had a lot to eat and then went with my sister and mum to some local shops. i got myself a cool cardigan and weighed and measured myself at my local boots. my BMI is 20.1 so it's good

then when i got home i stayed in bed for the rest of the day.

i had a 2 hour nap and now i can't sleep.
its 5am so i might as well just give up. i'm meeting leah in a few hours so i'll just get a monster to drink or whatever
speaking of her, i need confront her about her not showing interest in me at all. i don't want a one sided relationship and we won't even get into one if she doesn't put effort in

goodnight, good morning? idk

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