16.5.23 💼

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some notable things have happened in the last two days which are worth writing about..

i was dispensing medication when i glanced at the name of the persons i was doing. it was my ex girlfriend or whatever she was...
she had the same item as i mentioned about last time and about half an hour later she rang up the pharmacy asking if it's ready or not, i pretended to search up her record to see if it was ready or not and once i said it was ready we ended the call
so the mf's coming in for it now.. i asked my manager if i could hide when she comes in and she said i could
well i was looking through baskets when i looked up and saw her standing there so i quickly went into the back until my manager said she'd gone
i mean this is next level cuck shit. i'm making contraceptives for my ex to yeah

asides from this my dad (who i hate writing about as i want him out of my life) and out drinking when we were in london and 'fell' onto his face. he dislocated his jaw and fractured it etc, black eye. but left it two days to go the hospital. deciding it would be better to send pictures of it to everyone he knows
he's had his operation today and i hope he flat-lines

i had my haircut today, it's quite short and cost me a ridiculous £16. hoping it will grow nicely though
also i've fallen out with xaana. she was being suicidal and i said life was beautiful and she should be grateful. she's always saying stupid suicidal things

i'm not sure what more to put, i work out my arms daily and more recently my abs. i still eat lots of crap food though but luckily i don't put weight on


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