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there's not much going on this week at all. this weekend i'll be out with leah, jake and maybe alfie too but that's about it. no football this week

Today at work we found out that while the manager was off, someone dispensed the wrong medication for a patient and the patient took it putting them in hospital
now of course there's lots to this, who dispensed it?
did the pharmacist not check properly?
how did the labels get mixed up?
did the patient not see the wrong packaging?
did the patient not get asked about the medication as they picked it up from the pharmacy?
there's so many security steps it's almost impossible for this to happen yet here we are
his son came in saying something about the man being in hospital, he's 90 (the man who took the drugs) and his son is saying he seems a lot older now he's taken them? also the drug he was supposed to take was atorvastatin and he took omeprazole from my understanding. i asked the pharmacist about how serious a difference this was after the managers discussion and he said it might cause more heartburn but that's about it. so on one hand we are lucky it isn't as bad as the son is making it out to be, he pharmacist also said it's probably not even the medication that put him in hospital, but something else. nonetheless it could've been much worse..

earlier in the week we had a man shoplift some tooth repair stuff and we caught him in the act on camera. he denied it at first then returned it

not sure if i've mentioned this before but i've been told about an old lady who says something about her shoe, leaves, then comes back in through the other door and asks again
well i heard 'have i got anything on my shoe can you just check for me' and immediately recognised it as being her for some reason. it's an old lady and i suspected it to be dementia
this lady asked this and said something about leaning over a dog counter? donna at the front desk said that we can't speak to her and the lady was saying she promises she'll go, she has a bus to catch in a minute and just wants someone to check her shoe. i felt really bad and i laughed at the same time. even i was in an emotional rollercoaster because on one hand it's funny that she leaves through one door and comes back in for the literal exact repeat conversation but it's sad that she does it and that she's told we're busy each time. apparently it's OCD and if you talk to her it only feeds it and she carry's on. a colleague told me she's being doing it for 5 years and it can last up to 3 hours at a time, just walking in and out the doors asking the same stuff. i could see the staff getting angry at her too. i asked if i could walk her to her bus stop to get rid of her but i was told not to

well i guess this is my life for the next 17 months. time is going really quickly and i can't seem to grasp why. i'm still in 2020 and now i found myself starting work and finishing work in what seems like 2 hours. i was told i'll be 30 before i know it


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