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rather eventful day today so i thought i'd share what's been going on

ann came in last friday.. this time she said as she went to sit on the bus, her hand touched the lady in front of hers hair and she asks if she'll be okay because of it

so today and maybe for the rest of this week i'll be on the counter on my own... big change from knowing nothing about the counter last week but hey ho. one counter colleague is off on a week holiday and the other, well she went into her garden in the morning, (i assume to walk her dog) and she found a man had hung himself on one of her trees.. she's obviously shaken by it and contacted the manager to have some time off. it really couldn't of happened to a nicer person :/
so yes todays been stressful but i've got through it. lots of people coming in, lots of questions and mysteries. also i had to do 7 a-z's. an a-z is basically when a prescription has been stored wrong on our shelf and it's not where it says it is, or sometimes there's no clue whatsoever so you have to look through every single prescription on the shelf to find it for the person waiting.. it can take 5 minutes sometimes and that's time that impatient people waiting to be served really don't have

i noticed a lady was 59 and you don't have to pay for prescriptions after 60 years old so i said 'only a year left' and she didn't take it too nicely.. i mean i was just trying to be friendly but of course i see why she took it the wrong way.
Luckily i haven't had ann yet.. ofc i will and she always avoids speaking to me so it'll be my first time interacting with her when she's in. she never misses a day normally never mind a week. i never like being mean or arguing with people especially an old lady but she really does have issues. Even if i say i'm a trainee she will 100% not understand or even acknowledge i said that

jake can't get his passport in time as his mum can't find her marriage certificate? so we are planning on a trip to wales now. hopefully i get to go to caldey island again and get a rosary

yesterday was a big clean out day or me. i spent the day in which i never get, and cleaned out my finches cage and gave them some banana and apple too. i should try giving them a chopped grape i'm sure they'd like that. they're too dumb to bite into it

so yes another tricky day ahead. it doesn't help when your manager is huffing and puffing at you and expecting you to know everything, talking to me as if i've been doing it years sort of thing. im not accepting any disrespect from her at all especially for the work i've put in yesterday. i simply don't respond to her if she's like that


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