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todays been a very fast paced day

i woke up, got all my football stuff into my bag like my shirt, glasses, shoes and the tickets. i washed my hair and then set off for a unusually short shift. today i needed to buy tickets for an important football game and they came on sale at 10.. so i went into the toilets at 10 to 'do the toilet checks' and tried to buy the tickets but i didn't have all the info i needed so i couldn't

they gave me my break late as usual and as my grandparents were in i sat with them to buy the tickets on my phone. i rang my mum to get all the info and even my debit card info as i didn't have it with me and it just said loading or something so idk if it bought them
i couldn't do anything about it as i needed to finish my short break so i just left it
i managed to speak to andrea after a long time. i told her about this pharmacy job and explained about the management issues. she said she missed me but not enough to notice i was gone. at least she was honest

right after my shift at 2 i hastily got dressed inside the staff toilet and went out to meet jake in my parents car to go to the football. i only had an hour to get there for kickoff. my mum sorted those tickets out for me and i nearly went to the game with my bag (you can't take bags in as they have to search everything) but luckily i chased the car down and put it inside. we got there just in time for the players to come out anyway

it was a fun game in the end but very cold. the old man sitting next to me was yet again one of those main people in the stands who abuse the linesman. being on the halfway line, we saw a lot of the poor fellow who was abused so much
me and jake walked to the shopping centre in the freezing city and warmed up inside the food court. after a short visit to sainsbury's for a roll of polos and a small can of coke we set off for the bus station to make the quick bus home

when we got into our town we walked past this old man as he had stopped and he called me a twat?

i have bought tickets for a football game in a far away town too. it's two buses away but it should be fun. i'm gonna have to go there on monday to collect the tickets on my own but i'll be there again on the tuesday with jake for the game

my mum said that both of the birds had flown up into their nest, and when i got there the male was back down but the female still up. i've named them Rosemary and Romero btw so i don't know why i keep saying he and she
romero made lots of noise and it worried me because maybe he was trying to tell me something was wrong? i mean rosemary had been up there for a long while and only made muffled chirps every while...
he flew up to her eventually and so i cut off their exit from the cage with a metal sheet and removed the bird bath and replaced the water, food
i guess i just need to wait until the next morning to see what's up with her


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