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oh, yesterday 101 man started cat calling girls in front of their boyfriends so i had to tell him off
an old man i was speaking to about 101 man said that 101 man asked him what food he likes. so the man said scottish shortbread and 101 man bought him scottish shortbread everyday for 2 years...

work done for the weekend now. lots to talk about
i'll first talk about the old lady situation. this happened a while ago too but a group of 6 or 7 old ladies always order food then all get confused about what they order and all talk at once to me overwhelming me. they think it's funny

there was an incident today involving an elderly couple and some chips.. i got very worked up
they ordered a cod and chips and ham egg and chips. in the kitchen i noticed that the yolk had burst so i told the chef and they said if they want it redone that's okay.
so i took the food out to the couple and the man said that he wanted it redone in a blunt manner. so i took it back to the kitchen where it was redone
i took it back out to him. he said that his chips are cold.... his wife said that he just took the plate back to the kitchen so they're gonna be cold. she had some common sense. but then he said that his wife has more chips than him. how fucking petty is it to say that especially just because you were proven to be wrong about something. once he said that he mentioned about his chips being cold again so i didn't know what to say. i tried explaining that the chips were in quantitive amounts. large meal more chips, small meal less chips but his wife said to me that she ordered a small one. so i was proven wrong but he didn't hear me and so asked me to repeat.
at this point i was about to fucking scream into this numb headed fucks face but i walked away instead and told the kitchen. they got him more chips so i took them out and left them alone

a giant old man came in and walked past 101 mans bar side table. 101 man said 'wouldn't like to meet you in a dark alley' 💀💀

i forgot to clock out for a whole hour when i got back..

eye test tomorrow morning

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