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my hair falls out so much
late shift tonight ://

finished work. there was three people doing my job for the first 2 hours so i didn't really know what to do
it got busier as the night went along
i gave an old lady a stool because she was kneeling on the floor. saw her a few times after that later in the day and she was in different places each time. we had a laugh and she said her name was sandra. she had nice blue eyes

later in the day i got out of the busyness to do the toilet checks. i went into the ladies toilets and always look along the cubicles to see if a door is closed or not to know whether i say i'm there or not. so i see nobody there so i walk down and check the toilets and then i see a lady, the door open, knickers down. like wtf?????????????????? i just walked along and said i was doing the toilet checks and then as i walked back to get tf out THE DOOR WAS STILL OPEN??
she then gave me looks for the remaining half an hour she was there
she didn't even seem drunk. she looked 29, blonde tall lady

i got a complaint from a coworker than i smile too much. i'm always smiling at work because i interact with friendly people and the kitchen is sometimes funny too
i think i get my happiness from work and my social needs too seeming as i don't get them from anywhere else. like my validation or whatever. it just makes me happy to meet lots of friendly people. but then of course there's the dickheads but i just go into the kitchen and swear it out
the main manager of the pub said that she was impressed with me too :)

tomorrow i'm meeting a girl from yubo. her name is leah. i've never met a black person before weirdly enough
then on sunday i'm meeting jake. then monday to my grandmas seeming as i didn't go today as i wanted my sleep
oh did i mention i spent my paycheck last night on a bunch of clothes etc. like a really nice yellow shirt for bermuda similar to engelberts. a sleeveless sweater, idk what you call them with nice patterns on, a single vinyl (for the B side as i really love the song on it and it's so rare) two inflatable water rings for me and jake to go on the SR with. that's so we can go to the other side and make a platform there in the blind spot. and so we don't get mf leeches. uhhh i also got some really cool expensive sunglasses


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