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i had a long weird dream where i saw so so many bus and car crashes, and my bike got stolen by thieves also i went on a school holiday and i tried to buy this huge bottle of diablo and when i drank it the man at the counter had watered it down and there was barely any in the bottle because he knew i was underage

on my way to work now. unfortunately i couldn't watch all of the queens funeral because of work. but the celebrations were very nice.
ofc not everyone will be respectful but there's only so much you can do

work was the busiest i've ever ever ever seen it. i looked on the screen and there was around 30 orders. i've never seen the screen shrink to fit more items on let alone have there be an entire second page of orders..
some people waited over an hour for their food which is crazy. but of course it was left to me
i had customers pretty much everywhere i walked asking for things, where there order was, the toilet key. the lot.
there was one standout incident where two lesbian looking ladies (shaved heads?) demanded i find out where their food was. she wasn't nice about it at all but i said that i'd go and look for her
i saw some food was ready and it was a similar table number to theirs but i didn't check, i was too busy thinking about smashing her fucking head in so i just took it out to them. they were not best pleased and told me their table number as if i was mental. i responded with a death stare and later i served them their food

i still want a settled job. i can't make plans or anything anymore
it's strange that the people that work there work their hearts out for such shit pay. can they not just look for better jobs? everyone i've spoke to there says they'll move onto different jobs eventually but they're in their 20s or 30s
by then anyone would've wanted to of settled down

i yet again feel lonely
there's not much i can do about that this time


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