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well a long time ago i booked two days off work for the football, i remembered from last time that i needed to request the days off before the rota was published and a few weeks in advance as Vicky had a go at me. so i did that this time

So eventually the rota was published and they gave me a shift on one of the two consecutive days i had booked off... Naturally as they always do i suspected they'd take it off after a while but the time got closer and closer until i rang up about it. They said call Vicky... So i waited until she was on shift and called her. I explained it to her and she frustratedly said leave it with me. Later that night i got a notification saying the holiday day had been declined?? and the reason was because too many people had booked it off. If you thought the lack of notice was bad enough, i checked who'd booked it off and there were three people who are all on maternity leave, i'd never seen them before. So all throughout the year these three people don't work. Does this mean nobody there at all can book holidays? it makes no sense. They literally hire people like me to cover for these long maternity leave periods on 0 hour contracts and apparently i cant book a day off because???? she cant be bothered to find a cover. Vile

Going back to the previous time i went off (lying to go to London) Rob said that Vicky doesn't accept holidays as its at the bottom of the email page. He said that if she declines it then obviously you cant go but if she doesn't respond it should be okay. I thought that would happen this time as for ages nothing was declined. Therefore i booked a football game for this upcoming day. I was fully in my right to and so now it shows i've got a shift on that day and apparently i cant have it off because of a BS reason!

So what can i do? I could confront her or just not show up on that day. I know i'll get the sack if i do that, it wont look good on my CV plus the managers don't like me. And i'm pretty much worthless to them with my 0 hour contract but tbh i think this is the straw that's broken the camels back. I cant work here any longer and i'm so desperate to hand in my leaving notice. The management is disgusting

In other news my cousin is dating a South Korean girl named Seoungyung i believe? They've been dating since April and they are getting married this winter. My cousin works down south and she is living with his parents here up north, he goes up on weekends to visit her..

So let's set this out. You never see each other, you've known each other from uni for a few months and you're getting married in the same year you've met. It seems suspicious. Me, my mum and grandad think she's trying to get living rights over here.. Like those people do to get a green card in America. I honestly don't care as i'm never in contact with that side of the family but i'd love to see their family and go to the wedding. Apparently we might have to go to Korea to see the wedding over there, I'd love to go there and see the culture etc. Tbh i've stalked her facebook and she's not even pretty either. She's from Busan, a smoggy fishing city in the south of the country which is super hard to get to and quite unappetising

Did i mention i have an apprenticeship interview on Friday? i hope i did. It has really good qualifications and i'd be so glad to get out of my current job for it. Of course i doubt i'd get it, and if i don't then i'm gonna stay in Bermuda for a few months to refresh. Become stronger mentally, learn more about myself independently in adult life. My mum and sister want to come with me and i'm gonna have to let them because my mum doesn't want me to go alone. but i refuse to go with them if my dad goes. This trip is special to me and i'm not having that piece of shit on my 'lovely lovely island' as Engelbert said. They wouldn't be able to stay months, and may leave halfway through the holiday or something because of work. But hopefully my passport comes in time for me to be able to secure this. I'd need to talk to my mum about staying there on my own past their stay etc

Ah some more big news, i'm getting finches! Yes that's right. I'm getting two little pretty birds for my bedroom. I've bought a huge expensive cage for them too. It's tall, has two perches and at the top has a small acitivty enclosure and a nest just above that. It's luxury! I've also splashed cash at a bird bath, some food bowls, nest material (which is made of pure coconut fibre) and of course their food. I've had to borrow money from my mum as i keep banking all my money. So i owe her like £200 which includes my passport price too. My cage is due to arrive tomorrow and if i can get it up in time i might be able to get them tomorrow! If not then definitely the day after

So yes, me and Jake have the football on Saturday immediately after i finish work so i'll update my diary then about the interview, finches and Bermuda maybe


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