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woke up quite early, it's very cold outside but i'm waiting for them both atm

jake's shown up first in his retro shirt, we've just been waiting for alfie for a bit

alfie eventually arrived and we all went in and had our breakfast. i ended up having a shot of jim bean whisky as i remember my grandad liked it. to me it tasted the same as any other alcohol, yuck
alfie said we should go in there more often

after we'd eaten we went to our local co op where i took a picture of the really expensive jelly babies to prove a point. i got a singular roll of polos for 80p
once we'd been in there we went to wait for the bus which didn't take too long. there was a lady who pushed in the line and so i made a point of it to everyone
anyway the back seat of the bus was taken so luckily i went in first, alfie sat next to me and jake sat just in front. someone sat next to jake after a while so we messaged him funny things

we had lots of time until kick off so we decided to go to the city's shopping centre. we went into a sports shop to look at the football shirts there, and then a record shop which sold crap stuff. but ended up getting stuff from greggs. i got a cloudy lemonade to
keep me going and then we headed off for the stadium
after alfie had his wee we went to sit down in our seats, unfortunately it began to rain really hard for a long time and so we were completely soaked with no protection whatsoever. i had my hands on my knees to protect my jeans from being soggy

it ended up to be a really good game. they won by 3 goals but the best part was when one of the oppositions players were injured and the medical team were SOOOO fat that it took them ages to get across the pitch to them to the point where they cheered when they reached him. i made a loud remark which alfie found funny

so after the lovely win we made it back to the shopping centre, me and jake relived ourselves and the nando's seemed really busy as there were people sitting outside of there. i gave this man who worked there my number three times (because he couldn't hear me) and i got updates of when there was a table ready. so to save time alfie went to the toilet
once he was back we went to our table there which had padded seats. we knew we wanted burgers but they were so expensive! i ordered chicken breasts for us all to have too, boneless ofc
so we had our butterfly burgers (i think they were called) and they were literally just a chicken breast, a thick slice of tomato and two slices of bread. nothing else. i mean it was disappointing, dry but i ate it anyway and had the medium spice to it which left a very spicy aftertaste
alfie said that him and jake think i'm gay

we then went to play indoor mini golf inside the shopping centre where i completely destroyed them
i got 46 jake got 56 and alfie 67 lmfao and the par total was 42 so i didn't do too badly at all

by this time it was dark, and after abusing a contactless vending machine we were driven back home


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