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went to driving earlier. it was okay

now off to work! luckily its a three hour shift which is basically nothing as my legs still hurt from playing football with jake on monday

ended up doing a 4 hour shift.. at least im earning money. but i still think i should be earning more for the amount of work i put in. i put my heart and soul into the job everytime i go in there and get shit pay whereas people earn loads by sitting at a desk all day. i deserve more and because i have the mentality to want more im gonna go out and get it. i cant even make plans because the shifts are so random and unplanned. if you want a specific day off you have to book a holiday and then your holidays are gone..
i'll see what the bar work is like and then go from higher paying jobs to higher. and if that doesnt work i'll start my own business

ive been speaking to a man and colleagues about my job and work in general
a man was saying how you need qualifications for everything but me and my mum disagree. its experience that gets you places

work again tomorrow


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