26.4.23 💼

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lots to update about. i think?

the holiday to bermuda is getting ever closer, im booking my mum and sister to swim with dolphins there atm

but the big news is, im going to boston in september/ october to see engelbert. he's touring in lots of cities in massachusetts and even new hampshire so i'll be going to all of his concerts in that week time frame. all four of them and i'm so excited to finally be able to see him. i've bought all the tickets so i just need to look at flights now. one thing that has helped me hugely is deciding to message my auntie that lives in boston. she said i can stay with her and she'll drive me everywhere which i'm so thankful for. i've not seen her since the funeral and that was the only time i have seen her but i'll get to meet my american cousin for the first time too, Dylan, who's only a year younger than me!
i'm saying that it's my pilgrimage for engelbert.
i suppose bermuda is too. i've only wanted to go there because of engelbert. of course xaana has influenced me massively, a friendly face to guide me around and have fun with and reading into the history of the island, the people just fascinates me

works been okay recently. i was on the counter for 2 weeks but i'm back in the dispensary now. i've been put on induction calls with the company im doing this apprenticeship with outside the one i work for and they seem so dodgy. they got my email address completely wrong and even misspelt joseph somehow. they put jospeh..
it's some of my colleagues birthdays soon so i'll have to chip in one way or another. also i've been paid now so i have more than £5. idk how i ended up with such little amount but i did put some into my savings i guess
this pay i have now i need to savour. i've got all my tickets for the show i just need to save up for my local teams season tickets now and then this dolphin swim thing. next time i get paid i'll get the flights sorted too

our manager wasn't in today as she went to alton towers. she bought a season ticket there and she said that if you go 4 times you basically get your money back so she's gone and left us lol. we are terrible on our own. the two other dispensary staff who have been there like 20 years each have one brain cell between them, it didn't help that the local surgery didn't sent any prescriptions over on tuesday at all so we had to do two days in one on wednesday
we managed to do that okay but today has been really hectic and i was dispensing until the end of the day for the first time

on tuesday i went to mansfield.. i got back at 23:45pm after the football. this saturday i go to the local game and another on sunday. then monday me marley charlie jake alfie all that go and play a game between ourselves



My diary 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ