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work done for today. very odd day today with missing foods, random orders that belong to nobody and ofc the complaining customer. lady was also sick in the toilet but she said it wasn't our food.
101 man was telling me jokes.. people call him mad peach and i can tell why
one he said was 'i once had a japanese girl, she pulled her knickers down and it was all saggy so i said 'what's this' she said 'stop clitisising me'
another one was 'a lady told me to stop pushing her around and said she was fed up of me. not my fault she was in a wheelchair'
then there was one about chinese girls and 69 but i won't go into that

oh he passed me a note to give to my manager. on one side it said 'my name is uni bond' and on the other it said 'i fill cracks' lol
i can say she wasn't pleased

now i'm walking in the coming storm and warm rain to the SR to swim. i was hoping that nobody would be there seeming as how warm it is but now it's raining so idk anymore

went into the SR. it's not as cold as i thought it'd be but it's still cold. i think realistically if me and jake wanted to swim in it we'd have to wait until the end of summer when the water is much warmer. and also i had mf leeches on my feet... yuck

i got home and everything's cool. looked at my payslip, i pay tax because the tax person hasn't sorted it out yet so i'm owed like £60 in tax so far which will build up before it's paid back to me

that's all until tomorrow

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