Chapter 108

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She watched the video with her trembling hands. It was me, playing with her daughter. I dressed my niece like an angel while I was wearing an all-black outfit. I licked her daughter's earlobe at the end of the video.
"Don't you dare," She mumbled. "Don't you dare harm my daughter, Athijha!" She yelled while pointing the dagger at me. Then she laughed. "You can't. I know you can't hurt an innocent child."
I snapped my fingers. "Remember when the both of you almost died from a road accident?" I asked then laughed. "I was the one who planned that. Sorry to tell you this but, I can."
"Dad will protect us. You stand no chance against him, against us, Athijha. We have our sword pointed at your neck. Our gun pointed at your temple," She hysterically said.
"And I am just about to cut your head, darling. Do you want to save your daughter's life badly? Then just stand at the corner and watch me ruin all of you just like how you ruined me years ago. Watch me. Just watch me and do not join the war, I'll spare your baby's life."
tears are falling on her cheeks nonstop and I can't help but laugh at her misery. "You're insane," She mumbled.
I cackled like a witch. "Who's fault is that?" I grabbed her by the chin. "Don't you dare make a single move to help them out there, Clea, alright?" The smile on my face faded. "Because I will definitely find out and you know what will happen next."
I casually walked out of the restroom. The MC started to talk about nonsense and something everyone knows about us, the Vistas.
"... Thames Gaddiel Vista and the youngest child of Isaiah Vista, Assia Emeraude Vista."
I threw a quick glance at Exiquel spot who seems to be waiting for me. Eyes on the staircase, darling. I am right here.
I started walking like some sort of royalty and stood beside my brother. I saw how the filthy eyes of Antony widened as well as the eyes of Exiquel and soon as their eyes landed on me.
I smirked and threw my mask away. I bowed a little. "How are you, everyone?" I asked in a sweet voice.
"Athijha, you witch," Antony pointed a gun at me.
Then all of a sudden, everyone at the ball started pointing guns at each other. It's as if we were just in a fairytale a second ago and now, we're in a war.
I looked at my sister who was standing at the corner, doing nothing but cry. Good choice, sis.
"If this makes me a witch, does that mean you are a demon, Antony?" I asked then laughed.
"Athijha," Exiquel called while walking towards us in a slow manner.
I smiled. "I'm sorry, darling. It's Assia. Call me Assia from now on, Quel."
"Stand back, Exiquel. You don't know what she can do," Antony warned.
"Quel, you know that man can do horrible things. Like raping his daughters, assaulting his wife, kidnapping random children, selling drugs," I laughed. "Though, I bet you don't know that he was one of the reasons why your family was messed up."
"Athijha!" Antony yelled then fired his gun. I was lucky I was able to dodge on time.
"Father, did you know that I gathered every policeman and lawyer we know?" I jumped in front of him and took his gun in a swift then whispered to his ear. "Try to pull us down with you and your precious heir shall die before you," I chuckled. "Oh I know, I'll just make you more enemies and let them do the job for me."
I took several steps backward. Then turned my back. Ang just likes what I thought, Antony and his men started firing bullets.
I ripped my skirt to make it shorter the moment I found a place to hide from the flying bullets. I giggled. "Shall we play a game, assholes?"
River and Dad are nowhere to be found. I bet they're chasing some traitors. I shoot Clea on her legs and arms to make sure she won't join the battle. I don't want her breaking her promise again. Besides, I'd feel a little guilty if I ends up killing my niece.
I shoot the man who was about to shoot Quel then stood by his side.
"Athi... Assia, what the fuck is happening?"
"Isn't it obvious, Exiquel? Getting my revenge, of course," I said. I handed Exiquel the USB. "Give that to my lawyer, Quel, please. And make sure to put that damn rapist behind the bars," I added then ran after Antony who dragged my mom out with him.
I gritted my teeth. You're escaping, huh? You're really escaping.
"Anton!" I called and chased him until he stopped where there's no one around.
He turned to me then pointed his gun. He took my mom as his hostage and I can't help but to curse him to death because of that stupid smile on his lips.
"You moron," I growled.
He laughed. "You're all talk, my dear daughter."
"How dare you take my mom as a hostage?" I tightened my grip on my gun. "How dare you do this again, Antony?!"
He pointed his gun to my mom's temple which made me advance a step.
"You may have changed your name. You may be angry. You may be a Vista but you are still that fragile little girl I raised," He said in a mocking tone.
"Shut up!"
"You've not changed. You're still weak," He said then fired the gun to the sky.
"I'll kill you," I balled my fist. "I will fucking send you to hell, Antony! Whatever it fucking takes!"
I pointed my gun at him while he pointed hus on my mom's head.
"Then I will take you and your stupid mothe with me," He then let out a small laughter. "Oh I forgot, you can't fire a gun. So I will be the one to send you to hell."
He pointed his gun at me.
I met my mom's gaze. I gave her an apologetic look then bit my lower lip. She nodded in response and flashed a genuine smile. I closed my eyes and screamed at the top of my lungs.
Tears were continously streaming down my cheeks. I heard two consecutive gunshots near me and I am sure one of them was mine.
All I can hear is the sound of my heartbeat as well as the sound of something falling on the wet grass.
I opened my eyes and found Antony lying on the ground. My bullet penetrated his chest and I am pretty sure his breathing is rugged.
I saw my mom, kneeling near him, perfectly still as her eyes were like a broken faucet. She was staring at me.
My knees wobbled as I drop my gun on the ground.
I shot him.
My lips trembled as I fall onto my knees. I can feel an unbearable pain on my back. It's a little too hot and it felt like it was burning my flesh.
I had troubled breathing as I look behind me.
I found the guy I know I have forgotten.
He's grinning from ear to ear as he stares at my miserable state.
"I can send you all to hell. It's my pleasure, Mistress," He said.
"Brandon you..." I coughed blood.
I was already lying on the ground. My vision is slowly turning blurry as he walk towards us.
He was standing in front of me. I suddenly felt so superior just like before every time he's standing before me.
Brandon was my training partner when we were little.
I was five when I first met him. He looked so proper and acts like a real knight.
He was the one who thought me how to use and assemble guns. I was just too coward to use it against someone which is the reason why Anton beats me and locks me up in the basement.
Brandon was the first person I called Kuya.
He used to bring me food because my parents starved me.
He used to teach me martial arts and spar with me.
He used to play with me and Clea secretly because we were all forbidden by Lev.
We used to be best buddies before Anton sent him somewhere far upon finding out our little secrets.
He was our first brother figure. He was my first brother figure before I met Exiquel.
He sat beside me. His eyes were apologizing. But he smiled.
He loaded his gun and pointed it on his head.
He caressed my faced. "You'll always be a little sister to me. I'm sorry."
I wanted to scream. I wantex to yell. But I can't. It felt like my voice box was sealed and my tongue was twirled.
I looked at my mom. She's scared and sad and... I don't know.
My eyelids were already falling but I still managed to grabbed his coat and grip on it tightly.
His eyes was wide open and I wanted to close it but I can't. I was too weak.
After my eyelids dropped, I heard Exiquel's voice, calling my real name.
Well, at least I heard his voice for the last lime.
I can hear the irritating sound of a machine. There's something on ny face, particularly on my nose down to my chin.
My body feels a little too heavy that I can't even lift a finger. I can't also open my eyes as if it was glued.
My back hurts and my throat feels dry.
I can hear someone talking but I can't understand them. It was muffled and I am too exhausted to even try to understand.
I gave in to my body's needs and fell asleep.
"Why is still not waking up? The doctor said the bullet missed her vital point. She should be awake by now."
Eh? Who's that? Who's talking?
"My sister needs rest! She's been restless for a couple of days and she was shot on the back. Isn't she allowed to sleep longer?" Is that my brother?
"Tone down your voice, River," That's my dad. He sounded worried. He sounds exhausted.
Someone clicked his tongue.
I heard the door opened. "Clea, how's your mom?"
Mom. Right, my mom was in that scene.
She witnessed how I shot her husband. She witnessed how I was shot. She witnessed how her nephew killed himself.
She might be in trauma. She might be scared.
Is she blaming herself because she can't do anything? She shouldn't. She shouldn't blame herself.
It was my fault.
I put drugs on her drink which paralyzes a person for four hours. That's why she wasn't able to run or even just take a single step towards us. That's why she wasn't able to fight back even if she's capable.
The edge my eyes started to warm up.
"She's still not talking. She's just staring at the blank wall then she cries every hour."
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, mom.
"I see," Kuya's voice. "Well, that scene was probably traumatic."
Silence enveloped the whole room. Well, the beeping sound of the machine is audibly annoying.
"How's your dad?" It was Exiquel.
No one answered the question. My insides started to feel cold. I didn't kill him, did I?
"He is stable."
I moved my finger then forced my eyes to open up.
The white ceiling is a bit blurry. My head is aching a little.

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