Chapter 16

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"You looked great yesterday. You should consider removing your glasses, comb your hair and wear something not so old-fashioned. Just like yesterday when you arrived at our house."
"I'm more comfortable this way, Iris." She started walking and so did I.
"But you doesn't look gorgeous in that outfit," She doesn't filter her mouth, does she.
"I think I look just fine. So just forget that memory or just kiss the picture you've captured while I'm in that kind of clothes."
Her eyes twinkled. "Hey, speaking of a kiss, did you guys shared one?" She excitedly asked.
"Nope," I replied, emphasizing the sound of letter "P".
"No? Nothing happened? Even just a smack? Or did you guys did the deed?"
"No, nothing happened."
"But why?" I rolled my eyes. What a curious kid.
"Because he loves someone else and I'm just a friend."
"Do you want me to help you make him fall in love? Or do you want to make a love potion? I'll be happy to help." She suggested in a proud way.
"No, but thank you, Iris. I don't want my feelings for him to grow and fall deeper than now."
"Why? You know, you'd make a great couple. Just go and get married." It stopped me.
Married. Sooner or later, he'll become a married man. Husband of my sister.
That idea makes my heart ache but the thought that it's coming true makes my heart shatter like a vulnerable glass.
A pinch on my cheek pulled me back to my senses. "Hey, you're spacing out." Iris said and snapped her fingers in front of my face.
Damon grabbed her hands. "Just leave her alone, Iris. Go back to your campus." I almost shivered because of the coldness of his voice.
She sighed. "See you when I see you, Iris." She ran off like a kid she is while waving her hand. "Bye!" She yelled without looking back.
I looked at Damon only to find out that he's looking at me too. I smiled awkwardly and bowed my head.
"She knows nothing. Don't mind her." He walked out like he didn't say something bothering.
My legs started to tremble as my eyes grow wider. I slowly tilted my head and watched him until he's out of my sight. He knows something. He know a bit of the situation I'm stuck in.
I got stuck between two simple choices. Follow him and ask about it and act like it doesn't bother me. In the end, my feet grew roots that I can't even take a single step.
Just when i was about to take a step a, warm arm wrapped around my shoulders. My eyes traveled from his wrist up his biceps and to his face. His towering figure made me feel like I shrunk but his goofy smile made my day. But what made my heart go somersault was when he bent and closed the distance of our faces.
"You're early today, Miss Alonso."
I suppressed a smile and tried my best to cover it up with a frown and a protruded lips. I removed his arm around me and faced him. He hid his hands in his pockets.
"Jha," He called.
I raised my eyebrow instead of smiling. "What?" I rudely asked and crossed my arms under my chest.
"I just realized..." He smiled while my heart started to raced. "I just realized that..."
"That what?"
"That your height is cute," He arrogantly smiled and fixed his hair.
My jaw dropped as well as my hope when I heard what he said. I glared at him and hit him with my bag.
"What's that supposed to mean? Huh?" I hit him again. "That I am short?"
He shrugged. "I didn't say that. You did." And his laughter roared through the hallway.
"You're just too tall, jerk. You can even compete with the Statue of Liberty!" I marched away while he's still holding his stomach for laughing too much.
I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding. I heaved a deep breath when my face heated up upon remembering how close our faces was to the point that I can smell his minty breath. Damn that distance. I should've went closer to kiss him on the cheeks, but I bet a peck on his lips is better. I slightly shook my head to drive the unnecessary thoughts away especially when I heard his footsteps getting closer.
"I see you're not with your sister today, huh? Did you guys had a fight again?" I almost rolled my eyes. If he only knew how chaotic our -me and my sister- relationship is.
"Uhm no. I just wanna get used to commuting." I reasoned out.
I can almost hear him frown. "What? Why?"
"Nothing, it's for my sake."
"Your father drives you to school, everyday. You can also hire a driver to take you wherever you want."
I sighed. "Dad won't drive me to school sooner or later, Exiquel. And I don't have enough money to hire a personal driver." He placed his palm on my head.
"Are you just making excuses again?" He suspiciously asked.
I wanted to tell him everything that's happening in our household but there's a part of me that's screaming I shouldn't.
I groaned. "I just have a feeling that it'll happen. And I really don't have enough money." I responded and turned right. I opened my locker. "Another thing is, I thought I have to learn how to do it in case something urgent happened and no one's available to drive for me."
"Learn how to drive."
"I don't have a car."
"Ask your parents to get you one."
My forehead creased. "Yeah right. Like it's so easy to do. Oh come on, Quel. I'll get rants from them instead of a car." I sarcastically replied.
"Then I'll drive you," He licked his lower lip and leaned on the lockers. I was about reply when he spoke. "On bed."
My eyes almost left my eye sockets as blood slowly heated my face. I can almost feel my ears releasing smoke. I threw the book I was holding to his face out of instinct
"Are you out of your f*cking mind?!" I hissed as he caress the part where the book landed. But despite of that, he can still bring himself to laugh.
"I'm just kidding." He inserted his hands on his pockets. "Are you some sort of an Amazona or what?"
I shoot him death glares. "You were saying?"
"I said meet me at garden later. I'll teach you how to drive." He winked and saluted to me before walking away.
As soon as he raised a thumbs up in the air, the bell rang. I honestly hope I am flash at this moment. I ran in a hurry, not minding if I lose my poise.
I clenched my chest as I chase my breath with my other hand placed on my trembling knees.
"You're quite early for the next class, Miss Alonso." She said, filled with sarcasm. I can hear the sileng gossips about me and mocking my appearance.  I gasped and bowed my head.
"I'm so sorry, ma'am." I apologetically smiled and slowly went to my seat. I was about to sit down when she yelled.
"Who told you to sit down, Miss Alonso?" That made me stand straight. Small laughter echoed in the room. "Silence!"
She eyed me and scoffed. "What is the difference between state and government, Miss Alonso?"
"M-ma'am?" I stuttered.
"Do I have to repeat my question, Miss Alonso?!" Her eyes are blazing with mixed anger and impatience that I can't even stand staring at them.
"A government is..." I closed my eyes and tried to recall what I have read the last time I studied.
"A government is what, Miss Alonso?!"
I heaved a deep breath. "A government is the political administration of a country or state. A state is the geographical entity that has a unique fiscal system, constitution, and has power and is independent from other states recognized by it." I smiled when she made a face a nodded.
"Sit down," I sat down, satisfied with my answer.
Our classes went well except for the fact that almost all of the professors seemed to have an issue about me today. I was their most favorite target in every recitation. Good thing I didn't messed up.
I went straight to the comfort room after my classes to fix whatever mess I have. I was about to leave when someone pinned me on the sink.
I can see my sister smirking at me from the mirror. "Hey, sis." She whispered before letting me go.
"What do you want, Clea?"
She pouted. "Is that the first thing that came in your mind the moment I approached you, Athijha?" She asked and played with her hair. She then laughed like a psycho. "Because you're right, Athijha."
I stared at her eyes and stared back at me. She's smirking and putting a bitch face on but there's someting playing in her eyes that I can't understand. I dropped my passive expression.
"Hey, what's the matter?" I asked in my softest voice.
She tried to hide the glimmer in her eyes by looking away and letting out an empty laugh. I took a step closer and put a strand of her hair behind her ears. She shoved my hands away and met my eyes.
"Don't touch me. You're gross, Athijha." She said and rolled her eyes. I laughed and gave her a pat on the shoulder.
"You disgusts me, Cleandra." We glared at each other. She was the first to avert her gaze.
"Let's just talk in private." She walked away.
I waited for couple of minutes before I followed her. I looked around. There are only few students left lurking on the hallway, including me.
I was about to head to the waiting area when I remembered that Quel told me to meet him at the garden. I groaned and changed my route.
A few meters away, I can see him playing with a lone tennis ball. My forehead creased. Out of all the places, he really chose this garden? He'll cause damage to the plant if ever he hit them.

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