Chapter 56

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I fisted my hands while accompanying myself to the parking lot of the mall. My vision is getting clouded by red dots because of my lust to kill that fucked up old man.
I drove back to our house to change my dress into something comfortable like jogging pants and a shirt. I don't want to ruin a dress just because I am about to fight my father.
How dare he ruin me to my sister? How dare he pass the blame on me when it is always been him who keeps on interfering with our lives? How dare he involve an innocent person?
I was about to march up to my room when I saw Quel on the sofa in the living room while clenching his fists. His aura is so dark to the point that I can imagine him killing someone with his bare hands.
He lifted his gaze. As soon as our eyes met, chills run down my spine and my hands started to get cold.
He dropped the piece of paper he has been clenching since before I arrived. His eyes reflects the raging fire like he's about to bring hell in this world.
He marched towards me without averting his furious eyes. He grabbed me by the shoulders.
"What did you do, Athijha?"
I winced when his nails started to dug into my skin.
"What did he tell you, Exiquel. What did that fucking monster tell you?" I asked with an equal coldness of his voice.
Anger is slowly crawling up to my consciousness. For the very first time in my life, I felt my body burning in anger.
I am clenching my fist tightly. My breathing is rugged yet my heart is beating calmly. My thoughts are being clouded about how I am going to kill him.
Exiquel laughed sarcastically then slapped me just like how he did before. I wiped the side of my mouth when I tasted blood on it.
I slowly turned around with a smirk plastered on my face. I knew it, I knew that everything he told me is a lie. A fucking lie that I still want to believe.
He threw some papers on my face. And as soon as I saw those pictures, I lost it. I lost every fucking bits of patience I have I lost everything that I am feeling. I have lost control over my facade.
"You are cheating on me, aren't you? You're cheatinf on me with that fucking River!" It doesn't even sounded like a question, more like, a conclusion, a fucking statement.
"No," I answered which he responded with another slap.
"Liar! You are the greatest liar I have ever met! You fucking slut!"
I don't know why I can't seem to lose the smirk plastered on my face but I knew that I have lost every emotion my eyes have been displaying.
I laughed.
I roared into laughter. Suddenly, I can feel my eyes glowing like a fire eating everything flammable in the woods.
A pschotic laughtet echoed inside the living room I wiped the tears from side of my eyes because of laughing so hard.
"What are you not going to believe me too? You believe that fucking asshole? Then go on! Believe him, it's not like I still care about it," He was just staring at me as the fire in his eyes slowly faded into smoke while the smirk on my face is still there.
"Athijha," He called my name.
I laughed upon hearing the name I have been cursing on since I was a kid.
I walked closer to him, acting like doll or a robot just like how people around me have treated me since I was born.
He didn't dare to step back. "Call me whatever you want, Exiquel," I laughed loudly then grabbed his neckties. "Because I am so done... I am so done of explaining and clearing my side."
My sweet voice faded into a flat tone then I removed the glimmer in my eyes.
"Believing him, huh? Then tell your puppeteer that he can never make me his puppet. Not now, not in this lifetime."
"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," He mumbled in a faint voice.
A sinister smile grew wider in my face until it turned into a scream of a mixture of poison.
"That was fucking tough," A small laughter made its eay out of my lips. "Did you know that thought that he can never make you his puppet. I really thought that you are smart enough not to get caught in his childish schemes. It turns out that you're just like everyone else. You're just like our goddamn father who's stupid enough to get played by the fate."
I played with his necktie as he gulp for several times the moment that I licked his neck.
"You are also just a boy despite of your age. You are not man enough to stood up for your brother," I slapped him which echoed in every corner of the living room. "You are not man enough to stood up for your parents and fight with them," I slapped him again. "You are not man enough to look out for every part of the story," His cheeks turned red from getting another slap. "And you are not man enough for your wife!"
I pushed him and made him sit on the sofa. I placed my right knee on the sofa in between his legs. I caged him between my arms with a smirk.
"Do you know why I never believed that you loved me?" I asked in a whispering manner. "It's because between us, you are the real liar, Exiquel. You are the stupid one!"
"Don't say that, Athijha," He said in a pleading tone.
I kissed him on the lips then to his jaw and down to his neck. I smirked when I saw his manhood wanting to get out of his pants.
I pulled away. "Do you realize it now, Exiquel? Do realize now why I never believed that you're in loved with me?" I asked while caressing his manhood bulking on his pants. "It's because you are just a boy, lusting over me. You just want to keep me by your side because I satisfy your worldly desires right? But damn, man! You are a complete fucked up asshole who is a slave of sex just like the rest of the man in the world."
I moved away and stared at him panting on the sofa while looking at me.
"You never changed, Exiquel. You are still as weak as an infant."
I gasped for air as soon as I returned into reality. I am inside my car, still at the parking lot of the mall.
I wiped the beads of sweats on my forehead. I gulped when I recalled the dream I had. I don't want to go home yet.
I don't want to face him yet because I'm not even sure what that motherfucker told my husband.
I gritted my teeth in anger and started driving to the hell personalized only for me. I am driving to the mansion of Alonsos where I am going to punish my father.
I am heading there fast out of anger. It's a good thing that there are only few vehicles running on the road because if it's too crowded, I have already killed innocent people just because they add up to my frustrations and anger.
"Cali," I uttered.
I can almost here her grinning from the other line. "It must be so important. Why did you call, Athijha?"
"Well, I want you to do something for me."
"What will I get in exchange, my dear friend?" I smirked the moment I knew she's going to help me.
I gave her the details 5 minutes before I arrived at the mansion.
I can feel my hands burning with desire to land on that old man's face.
"Anton!" I yelled while marching. "You motherfucker! Show your fucking self to me!"
I barged into the front door, not letting the guards to stop me. I shoved their hands away from me and slapped one one of them.
I glared at them while pointing my fingers directly into their faces. "Don't you dare touch me," I warned as I breath heavily. "Don't you ever dare touch me again or I'll make sure that you're going to regret it. Mark my fucking words!"
I have never cursed this much in my entire life. I have never been this mad. My hands just itched to kill once, but now, they're already looking for someone to murder.

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