Chapter 57

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"Anton! You goddamn motherfucker!"
I turned into the stairs when I heard his familiar steps and his stinky pressence descending.
He's wearing his infamous smirk while eyeing me with amusement. "What a pleasant surprise, my dear little one. Are you going to thank me for the gift I prepared for you?"
"You are a monster!" I was glaring at him while removing my high heels. I held them tight and marched towards him. I threw one of my footwears directly into his face. Too bad, he was kinda fast to move aside.
"Easy, Athijha."
"Easy? Where the hell did that came from? As far as I can remember, you don't have that word in you vocabulary!"
I pulled my hair in frustration as a tear dropped because of intense anger.
"Do you know that you are depriving Clea's kid from having a complete family?" I laughed sarcastically. "Or are you even aware that she's expecting, huh? And what? You passed the blame on me!"
I threw my other shoe and this time, it hit him directly on his face.
"You passed the blame on me again! You are making suffer... again! You are playing me... again! Why?!" My voice echoed in the corners. "Why, huh? Why do you have to do this? Why the hell arr you doing this? What did I even do for you to punish me the way I do not deserve?!"
"You are asking me why?" He asked with a sarcastic smile. "Why don't you ask your mother instead? Or maybe ask Clea."
I shook my head and did not minded what he said. "Of all people, am I your favorite to hurt? Was it not enough? Was my suffering not enough?"
"It is never enough, Athijha."
I clenched my fist tighter upon hearing his answer. "Really? Do you even have a heart?"
"I do have a heart, Athijha. I won't be standing in front of you if I don't," he replied sarcastically.
I kept my mouth shut but I know my eyes says it all. I know he can see my hatred for him. I know he can see how much I despise him.
"I hate you so much. I really do," I tucked. "But do you know what? I loved you as my father. I treated you as a father. I treated you as a father even after you tried to get rid of me when I was younger. I treated you as my father even if you tried send me away. I treated you as my father," My voice trembled and anger was replaced by confusion and sadness.
"Do you want me to thank you for that? Well, wake up and stop dreaming, Athijha. I never treated you as my daughter anyway."
"I know," I uttered while nodding my head.
"Do you also know that I'm plotting something for you?" He asked with a sinister smirk.
Exiquel's face flashed in my mind. I knew... I knew that he's targeting Quel this time. After he targeted Clea.
I shook my head. "Can you let go of Clea's lover? I'll take everything that you're going to give me. I am willing to replace him from. Just please, don't deprive the child from having a normal family."
"You're still choosing her, I see," His evil grin was never wiped out of his face. "Sure thing, Athijha. But be ready, Athijha. Our little game begins now."
"Make sure that you'll do your part unlike the last time."
He dialed someone and I heard how he told his men to let go of Clea's man.
I can't believe he really said that. I can't believe he really did that. I have always knew that he's as evil as a demon but never did I imagine that he'll do anything he can just to obtain his goal. Even if his prey isn't in the lion's den anymore.
I stared at him while he's busy talking on his phone. No wonder why he hated me. I don't have any resemblance of Clea and him. I resemble mom a lot which I think, he hates too.
"All set, Athijha."
Sounds of stilettos echoed in my ears as it land on the marble floor. It gets louder and louder every moment while my father's smirk gets wider while looking at me.
My heart started to race when he mouthed "watch" while his eyes flashes mischief and enjoyment.
"And was it my fault?!" My mouth agape open when he yelled angrily at me but it is not what his eyes says. "You are married to a Saavedra and you still dared to ask for money from us? What a thick face you got there."
"What's happening here?"
I gasped and astounded at the same time the moment I heard my mom's voice.
I looked at the dirty old man then slowly turned to her.
"Your daughter is asking for money for a two-way trip to Maldives," The old man said in a stoic voice before planting a soft kiss on my mom's temple.
He threw me a secretive glance which is filled with a lot of meanings.
I immediately shook my head in fear that she might throw some hateful words to me again. I was biting my lips really hard while shaking my head aggressively.
"Mom, that's not true. I never asked him for that. You belive me, right? He's just lying mom-ah!" I held my cheeks, not daring to turn my head again after receiving a slap.
My body started to get numb when I realized that she won't belive me too just like how Clea did. They do not trust me at all. They trust this old man more than me. Or... did they even trusted me even just for once? I bet they did not.
"How dare you?" She mumbled in disbelief. "How dare you make my husband look bad in my eyes? Just for you to know, Athijha, we do have a dam of money but your husband have triple amount of what we have!"
"Calm down, hon," Anton held my mom's shoulder and massaged it a little while his eyes are fixed on me.
"Was it not enough for you? Was his money not enough for you?"
"Mom, I never wanted anyone's money. I am earning my own so what's the point of asking you for that. Believe me m-"
"Please, mom. Even just now..."
"Shut up!"
"... belive me..."
"Shut up!"
"Listen to me!" I yelled which made her lose her words.
It's probably because this is the first time she ever heard me yelled at her.
"Just please listen to me even just for once?! Because you never did listen! You always think that everything they say about me is true," I was panting while she's staring at me with angry eyes. "You always assumed that everything I say is a lie, right? Why, huh? Is it because I was the reason why you almost lost Clea?"
"Don't you dare speak my daughter's name with that disrespectful tone, Athijha!"
"Was it because I lied about where she was going? Well, sorry because she wanted me to tell you that. Clea wanted to go out because she was so sick of you being too controlling..."
"That's enough," Dad intervened.
"She wanted me to lie to you. I only wanted to help her because she helped me a lot."
"That put my daughter's life in danger! Can't you put that inside your brain?!"
"I had no idea about that!"
"That's why we can never forgive you! You made a reckless move!"
"But I do," Uncontrollable sobs made their way out of my mouth as my cheeks started to get flooded by tears. "I do forgive you for not forgiving me."
I wiped my tears for a second then looked at my mom. "I have already forgave you for abusing me mentally when I was a kid. I have already forgave you for locking me up in the basement everyday. I already forgave you maltreating me and did not even bothered to take me to the hospital even if I am sick. Did you know that I almost died too? I bet not. But despite of that, I have forgiven and loved you so much, mom."
I turned around to clear my face then turned to them again.
"So many chances... I have given you so many chances and still giving you," I chuckled bitterly. "You gave me clothes, you gave me shelter, you fed me. But mom, all I wanted is your love."
"Dad," I called in a hoarse voice. "Did you know that because of sexually harassing me before have lead me to have a selective amnesia?"
I cried harder the moment I remembered that whenever my mom lock me up in the basement, dad will come into the scene and do everything he wants to my body.
"I despised you to the point that my brain chose to forget everything just for me to cope up with pain," I bit my lower lip. "You reminded me of that because of what you have done to me before. I am so sick of your games. I am so sick of being played by you."
I am crying uncontrollably. But... but I wonder why. I wonder why I can't even see remorse in his eyes. I wonder why my mom doesn't even care.
"I am a human too," I tilted my head and smiled a little. "I have feelings too. I am breakable too. I'm tired. I'm tired of forgiving you. I'm so tired of loving you. I have nothing to give you anymore. I can't even love myself. Because... what about me? What about me? I need to be loved to. I wanted to be loved too."
"Clea," I uttered her name with so much bitterness. "It's always her. You gave her all your love and affection. You gave her everything she needed and wanted. While I... I get nothing but pain. I wanted to ask why?"

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