Chapter 21

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Days have passed by but our household is still as chaotic as the day my sister left. Phone calls here and phone calls there. An hour won't pass without my mom calling Clea's name. She won't let dad stop looking for Clea.
I ran my gaze on my surroundings and I can't help but seek her presence. I never told anything about what we've talked about to anyone.
I left without eating breakfast because it will never be the same again. A day without her bitching around me and playing along with mom and dad is just another day of confusion.
I waited for a short while before a taxi happens to pass by. "To York University, please."
I swallowed the lump in my throat when we passed by Clea's favorite cafe. I looked away and prepared cash when I noticed that it will only take less than five minutes before we arrive.
Things aren't as rough as I thought the moment I entered the university's gate. People didn't spare me glance or bullied me like how they used to be. They simply don't care.
I changed my route even if I know that it's farther from our block. I peeked inside their room, hoping that she's there. But she's not.
I sighed and ran away from their block. I used to see her goofing with her friends and laugh like crazy, the exact opposite of what she does at home.
I bumped into someone, the reason why I fell on the floor with my books. I fixed my glasses and gathered all of my things. I was about to walk away when that person held my wrist gently. I raised my head and our eyes met.
He smiled. "We met again, Athijha."
"R-River," I scanned him. "What are you doing here?"
"I am an exchange student," He scratched his nape.
"Oh okay. I'll get going. I don't wanna be late." I waved and ran off. I still heard him called my name but my eyes feels hot. "Later!" I yelled which echoed through the hallway.
"Alonso," I took my paper and smiled at our professor. She nodded and called another.
I didn't look at it at first. I don't want to see the result. I knew I did badly. I sighed as I sit down. My eyes slowly roamed on my test paper up to the result. My hands trembled. I was thankful that I was already on my seat or I'll probably fall on the floor because of my weak knees.
I used my hand as a fan and looked up to prevent my tears from falling. I immediately took my bag and ran to the garden when I heard the bell rang.
I buried my face in my arms when tears got so stubborn and forced their way out. I fisted my hands and heard the soft sound of the paper being crumpled.
I leaned on the tree as soon as I am calmed. I closed my eyes when the bell rang and didn't bother to rush and go to my class. I don't want to go. Going in this kind of emotional and physical state is useless... and scary.
"Can we talk?" I jumped in surprise when I saw Exiquel standing in front of me.
My heart clenched with both pain and joy. After days of not seeing even just his shadow, he's here, standing in front of me.
I nodded and averted my gaze. "Sure," I mumbled.
Uncomfortable silence enveloped us before he broke it.
"Why... why didn't you tell me that your sister is missing?" He asked in a low tone.
"I don't know how to tell you, Quel," I answered. Half-truth, half lie. I don't really know how to tell him and I don't want to tell him at the same time.
"Did you know that the marriage is still on even if she's missing?" I nodded as a response and held my head down, preparing for the following questions he might throw. "And did you know that you'll be the bride?" He asked. My heart couldn't contain the bitterness I heard in his voice. My heart got broken like a fragile glass.
I exhaled in an exasperated way. "I know that too, Quel."
He looked at me with pleading eyes. "Jha, decline our marriage," Damn it, Quel, you're shattering my heart.
He kneeled in front of me with his head bowed. My lips trembled and another batch of tears escaped from their prison. "Quel," I called.
"Please, let's find Clea. Let's find your sister. Help me," But what about her? "I love her so much." What about her feelings Quel? And what about me? "I won't push the wedding fast. I will wait until she decides about the date. I'm gonna apologize. "Help me."
"Quel, Quel," I shook my head as my eyes turned into a mini waterfall. "Let Clea find herself first, okay?" I cupped his face. "Let her fly on her pace for a while. She's... she's broken. Even more broken than what you think."
"But I'll be married to you." That pulled the last string of hope and patience I have for now. "I know that we're both against it, Athijha. Decline the marriage. That's the only way because dad won't let me do that."
"Why are you so against it? Is my sister worth a billion while I worth a single penny to you?",
"I love Cleandra, Jha. She worth the world to me."
"But I love you. I love you, Exiquel!" I almost lost my voice when I screamed. I hid my face on my palms and sobbed uncontrollably. "You may not be aware but I f*cking love you so much!"
He looked at me with a shocked expression and shook his head like he can't believe what I just said. "Jha,"
A small smile crept on my lips. "And I hate you for making me fall over and over again without even noticing it."
"I'm sorry,"
"I don't know how to stop anymore! I've fallen for you so deep that I don't know how to resurface and move on! And I hate you for that. But f*ck this because I love you so much!"
I stared at him weakly and brushed my tears away. I smiled bitterly and stood up. "I'll talk to my parents about it, Quel." I started to walk away. "But don't get your hopes and expectations high," I added.
"Athijha," He called. I refused to look back. I shut my eyes tight and ran as fast as I can.
I forced myself into the crowd and stumbled. I can hear waves of laughter from the people around me. I gently rubbed my wounded knee and stood up and get away from that humiliation.
I don't know where I was heading to. The moment I was sure that I was the only one in that place, I screamed and let myself fall to the ground.
Fear engulfed my system when a shadow of a man appeared. I suddenly felt numb and my hands were cold.
"Please," I whispered without knowing what I am pleading for. Was I pleading for my life? Or was I pleading for a saving?
The man kneeled and reached for me. I shut my eyes tight and cower. His hand made a contact with my body and what he did next surprised me. He pulled me and slammed me on his chest with overflowing gentleness.
Instead of fear, my soul found peace and I don't know why. This man comforts me even if we're strangers. He just hugged me until I was calmed.
I moved away. "Who are you?" I asked between the hiccups.
"It doesn't matter," I looked at him. He looks like a middle-aged man around mom's age, I guess. "It's dangerous here, let me take you back to the University."
His eyes mirrored mine. "How should I know that you're not part of that danger you're talking about? Especially that you look like someone trustworthy. And please remove your mask." I asked, putting my guard up.
He chuckled and removed the mask covering half of his face. He looks awfully familiar. Some of his features are just so... I don't know. I was ready to run when he took something from the pocket of his suit. It could be gone.
"Here," He handed me his ID.
My eyes widened.
Evan Solace.
"Are you... are you somehow related to Iris and Damon? You know, you display the same nickname and you kinda resemble Damon."
"Iriseah and Damon. Those chaotic siblings, you mean?" He laughed at his own humor. "They're my nephews."
Now I know why he looks familiar. He lead me to his car and drove back to the university.
"If you don't mind me asking, how did you found me here, sir."
"Drop the formalities. Call me Uncle. Iris saw you running and wanted to follow you but she still have a flight to catch so she sent me. I can't say no to that brat."
I refused his offer to send me home. I told him that I'll just wait for my father to pick me up.
I let the time pass as I watch people going home before my eyes. I sighed and booked a cab.
"You're all alone again," I didn't bother to look.
"River," I mumbled.
"Why is it whenever I'm around you seems like your thoughts are drowning you." That made me look at him. He's wearing specs at this time. He patted me on the head. "You want to talk about it?"
I tilted my and looked away when the warmth he filled that question reached my heart. I suddenly wanna talk about everything that holds me down.
I opened my mouth but no words came out. My breathing went faster until it turned into sobs. Worry passed through his orbs.
He pulled me by the wrist and embraced me. For the second time of the day, I found myself being comforted by a man with green eyes between his arms.
"It's gonna be okay."
When I arrived home, the ambiance feels heavy... and gloomy. I pulled myself together and knocked on their room.
"M-mom?" I knocked when no one answered. "Dad?" I slowly opened the door and peeked.
I slowly entered the room. "M-mom-" It's like all my thoughts flew away and all that's running in my mind was the furious expression of my mother while her eyes tell more. Anger, disgust, scorn, and everything negative. She's looking at me with so much hate and slapped me once again.
"This is all your fault!" And she slapped me again.

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