Chapter 30

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I clenched my chest when an unbearable pain struck my heart. It hurts so bad.
I held onto the wall and pulled myself up. I was sobbing silently when I ran out of his room. I did not intend to shut the door that loud but I can't help it.
I'm pain. I'm deeply hurt that I can't control my actions.
I drove away from his condo as fast as the legal department allows. I screamed at the top of my lungs and as loud as I can as I drive somewhere I don't know.
I immediately turned off the engine and jumped out of my car as soon as I found a place where there's only me, the moon and the sea can hear my screams.
"Aaahhhhh! Quel, today is our second month of marriage! Damn, and you spent your night fucking another woman?" I fell on the rough sand. "I know you love her so much and I have no match to her. You love her so much to the point that you put me in so much pain because I ruined your plans. You don't have to slap reality on my face as your revenge. You can hurt me until you are satisfied and you know that!"
I looked up to the sky. "But today should be ours but you disregarded me. You should have chose another day. It hurts a lot. Ça fait tellement mal! Ang sakit! Duele mucho!"
"It hurts a lot! Dear moon, you know so much about us, please, do something to help him see my worth," The water is already above my waist. "Or at least, can you just take me up there?" I tried to reach the moon until the waters consumed my body.
I have no plan to resurface again. I let myself get drowned and get swayed by the ocean. But how funny, fate played with my life again. Someone pulled and lifted me until I was able to breath with the seabreeze.
I opened my eyes. The luminous moon greeted me. It is so beautiful that it even had me captivated. I looked at the man who saved me. His hands are trembling and he's looking at me with terror and concern.
"What the hell are you thinking?" He asked in mixed emotions.
Quel. I called him at the back of my mind. I looked at the moon, this will be the last, I faced him and offered a one genuine smile.
"Hey, the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" I uttered, not minding his scary aura.
"Athijha!" He exclaimed while I just smiled.
"I just want to measure how deep the ocean is when the moon is too beautiful for me to resist." I answered.
He remained silent so went to the deeper part again.
"Athijha Esmeray!"
"You know, I'm starting to hate the moon," I stopped when the water reached my neck. "Its beauty almost killed me."
"I'm sorry," He mumbled but it was clear. I faced him and smiled.
"No, you don't have to," I chuckled. "What are you doing here, anyway?" I tilted my head to see his figure more clearer.
"I though my condo was being robbed when I heard the loud sound coming from the door. From the window, I saw your car speeding away," I saw how his Adam's apple moved. "So I decided to follow you."
I walked closer to him and caressed his face. He didn't moved away or flinched. He just stood there while looking directly into my eyes. I bit my lower lip, dropped my gaze and met his eyes again.
I flashed a soft smile. "Do you know how happy I am to meet the Quel I used to play again?" His lips parted. "My best friend."
I tiptoed and planted a feathery kiss on his forehead. I am glad he did not push me away.
"Quel, did you know that a petal of a cherry blossoms fall five centimeters per second?" I whispered.
His frowned but did not say anything. "One step...
Two step...
Three step." I took three steps backward.
His lips parted and stared at me in confusion. "What are you doing?" He asked in almost a whisper manner.
I smiled bitterly. "What else? Helping the Universe to make it easier for it to drift us apart. I mean, to pull me away from my deep atachment to you." I pursed my lips. "I'm going home. I don't want to catch cold."
I walked away and left him standing at the same spot. I refused to look back. I might take back what I am trying to do.
Why does everybody seems like they're pretending that everything's cool when it's not? Why are they smiling at me? Why are they being so kind when I know what they did behind my back?
Pretentious people are around. Keep an eye of them or not, they're still going to betray you.
I flashed a sad smile while watching her commit a crime. She puts everything she can take on her bag. She looked around to make sure that no one is around to tell the authorities about her sin. A tear fell from my eye as I call the cops.
I can't believe she can do this to us, to my family. The moment I heard the siren coming from the vehicle of the cops, I showed myseld and stood up by the door when she was about to escape.
"A-Athijha," She mumbled.
"Lily, I can't believe you can do this," I shook my head in disappointment. "The cops are outside."
"Athijha, get out of my way. They can't catch me. Not today," She pushed me away but I managed to pull her back. "Athijha!"
"No, Lily! Surrender yourself to the authorities and leave whatever you took from us," She pulled her hair in frustration. "You can surrender yourself now and I'll convince my mom to not file a case against you."
Her sarcastic laugh echoed inside the room. "How are going to do that? They never listened to you, Athijha. They will never do what you want them to do so stop blabbering around."
My palm flew to her face. I did not expect that kind of reaction from me, but I also did not expect those words from her.
An empty laugh escaped from her lips. "Why, Athijha? Does it hurt? That's the fact, girl. Just accept it."
"My parents are paying you the rightful amount. They are providing you food. There are the reason why you can eat three times a day without you getting money from your pocket and you still dared to rob us? I treated you as a friend and judging you with your actions, you treated me like a trash, even worse than those people around me." I said filled with melancholia.
"Are you done delivering your speech?"
I shut my eyes. "Robbers loathes their kind," I mumbled. "You betrayed me... us, Lily," I won't let you get away from this.
A sinister smirm crept on her lips. "We'll see about that," She took several steps backwards and then she launched.
My eyes widened when I realized that her fist is heading to my face in a fast pace. I duck and covered my head. She was about to reach for the door knob when I pulled her hair.
"You bitch," She also grabbed my hair and clawed me on my shoulders and arms
I winced in pain. I can feel my blood dripping from my shoulder down to the floor. She then pushed me away which made me lose my balance and hit my back on the sharp edged of the wooden table.
"Ahh," I caressed my back. The pain makes my lower body feel numb.
But I'm glad I managed to give the cops enough time. As soon as she's about to escape, the cops barged inside the room and arrested her.
They helped me get up and walked me to the living room where comfortable chairs are seated.
Mom and dad thanked the cops for responding like a lightning. One of the cops tapped my shoulder before leaving.
I was still wincing in pain when they left us three alone here.
"You," Mom pulled me up which made scream in pain and shock.
"Mom, you're hurting me," I can feel her sharp nails penetrating my skin.
"Why are you here, Athijha? Who gave you a f*cking permission to take a step inside thid house?" She angrily pushed me and slapped me in the face.
"Clio, that's enough. You're daughter is in pain," I wanted to glare and roll my eyes on him but I can't since my mom's here.
"I don't care about what she's feeling, Anton!" She turned to me again. "How many times do I have to tell you that you're not welcome here anymore, huh? You are not part of my family anymore, Athijha!"
I bit my lower lip and bowed my head. My heart started to throb in pain. I did not dare to make a sound when she kicked me on the legs.
"So, how dare you show your face in here, huh? Get out before I make the guards drag you out of here," She yelled as she breathe heavily. Seeing her panth in anger because of me hurts like hell. "Get out!"
I pulled myself up and pushed myself to walk even if the pain on my back is killing me.
I tried my best to bring myself out of that place so my mom wouldn't have to exert more effort commanding the bodyguards, so she don't have to breathe heavily, so that I won't see her angry expression.
I held onto the brick wall to support my weight. I hissed in pain when I touched the swollen part of my body.
I heaved several deep breaths and then walked in a faster pace.
Why can't just pain go away and leave me alone?
Most of the people in the internet says that you should love someone or something for them to leave you alone. Here I am, loving the pain they're giving me as much as I can so it would finally leave me alone, so that they would stop inflicting pain to me.

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