Chapter 18

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I stood up and removed the dirts that got stuck on my skirt.
"Let's go. I still have to read notes and do my assignments. I bet you also have yours."
He clicked his tongue. "I don't really care. I can pass with or without effort." He arrogantly said.
"Not because you're a genius means you have an exception. Please note that you're not really a genius." I rolled my eyes and took the lead.
"Don't make a fuss about it, Athijha. I have my ways."
"If you say so. It's your decision. Good luck with your life."
The ride was too silent but not awkward. I took a nap for a rest while he's driving.
Gentle taps on my face woke me up. I rubbed my eye and sat properly. I took my things and fixed myself.
"Thanks for the ride." I muttered in the middle of yawning.
I was about to geg off the car when he pulled me by the wrist. I looked at him with sleepy eyes. "Do you need something? Or did I forget something?"
What he did next sent high voltage to my body then chill crawled in my spined. My eyes revealed how shocked I was for they're wide awake. My lips parted when I realized what he just did.
He planted a long, soft kiss at the top of my head. He then combed my hair using his fingers and fixed my bangs.
My blood started to feel warm and my brain's sending signals that I can't understand. I can also hear my heartbeats. I hope he doesn't hear it. Given the inched distance between us?
That simple move have awaken the hell out of me!
"You seems off since your birthday ended. I won't ask what's bothering you, Athijha. But remember that I'll always be here. I'll wait until you're ready to talk about it." He gave me a gentle pat. "For now, have a good night, Jha."
I absentmindedly jumped out of his car and watched him leave. I was still staring at the road where he disappeared from my sight when someone nudged me.
She's teasing me with her facial expression. She nudged me again and looked at where I was looking to.
"Stop it," I glared at her.
She laughed modestly at my reaction. She cleared her throat and clicked her tongue. She started to encircling me. She caressed her chin and inspected my clothing.
"Hey! Stop that. You're creeping me out!"
"Damn! You should stop wearing that kind of clothes. As far as I can recall, I shopped bags of branded dresses for you to stop wearing these things." She pouted. "Why aren't you wearing those? Do you really enjoy when everyone around you gets grossed out whenever they look at you?"
"Oh come on, I'd rather be alone than to have social climber friends like yours."
She bit her nail and rolled her eyes. "Come on, you still have to practice your walk."
I let her pull me to the usual place and dressed me up like I am some sort of a doll.
"Come on, shoulders in the back," I followed her instructions while she's filming and capturing photos.
I held my chin up and strikes a pose. "Perfect," I smiled at her compliment. "Now try not to look awkward."
I smiled at her camera. She frowned and glared at me. "What? I'm trying, okay?" I nervously said.
"Well you look more awkward. Don't try to be beautiful, just be natural. Your photos will look genuine."
I heaved a deep breath. I closed my eyes and processed her instructions. I imagined that I am alone and thought of every good things we did together without other people knowing.
She shrieked. "Now that's my sister." She bit her lips.
"May I see?" I asked and walked towards her.
She pouted moved away. "Let me see your walk first and I'll let you see these photos." She smirked.
"Fuck you, Cleandra." I groaned.
"Well fuck you too, bitch." She laughed. "Now proceed."
I put my right hand on my waist and let the other one sway while I walk. I made a slow turn then let both of my hands move freely.
I looked at her. "How was that?"
She squinted her eyes and stood up. "You improved a little," She did something with her iPad for a minute. "But you still have a lot to impr..." She stopped. "Imorove."
We made an eye contact when we heard the gate creeked. "They're here." She whispered. "I'll go first. Wait for couple of minutes before following, okay?" She looked at me, full of authority. "Don't get caught. Your uniform is at the fourteenth bookshelf at the right." She kissed my forehead. "Take care."
She ran in a hurry. I sighed and changed back to my uniform. I removed my make up and put on my glasses. I took a random book from the shelf and sat on the floor.
The door opened the moment I turned the page. I stood up. "Hey, mom."
She nodded. She grabbed the book from my hand and checked it. "You have already read this book thrice. Why are you reading it again?" She suspiciously asked.
I gulped. "It's a good story. I'm kind of addicted to it."
Her eyes dropped on the bracelet. Fuck! I forgot to remove it. I hid both of my hands on my back and smiled. She glared at me and took the bracelet without breaking a sweat.
"Where did you get this?"
"Oh it's uhm," Think, Athijha! "It's a gift."
"Who would give you this kind of gift? It's too expensive," She played with it on her hands.
"It's from Iris. My new friend."
"Who is this Iris? Does she know what kind of a person you are?" She eyed me from head to toe. "And she became your friend knowing that you look like a low class bitch?"
"Iris, her name's Iris Solace."
"A Solace." She laughed. "Should I tell her family what you have done? What do you think, Esmeray?"
"No, please. Don't do it, mom."
She was about to speak when we heard Clea's muffled voice.
"Mom, where are you?"
"I'm here, in the library honey!" She faced me. "Don't ever do something that would ruin you more to me, Esmeray. I'll ruin you in public."
"Mom! Hurry up! I need you here."
"I'm coming, honey."
She dropped the bracelet and didn't even bothered to apologize. I returned the book to where I found it and took my my things.
I made my way to the kitchen to get some foods. I'll just eat dinner in my room.
I took a bag of chips for snacks in case I get hungry at midnight. I was about to exit when mom and Clea entered. Clea raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes.
"What a pity." She mumbled while staring at the foods I am carrying.
She grabbed the chips and opened it on the spot. She smirked. I don't know if she's doing this because she have to or she just wanna annoy me again.
"That's mine,"
"You bought it?" Mom intervened and shut me up. Clea almost burst into laughter because it roasted me. Mom smirked. "I thought so, too. Idiot."
"I didn't know you think the way I do, mom. Does that mean you're an idiot too?" I said with overflowing sarcasm.
Clea took a step back and laughed there silently. Aish! What's new anyway? To our surprise, mom's palm landed on my face twice. Clea was also astounded for a minute and just recovered.
I touched my cheeks and laughed. "You really hate me that much, huh?"
"Y-you deserved it, Athijha." Clea stuttered.
I shut my eyes and ran to my room. I looked at myself in the mirror. Both sides of my face is a red as tomato and they're burning in pain. I hissed. I removed my glassed and washed my face.
My phone beeped.
     You shouldn't have answered her that way. Does it hurt? Bitch, rub it with an ointment if it's swollen.
I rolled my eyes and sent her a thumbs up.
     Really? A thumbs up? I hate you!
     Oh before I forget, we've got to attend a dinner at Saavedra's place tomorrow. Be sure to be ready emotionally and physically incase shit happens. I'll decline the marriage and while you agree on that once they accept that their son will marry you.
My mouth fell open and bombarded her with text messages but she didn't replied. I tried to call her but she dropped it.
     Mom's here.
I leaned on the sink for support. What a mess.
I held my head low as I walk towards the bench at the garden. I put the tray of foods beside me then sanitized my hands.
I are in silence as my brain flew somewhere in the universe. I took a bite of my burger.
"I wonder what will happen." I mumbled under my breath.
"Who are you talking to?"
I shrieked and almost lost a grip on my food. My hand flew on my chest as an instinct to calm my rapid heartbeats. I gasped for air and when I am finally calmed, I raised my gaze to the person who startled me who's currently laughing at my reaction.
I glared at him. "Are you some sort of a mushroom or what? My gosh, Quel! You should've approached in a way that you can't stupefy me!" I pointed at my food. "I almost lost my lunch because of that."
He put his hands in the air. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry," He sat beside me.
"Who gave you permission to sit beside me?" I rudely uttered.
"I gave myself a permission," He then snapped his fingers before my face. "This best friend of yours have a divine beauty." He arrogantly said. I made a face and gave him an eye roll.
"Then why don't you just die," -die loving me- "and be an angel in heaven."
He clicked his tongue. "Girls are willing to kneel just to have me beside them. You must feel lucky that I am just right beside you." He winked at me and did his finger thing. You know, that thing they always do to add up to his charisma?

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