Chapter 43

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"Don't always look up, especially when it's stable and a mess. You might stumble on the things you least expect to trap you on the ground," She looked at me. She's holding a glass of apple juice. "Hi, Athijha,"
"Hey Cali," I greeted her back.
She squinted her eyes. "Why does it feel like you want to ask me about something?"
"Am I that transparent?" I kidded and chuckled.
"Yup! So, what do want to ask me? Come on, I'm interested to hear it."
"How much do you know?" I asked in a flat tone.
"Hmm... how much do I know..." She held her chin then looked up. "I know a lot, Athijha. But not all."
"Let's just say that I am a curious kid and something about you clicked my interest," She replied which made me even more confused.
"Like what?"
"Like how you helped your sister escape and like how she planned something."
"What do you mean?"
She groaned. "Iris told me that you're hella smart that's why I came with her. Turns out, you're still in denial," She threw the glass somewhere, the reason why it shattered into pieces. I gasped as my eyes grew wide at that moment. She leaned on the railings. "Hear this out, Athijha. What if your sister comes back? With a better mindset, a better personality. Everything about her became better. Do you think you'll still stand where you are right now in his life?" She smirked and gave me a pat on my shoulder. "Think about it, lady. Ciao."
I don't know what she's up to but everything she said makes sense. I wonder if she went here to mess up my mind?
I returned my gaze up above where the moon lies.
'Don't always look up, especially when it's stable and a mess. You might stumble on the things you least expect to trap you on the ground.'
Her words echoed in my mind like a broken tape recorder. I chuckled.
"Moon above, show thy sign for me to let go, or for me to hold on."
Just when I stopped mumbling things to the moon, my phone vibrated, indicating that I just received a text message.
My hands were trembling as I open the message from an unregistered number.
Unknown Number:
He found me. Help me.
"Oh my God," I mumbled under my breath while reading the message again and again and again and again.
Her words suddenly came back inside my head.
'Don't bother looking for me, Athijha. I'll be the one to look for you if you're not there anymore. Keep that in mind.'
Are you finally coming back for me, Clea? Are you going to take me away from this place now? But I know you're not okay yet. And he's taking you back against your will.
'I'm sorry, Jha. One day, I'll come back for you. I'll take you out of that place. I'll get back to you as soon as I can finally stand on my own.'
But it's only been months since she left. And he promised not to meddle in her life anymore. Dad promised in exchange for that!
My body started to tremble while different scenarios keep on flowing in my mind. Fear slowly crawled from my toes up to my entire system.
I slid my phone inside my pouch and went inside. I looked for Cali and it didn't take me a long while before I spotted her sitting on the corner, leaning her head on the wall.
I ran to her and grabbed her arms. "Hey, careful," She uttered after she groaned.
"Did you tell anyone about everything you know?" I asked as irritation and fear succumb my mind. "Answer me!"
"No. Jeez! I didn't," She shoved my hands away and stretched. "Let me remind you in case you forgot, the person that you're trying to stop is not just someone you can make a clean deal with," She stood up. "Your father is not an easy opponent, right? He already found out before I did, and you know that. I'm not a foe or an ally of someone. I slid the calling card of my uncle in your pouch earlier if you need professional help," Then she waved her phone. "Then call me if you need a friend."
I stood there for a couple of minutes as I try to process the information that I never wanted to take in.
I sat on the sofa when my weakened knees can't support my weight any longer. I stared at the vastness of nothingness even if tears are slowly forming in my eyes.
I heaved a deep breath and drink the glass of cocktail on the table. I wiped the sides of my mouth then called the waiter to give me another drink.
Most of the people says that alcoholic beverages helps you forget about your reality for a while. I wanted to experience it so I drunk more glasses of liquor.
When I stood up, my head feels funny but the thoughts I wanted to shove off my head is still here, ringing in my head like a broken tape recorder.
"Woah," I muttered under my breath when I almost fell.
I laughed even if nothing's funny and engaged with the busy crowd.
So this is how it feels to be drunk, huh?
"Athijha, what the hell?!" I squinted my eyes and looked at the person who called me.
I pointed at her when I can't remember her name. "W-Who are you?"
"Oh my God! Why are you so drunk? Geez! Kyla will be furious if ever she finds out how big kind of a mess you are right now."
My eyes brightened. "Sol! It's you! Oh my God! Did you know that I really find you cute? Sometimes, I just want to pinch your cheeks," I giggled.
"Gosh," She mumbled. She was saying something but I can't understand them anymore so when she went to check something on her phone, I walked away and leaned on the wall where the least of the people stays.
My eyes started to well up again. "They're all liars," I pouted. "I didn't get to forget about Clea and Quel and me. How dare they fool me."
I let myself slid on the floor the moment my legs abandoned me. I feel so dizzy and my eyelids felt heavy. Why is that? My energy is still as high as the moon but why does it feel like I'm gonna pass out any moment from now?
I took my phone out of my purse to call my sister. She has to know that it wasn't me who told dad about her whereabouts and I need her to bring me home because I really feel sick.
And why the hell am I having hiccups?
"C-Clea," I mumbled as soon as she answered the call. "Sis, did you know that I am a model now? Are you proud of me? Sis, I got to tell you something. It wasn't me, okay? I didn't told him anything, I swear, sis. So please, don't be mad at *hiccups* Athijha. Athijha didn't do anything."
"Sis, why does you voice sounds different? Are you a guy now?" I started sobbing upon having the thought that I no longer have a sister. She became my brother now. "Why do you sound like a guy now? Were you a lesbian and now a transgender?"
"Where are you, Athijha?" I heard the sound of keys from the other line, for her line.
I surround my gaze in the place and leaned my head on my knees. "Sis, you're no longer my sis. You're my brother now, are you?"
"Where are you?" She repeated her question.
"Are you finally coming to get me? I'm at the restaurant owned by the Solaces. At the fourth floor," Just when I was going to tell her not to come because dad's men might be here, she dropped the call.
My face crumbled and placed my phone on the floor. I started weeping like a baby. I shouldn't have called her then. But, didn't I called her to take me with her?
Argh! Athijha, you're so dumb.
I buried my face on my arms and closed my eyes.
"My head feels funny, my body is strong," I sang with the beat of the music. I giggled with my craziness and lifted my head.
Where the hell did that came from?
Minutes later, someone poked me. I shoved his hand away because of irritation. Why can't he just leave me alone?
But he poked my arms again. "Hey! What's you problem?" Muttered in polite tone but with a bit of irritation.
He laughed. "Come on, I'll take you home."
I slapped his hands away when he touched me.
"Hands off, please. I'm married," I said then moved away a bit, afraid that I might offend him. "And you're not my sister. She'll get me out here. I'm going to wait for her."
I heard him groaned. "Why are you so drunk?"
"I'm not drunk." I responded.
"Yeah, tell that to yourself."
I pouted and point my index finger on my face. "I'm not drunk," I said. My voice was filled with finality.
The guy burst into laughter all of a sudden. "Damn, you're really cute. Come on, let's get you home."
"No, I have a husband. I am married and I don't want to create misunderstanding so thank you, but no. And my sister might scold me for going out with strangers."
"Where's your sister then?"
I shook my head. "I don't know. She's hiding from the monsters," I gestured him to stay silent. "Be quiet about that, the monster's goons might hear you."
"He might-" My forehead creased. "Why am I even talking to you? My sister told me not to share too much information to strangers. And my husband might be mad. Di you know that he's a great man even if he's kind of an asshole sometimes?"
I was about to nod but I looked away. "Why am I still talking to you?" He held my wrist. "I won't come with you no matter how you nice you are. It's either sis or my husband or no one at all."
"Silly, I'm your husband."
I squinted my eyes and stared at him for a while. My eyes widened then it suddenly watered up.
"Quel," I sniffed and hugged him. "He's gonna do it again. He'll do it again. Athijha is afraid," I hid my face on his chest. "He make things hard for Athijha."
"Who is he?"
"He's a monster," I mumbled before dozing of to sleep.

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