Chapter 79

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"I was dreaming. What was it, love? I can't remember anything. I don't know. Why are my cheeks wet?" I asked absentmindedly.
He caressed my cheeks then planted a feathery kiss on my forehead. "It's okay, love. You were crying though. Let's just pretend that it was just a nightmare, okay?"
"Sounds bothersome," I replied then tilted my head.
A thousand volts hit my body as I felt countless butterflies dancing in my stomach like crazy.
My eyes widened the moment that I have realized what he's doing.
He's gently kissing me.
He's fucking kissing me!
And it was like my hands have their own life. They traveled from his arms to his nape and his cheeks.
I am shamelessly responding to his kisses.
My eyelids seemed to be heavy. My cheeks started heating up while staring at his face.
I can feel the heat of his palms against my neck and it gave me ticklish sensations I have always been afraid to face yet have been longing to feel for the past one year and eleven months. Nevertheless, I don't want anything like this.
I pulled away and looked down. I am not ready for this yet. I shook my head then bit my lower lip then looked at him.
I tilted my head. "What are you doing here, Exiquel?" I asked.
His lips parted. "I heard you screaming from my room," He mumbled.
"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked in confusion, completely oblivious about what he's saying.
He then let out a smile then ruffled my hair. "I guess you are still half asleep," He chuckled. "You haven't had enough rest, didn't you?"
I shrugged. "Maybe," I replied. "I did dream of you kissing me early in the morning so maybe I did not," I added.
There's this amused expression plastered on his face while watching me.
My forehead creased. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
He shook his head. "Nothing. I just thought that you sure are brave," He said which made me nod to hide the embarrassment I am feeling upon hearing his response.
"Why are you here again?" I asked for the second time.
"I thought I was dreaming last night so I went here to check if you are here. And you are," He said. "And looking at you right now, sitting on the bed you used to sleep on makes me feel somehow relieved because I think I can see the younger you sleeping peacefully after the long, long day."
Just like that, something flew out of my mind while I was looking at him with a blank expression. "Exiquel," I called his name. "I am ready to hear whatever you're going to say."
He shut his lips then averted his gaze. "How about we eat breakfast first?"
"Why? We can talk now and I can leave after that."
He bowed his head. "I... I want to be with you longer because I am not sure if I can still see you or get close to you like this after telling you everything." He reasoned out.
I heaved a deep breath then massaged my temple for a second then looked at him.
"Alright," I mumbled under my breath.
I told him to go first and I'll just fix myself for a minute.
I opened the closest, thinking that the clothes I left before is still there. My lips parted when I realized that my old closet is filled not only with the clothes I left but also Exiquel's. Some are hanged and some are neatly folded and arranged in the most satisfying way.
I gulped then slowly reached for a hanging dress I used to wear when I am going out.
I don't know how long I have been doing my morning routine but I am a hundred percent sure that it's over an hour.
Hmm. I wonder if he's impatient.
I combed my hair and did not bother to blow dry it since I am too lazy to style it. Or maybe... or maybe I just don't want to stay here longer.
I sighed then pulled myself up. I stared at my reflection for the last time before getting my car keys, my phone, and my wallet. I am planning to leave immediately after hearing him out.
That's a lot easier than staying and crying with him. I don't want that. Too dramatic.
I am walking silently in the hallway and careful with my steps while descending downstairs.
Now that it's morning and bright, I can clearly see the beautiful facade of a house that sounds like a gloomy place.
It's clean, yes. But the fact that I can almost imagine cobwebs, insects, and dusts around the place makes me think that this house has been abandoned together with its owner.
I headed to the kitchen and to my surprise, I saw him standing by the stove, wearing a white apron. I am facing his bareback and I can't help but to feel an unknown emotion building up inside as well as confusion and curiosity.
I was astounded, not knowing what to do while I was staring at his back.
What the hell happened to you, Exiquel?
My feet moved by themselves like they have their own life. I was a meter away from him when he noticed my presence.
He faced me then smiled. "I never thought it would only make you more than an hour," He teased then laughed at his own joke. "Take a seat, this will only take a minute or two."
I did what he said. He's busy preparing our meal while I am wondering how he got those scars.
It wasn't there. It wasn't there before I chose to disappear.
His back looks like its skin was forcefully peeled. There are also some traces of whips and a scar that seems to come from a bullet.
I averted my gaze me he removed his apron and wore the shirt he was wearing when I saw him in my room.
He placed our meal on the table then sat by my side.
"Does your head hurt? You were so drunk last night," I blurted out.
He smiled then shook his head. "No, I am kind of used to it," He replied.
I nodded a little then started digging in my food. We ate in silence. I can't talk because I don't want to ruin our appetites when I ask him about his back and I think he doesn't want to talk because he's afraid that the conversation might take a turn into something he's avoiding in front of the table.
Though, I can't deny the fact that I can't seem to brush away the thoughts and questions I have about his scarred back.
Who in their right mind did that to him? I mean... I am fully aware that this happens almost every time to the people acquainted with powerful or rich families.
I kept on trying my best not to look at him but I ended up looking like a creepy lady because I am literally watching his every move while eating.
Damn. He might even misinterpret this! Because even I, even I thinks it's some sort of a Uhm... nevermind.
It was taking me so long to chew and swallow the food because I feel like throwing up. I feel like throwing up hundreds and hundreds of questions. And add the small lump in my throat which seems too sharp that it started cutting from my throat down to my unshielded heart.
I sipped water on my glass.
I almost choked when I looked at him again.
His eyes met mine. They were filled with a lot of unnamed emotions, freely dancing on his orbs like he's not afraid if I ever find out what he feels.
He let out a soft chuckle. "Curious as ever, aren't you, love?" He teased.
I rolled my eyes. "You wouldn't mind if I ask, would you?"
"I wouldn't. Besides, we're done eating so I guess no appetite will be ruined anymore."
If he only knew that I barely had my appetite, I bet he won't even say a single word or he'd just lie to my face again like it is the easiest thing to do.
I smiled as a response then nodded a little. I averted my gaze and looked down. I played with my fingers, thinking if what I am about to ask is just okay.
I cleared my throat. "What... what happened to your back?" I asked in a faint voice.
His lips parted open as that question caught him off guard. It seems like he expected me to ask something about the reason why he chose not to fight for me.
He immensely picked himself up, though. He flashed a small smile.
"You do not remember it that way, do you?" He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't even ask if I knew that those scars are already there before we parted ways."
"Right," He mumbled. "Well, it was a tragedy, Athijha. It happened a week after the news about you being dead spread like a virus."
Based on his answer, I can tell that he's not ready to talk about it right now.
I nodded and refused to ask another. I don't want to be so insensitive and push him to answer something he doesn't want to tackle. I am not so stupid or evil to pour salt and peppers into a fresh wound. It might get worse and develop an infection.
Later, at the same minute, he laughed which made me raise my head and stare at him in confusion.
"Something about you really changed," His eyes are gleaming. "At first I thought you really did, but I guess it was just your facade that has changed."

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