Chapter 72

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Hey there, young man. I am with your dad, now. We doesn't look good together, are we?
"Are you mad at your family?" He asked.
"I am," I replied immediately, I did not even hesitate.
"Do you hate them?"
"Maybe? My blood boils whenever I see them, whenever I think of them, whenever I heard of them. So maybe I am," I bit my tongue when the image of the man I loathe the most flashed in my mind.
"How about me? Do you hate me, love?"
"I," I halted. "I don't know," I whispered.
"That is better than knowing that you do hate me," He sighed. "Maybe you'll hate me soon. When you can remember every bit of your memories."
"You are not sure of that," I replied because I know for the fact that I can remember anything.
His phone rang. Both of us gazed on his phone's screen but I immediately averted my eyes before he turned to me.
So Clea have been calling you, huh? I wonder if the both of you have gone closer.
"Go on, answer that," I said with a smile on my face.
I nodded hesitantly before answering the call then walked away. I was watching him while he was talking and listening to Clea.
Something about him is a little bit off which made me wonder what that bitch has been telling Exiquel.
My forehead creased as I raise my eyebrows when my phone vibrated.
I took it out of my pouch. My brows furrowed in confusion when I saw Kuya's number on my screen.
"What is his problem this time?" I murmured under my breath.
I viewed his message.
Kuya River:
{How long have you been staring at him, little sis?}
My lips parted. "He's here?" I surrounded my gaze in the place but I can't even spot him.
{Kuya, where the hell are you?} I replied.
{Don't mind me, little sis. Mind yourself. Be careful, though. He might melt down just like your ice cream in you keep on staring at him that way.}
I rolled my eyes. {You are creepy, kuya.}
I slid my phone back in my pouch when I saw Exiquel approaching. And I don't want to talk about senseless things with my brother right now.
I raised my eyebrow at Exiquel who looked a bit uneasy.
"What?" I asked in a rude manner.
He scratched he nape. "I kind of have to go now, Athijha," He flashed a shy smile.
"It is kind of important," He replied.
I see. Clea is still far more important than me.
I nodded. "Is that more important than me?" I asked with a little bit of sarcasm. I just hope he did not noticed.
"Just kidding, Exiquel. It is okay, just go," I added.
"Let me take you to your house first, love," He offered.
I raised my palm as well as my right eyebrow. "Can't you see that I am enjoying here? Just go if you need to go, Exiquel. I'll bring myself home if I want to. I can perfectly take a good care of myself."
"Okay then," He sighed. "Text me when you're home, okay?"
I gasped when he kissed the top of my head and my heart started to run in a marathon. Fuck! My brother is just around!
"I'll go now, then. Take care, mi amor," He walked out of my sight while I am still sitting on the bench, dumbfounded.
Oh my God! What did just happen?
I just watched my ice cream melt on my hands, not knowing what to do. I am also a bit nervous and I don't know why.
I feel like my knees are buckling in a way that I won't be able to walk.
It's been a while. It's been a while since the last time that I felt this way. It's been a while since I was thrilled because of something that makes a person crazy. It's been a while since the last time that I've felt the butterflies dancing in my stomach.
The last time was with him, was because him, was made by him.
And it is happening again. It is still caused by the same persob I never thought I am still able to see or speak to.
It is too early to feel so defeated.
But Exiquel Saavedra really have this effect on my mind, heart and soul that keeps me sane and insane at the same time.
Damn this soft heart of mine. Too weak and fragile.
Sometimes, I think of putting a tag on me just to inform the people around me how fragile I can be.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk."
I slowly lifted my gaze and found my brother standing in front of me with his arms crossed under his chest while shaking his head. He was still clicking his tongue.
"I am warning you right now, little sis."
I pouted. "Kuya, is it bad?" I asked in a soft voice.
He made me drop my ice cream before getting his handkerchief out of his pocket. He wiped my sticky hands and I was pouting while watching him wipe them.
He spared me a gaze after praying sanitizer on my palm then he sighed.
"What do you mean by that, Assia?" He asked.
"The warning you were talking about earlier. Is it bad, Kuya?"
He chuckled then messed with my hair. "Silly girl. Of course, it is not, Assia."
He sat down beside me and planted his elbows on his thighs then he looked at something from afar.
"Then what do you mean by warning me?" I asked in confusion because he is kind of hard to read right now unlike the usual.
"It is not bad if it won't hit you with a negative effect just like what happened the last time, Assia."
"I don't love him!" I said in a defensive tone.
He snorted then laughed upon hearing what I just said. "I did not say that you love him, little sis."
"Yah! Stop messing with my brain, kuya! I can't process them properly right now because my brain went haywire and I am dealing with that later!"
"It doesn't matter if you say that you don't love him. All that matters to me and dad is that you won't suffer the pain again. That you become stronger because it is not us who can guard your heart, it's you. So, be ready, okay?"
"It doesn't matter if I am ready or not," I stared at my feet and played with the grasses. "Two months from now, I am leaving this country? Oh, it is actually less than two months already."
I saw him nodded from my peripherals. "So you accepted dad's offer, huh?"
"I did," I looked at him. "That was not just the only reason though. I know that you know why I accepted being the CEO of Vista Grande Chain of Hotels, Kuya."
"Two months. You are going to execute all of your plans in two months?" His eyes are open wide while looking at me which made me chuckle. "Assia, that's... that's sick, little sis! Are you sure?!"
"Kuya! You are underestimating your little sister again," I held my chin high and winked at him. "Of course, I am sure, River."
"Inform me when you need help, okay? Text me or call me. I don't mind," He lift his palm in the air.
"Sure, kuya. But I think I can do it by myself? I mean, the plans are already cooked and served on my table. I just need to have them work and done."
"Still, if you need my help. Even just the minor ones. Just like taking your car out of their sight or discouraging and blackmailing the media."
"So you are the reason why I can't see any medias around when I am walking in a public place, huh? Thank you so much, Kuya," I said then punched him on his shoulder in a joking manner.
"Anyway," He massaged the bridge of his nose. "I almost forgot why I am here. Damn, this is because of that PDA scene I have witnessed earlier."
"Hey! You can just close your eyes and forget that that thing happened earlier," I rolled my eyes.
"I am here because dad wants to see you at the company now and to give you back your keys."
"You can just text or call me."
He looked at me with disbelief. "And what? Send you your car keys via messaging? Dude, I didn't know that is possible," He retorted in sarcasm.
He handed me my keys.
Yeah, he can't leave my keys somewhere out here or leave my car accessible because it might get stolen.
Just how stupid am I to not think of that? Stupidity to the highest fucking level, Assia.
"You were really so nervous and troubled that you did not even thought of the possible things that might happen, huh?"
"I am sorry, okay? And thank you for being so smart that you've thought of what I didn't," I insincerely said then rolled my eyes.
"Psh. Let's just go. They are probably waiting by now."
I let him lead the way. As soon as we arrived where our cars are parked, he opened his and tossed me a black coat.
"What am I going to do with this?"
"I don't know. Throw it if you want. Of course you have to wear that. You have to look professional when you face the people you are going to work with," I sarcastically responded.
I mimicked the way he said that behind his back.
"Where are my keys then?"
He tossed me my keys then hopped on his car.
I heaved a deep breath while holding my keys. It's okay, Assia, he's just trying to annoy you again.
I walked towards my car then went in. I put on some make up to look more presentable in five minutes and fixed my clothes.
I put on the coat Kuya has given me before starting the engine.
"So rude," I mumbled while looking at the back of his car fading out of my sight. "He did not even bother to wait for me."
I groaned.
I stepped on the engine to follow him. I flawlessly maneuvered my car and comfortably leaned on the backrest.
This is probably another life-changing event.

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