Chapter 81

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"I... I didn't mean to break it," I mumbled.
Dad threw the watch on my face. It hit my forehead which made me a little dizzy.
I spent the night crying in my room while covering my ears. They're at it again.
Mom and dad are screaming at each other again, fighting to prove a point that almost makes my ear bleed. Tears are continuously rolling on my cheeks.
I flinched when I heard the sound of a vase breaking into pieces.
It's always like this. Every night, every time they see each other, they'd just start arguing from the smallest thing until every issue gets involved.
They'd start throwing things and painful words to each other like it is the only way to win their stupid war.
I hid myself under the comforter and curled like a baby.
After almost an hour, they stopped fighting. One of them probably stormed out of the house again or walked out like they're rushing errands again.
Money. This family thought me that money runs the world.
Sometimes, I would hear my mom say, "I only married you because our family business needed your help! I only married you for money, Arnold!"
We need money. We need to work to maintain our place in the business industry.
It's always about it, about that. Never about me. Never about their child. I was never my family's priority.
Never about Exiquel. Never about my achievements.
This... this doesn't count as a family. Does it?
Looking at this girl right now, she must be so sheltered. She must be loved in a way everyone would wish to feel. She's so lucky.
She looked away when she caught me staring at her then returned her gaze to the blue sky. "It's magical," She mumbled. "I'd love to witness something magical in this place."
"I'd love to show you something magical," I said while smiling.
I offered my hand. She stared at it for a couple of seconds before she took it. I gently pulled her up. "Something magical you'd want to see again."
"Well, you are not so sure about that," She replied.
"Let's make a bet then."
Her eyes sparkled at that moment then nodded. "Sure," She whispered in the wind.
I pulled her with me and ran to the circus.
She was so overwhelmed with the crowd. There was a glint of a certain emotion in her eyes that I could hardly name.
"Oh my gosh, look," She shrieked in glee when I saw the result. "A dove flew out of the hat!" She giggled and clapped her hands.
I can't help but to smile at her and clap with her. But when she looked at me, I was astounded to the point that all I could do was to groan after rolling my eyes. "TSS! I saw it, Athijha."
She pouted, then held my hand which sent shivers down my spine... Furthermore, she intertwined our fingers. Her green orbs were gently watching me while I was too astonished because of she just did.
Her eyes were filled with happiness and I guess it reflected mine. There was this unknown warmth that embraced my soul.
It's just that, something about her really makes me comfortable like nobody else.
"I'm so thankful when I got to meet you," She said then let go of my hand. She took about five steps back then run towards me.
My eyes widened when she hugged me tightly. Her arms are wrapped around my neck and her head was resting on my chest.
My cheeks burned as my heart started to beat at a fast pace.
I can smell her perfume mixed with her natural scent. It was sweet and gentle just like the personality she's displaying at this moment.
"I accept my defeat," She whispered.
She loosened her arms then took a step back. "I'm so glad that you became my first friend, Quel," She tilted her head. "Make sure to bring me here again the next time, okay?"
I nodded as a response as I can't find my voice to speak.
"The sun is already setting, let's go back to the park now. I'm pretty sure that Clea will come to get me for the next minutes," She said the grabbed me by the hand.
Her hands were so smooth. "Athijha," I called her name. She faced me. "Was it magical?" I asked.
She nodded. "Even more magical than I expected, Exiquel," She giggled. "I want to learn how to do those magics. It was so colorful! And alive! And wonderful! And amazing!"
"I know," I responded. "You're wonderful too."
She clasped her hands. "Hmm-mm! You are amazing, Exiquel! You're so cool! When you were called to accompany them on the stage, you look so free!"
Free. That was the word I never thought I'd hear from her. It was too unknown for me but for some reason, I guess I really did feel so free that time.
I beamed and showed a thumbs up. "Let's do that again next time."
She screamed in joy. She was humming a song while leaping. Somehow, I wanted to protect her innocence and those smiles. I wanted to protect her.
I smiled in a way I can't imagine while watching her take the path opposite to mine. As soon as I saw her get the car, I turned my back and walked on my way home.
An ear-splitting scream reached my ears. I shut my eyes and raise the volume on my headset. This night is going to be as tough as last night.
I continued listening to the music while playing video games to distract myself from their neverending fight. I sighed when our team got defeated. I placed my gamepad on my bed then stood up. I scanned the bookshelves in my room to see if something will get my interest to reread but... never mind.
I opened my window. I jumped on the branch of a tree and I almost fell because of its wetness. I tucked my hands in my pocket after wearing the hood of my jacket. I bowed my head and made my way to the nearest park.
I sat on the bench. When I raised my gaze, I felt my pupil get dilated in surprise. My lips parted while staring at the familiar figure of a girl while looking up at the night sky.
She's wearing a yellow shirt and a white skirt.
"Athijha," I called her name absentmindedly.
She faced me with shock evident in her eyes but her expression immediately shifted into something that could lift someone's mood effortlessly.
"Exiquel, what are you doing here?" She asked.
I was in a state of shock. Not because of her presence but because of how she looked. There was a fresh wound on both of her knees and some cuts on her arms. There were also bruises on her legs.
I stood up with my eyes wide open. "What happened to you?" I asked in a whispering manner.
She smiled. "I fell on a tree earlier. I tried to climb but I didn't know how to get down so... so I fell," She replied.
"Seriously, you should take care of yourself," I mumbled.
"Thanks for the concern but I'm fine," She replied. "Why are you here? It seems like you just sneaked out of your house."
"Well, I guess I really did," I chuckled.
She chuckled. "Of course you did. Is this because of some sort of family problems?" There was a glint of teasing tone but I can say that she's serious about her question. I refused to answer that one since it'll be too obvious if I were to lie. "I guess I was right. I'm sorry I asked."
"It's fine. It's not like it matters a lot," I replied.
"Family matters. I don't mean to intrude but it might feel like they do not matter but deep in your heart, you just want their affection."
My lips remained shut. I don't want to talk, she was right. I just wanted their affection.
In a matter of seconds, I felt a pair of arms being wrapped around me. I looked at her and she smiled.
"You're strong, aren't you? According to the books I have read, strong guys are not afraid to cry. Look at you, you are so strong. No wonder why Ate Clea entrusted me to you."
I touched my cheeks. It was wet because of the tears that fell from my eyes.
"You talk like an old lady, huh?"
She clicked her tongue. "Well, I am kinda empathetic."
"Yeah? That doesn't sound right to me though," I replied followed by a small chuckle.
She pouted. "It doesn't matter if that's what you think because I know a lot better than you could ever imagine," She stood up. "I should head home now. I still have a bunch of schoolwork to do."
She walked away after she said that, She didn't even bother to look back for a second. Maybe that's the reason why she's so free. She's free because she doesn't hesitate to never look back.
I went to the spot where she was standing earlier then looked up. It is full of stars like usual. The moon sure illuminates it. I wonder what she sees up there that made her look lost It doesn't look so extraordinary for me.
I sighed.

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