Chapter 103

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{You tell me why you're insisting we're not divorced later, asshole.}
Yes, I ended up texting him something that might... that might just make him a little better.
I braided a small portion of my hair then tied it at the back. I put on my coat then took my bag.
"Kuya, can you give me a ride? I am a little lazy. You know what happens when I drive lazily, right? I always end up with a fucking ticket from some police officers who doesn't know their place."
He chuckled then pat my head. "Sure. But you should not talk like that about police officers who're just doing their jobs."
I flipped my hair. "You used to like this. What? Is this some sort of black magic and suddenly turned you into some good man?" I sarcastically said.
"Nope, I just fell in love just like you did, little sis," He laughed.
"Well then, looks like we go really crazy because of love."
Dad laughed at us. "Seems like the both of you took after me," He joked.
"Yeah, seems like that's the case. We are a family who have such a nasty taste when it comes to love."
"This is a big deal," My voice echoed in the whole room. I slammed my my hands on the table.
All pairs of eyes are on me. I massaged the bridge of my nose.
"It's been two weeks since the company has lost a hundred million dollars and you didn't even bother calling for an emergency meeting?" I squinted my eyes. "Mr. Kim, are you trying to hide some miscalculations in your part?"
His eyes were fidgeting. He ckeared his throat then fixed his glasses. "No, Miss Vista. I'm sorry."
I ran my gaze to the people sitting in front of me. "Do you have any lead about the person who stole the money?" I asked.
No one answered.
I heaved a deep breath. "Considering that the money we've lost were supposed to be a budget for whatever and you were assigned to handle that," I planted my elbows on the table then leaned my chin on the back of my palm. I flashed a quick sarcastic smile. "I hope you did not forgot that it's your job as well to inform me anything about the financial matters of the company, whether it good or bad."
"I'm sorry, Miss Vista."
"Proceed to your discussion," I said, filled with authority. What can his sorry do anyway?
"As I have said, we've lost an amount of a hundred dollars. Plenty of the departments were affected and some stockholders are pulling out their money from our company because of the fear that they might lose some more. As of the moment, seven percent of the company's income has dropped while the whole corporation suffered three percent."
My frown grew deeper as I am starting to get annoyed by the murmurs around me.
"What are we gonna do now?"
"A hundred million? How are we supposed to recover that without losing some of our minor stockholders?"
My gaze landed on my father and my brother who were sitting comfortably with small smiles on their lips. Seems like they do not have any plan on interfering or helping me.
Also, I have a bad feeling about those little smiles they're showing.
"What should we do, Mr. Vista?" The chief financial officer asked my dad which annoyed me to the bone.
Is this motherfucker underestimating me?
"Why don't you ask the CEO?" He said while pointing at me.
I looked at the damned CFO. There was a hesitation in his eyes while looking at me.
This stupid son of a bitch.
I sighed. "Do not make any unnecessary move. I want you all to work as if we're not facing this dilemma. Work like how you always do. It's hard to work when you're only focusing about solving this matter. Let's end this for now," I looked at each of them. "Expect me to call you back here after lunch or in the evening. Dismissed."
I watched all of them walk out of the conference room except for me, my brother and dad.
As soon as everyone's out of our sight, dad slowly clapped his hands while I pouted because somehow, I am a little shy because I can't come up with a single idea on how to save this company.
"Good job, Assia."
"Have you seen the face of the CFO?" Kuya River started laughing. "Damn! She looked she was about to pee on his pants."
I squinted my eyes then crossed my arms under my chest. "You were completely useless earlier though," I said.
"Come on, Assia. I just know tou can roast him by yourself."
I sighed then walked towards them. I placed my hands on my waist then started tapping my foot on the floor. "You weren't the ones who took the money, did you?" I suspiciously asked.
Both dad and Kuya River started laughing out loud. While holding their stomach.
I knew it! I definitely knew they were the reasons why we're losing some money.
I pouted. "Did you guys not realized that this would happen? You're putting the company at risk. And who the heck is in their right mind to steal money from their own company, huh?"
Dad shuffled my hair. "Don't stress yourself, my daughter. Your brother definitely has his reasons."
"And what could it possibly be?" I impatiently looked at my brother.
He crossed his legs. "It's true that I took money from the company. But a hundred million dollars is too big for what I am up to. I only took twenty million while the other eighty doesn't concern me anymore." He said.
Silence enveloped the conference room for a couple of minutes. I am staring at my brother while he and my dad were just playing with their pens.
After five minutes, the both of them turned thier heads on me while wearing a scheming smirk.
Argh! I don't really know what has gotten onto them and started acting this way. They're usually crazy and childish but it seems like they have extra energies to play for today.
I mentally knocked my head on. This is probably because of what I had done. I never thought that would fuel their childishness.
"Do you have someone in mind, little sis?"
"Yeah," I absentmindedly answered.
"Eh? Who could it be?"
"Exiquel," I mumbled.
I wonder what he's doing now. Is he upset about what I told him earlier? I wonder if he's going to talk to me later.
To my surprise, Kuya River and dad roared into laughter.
"What?" I asked.
"Keep your mind free from Exiquel today, Assia."
"Though, we're both aware how crazy you really are for him."
I felt my face burning as soon as I realized that I spaced out at the wrong moment.
Just how stupid can I be? I covered my face then took my bag.
"I am leaving. I'm going to look for a solution that can solve this fucking problem. Bye!"
I ran away from that place while hugging my bag.
I locked myself in my office and instructed my secretary not to disturb me at the moment.
I pulled my hair in frustration and starting opening some files to read in order to keep my mind focused on the business and away from Exiquel and the embarrassment I just faced inside that stupid conference room.
Something seemed to knock my brain as soon as I read an old article about a certain someone.
I glanced at the wall clock. So it's been four and a half hour since I started to work on this, huh?
I smirked as I started to crack my bones.
Finally! Let's put an end to this goddamn dilemma so that I can focus on the other thing that I have been preparing for such a long time.
"Ada, call the board members. I'll be waiting in the conference room," I said then started walking elegantly to the conference room.
An annoyed smirk in plastered on my lips while sitting on my chair, waiting for the executives to arrive.
I checked my phone only to find out that the stupid Exiquel Saavedra hasn't replied to my text yet.
I roamed my gaze in the room. My forehead creased while staring at the man sitting next to River.
"What are you doing here?" I bluntly asked which stunned most of the people in the room.
"Pardon, Miss Vista?" Mr. Kim responded.
"Pack your things. I don't want to see your fucking face in my company," I said.
He chuckled. Though, he definitely look annoyed. "I can't and I won't. You can't fire an executive position without concrete evidences. That is stated in the law of this company. I hope you have read that, Miss Vista." He replied as crosses his arms across his chest.
I gritted my teeth in annoyance. What a fucking tough nerve you got there. I cursed at the back of my mind.
"Evidences?" I asked. "I believe that is not the right term to use for defending yourself Mr. Kim. Well, unless you committed or guiltu of a certain crime," I flashed a sweet smile.
"Let me ask you this, Mr. Kim, did you do such thing? Stealing, perhaps?" Kuya River mischievously asked.
"Oh no, no, no, no. Stop this nonsense. This is clearly a baseless accusation," He argued.
"I know you have a high intellect. High enough to understand that this is Vista Grande's Corporation. Interfering with the owner's decision is a displeasing act, Mr. Kim. And before I discuss the plans to solve the dilemma we were discussing hours ago, I, being the daughter of Isaiah De Silva Y Vista, giving you a lifetime suspension Mr. CFO."
I looked at my brother when he whistled followed by a small laughter. "I believe that it isn't prohibited nor stated in the law of our company," He said.
"That is the same as firing me!" He exclaimed then turned to dad. "Mr. Vista, discipline your children. They do not know what they're doing."
Dad shook his head. "It isn't, Mr Kim. You can not apply to other company while you're still under ours. You are obliged to do your job as a CFO without salary, and in that case," My father smiled kindly. "A lifetime suspension is even worse than firing you." He said.
I mentally smirked in triumph as I watch him pack his things and leave the conference room.

To The Moon And BackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz