Chapter 73

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I went out of the car in an elegant way. I held my pouch against my stomach while my other hand is relaxing on my side.
I saw my brother near his car, patiently waiting for me. I smiled a little and nodded a little.
Every employees bowed their heads as we walk through them.
I am actually a bit nervous and ashamed because of the attention. It is kind of awkward since they are bowing like I am a queen. Unlike what the fans did when I was modeling, they're screaming my name while holding a banner, they were supporting me.
And damn, this is far more different than being in the media.
The atmosphere is not that light, it is more of a serious and busy atmosphere.
"Relax, little sis. They won't eat you alive," My brother said as soon as we got into the elevator.
"But it feels like they're skinning me alive with their stares, Kuya."
He chuckled. "No, they didn't meant for you to feel that way. They probably want you to feel respected. And you are making their head turn because you were once a model."
"Yeah? Well, I just hope that's it."
Respect. Another thing that I seldom feel and get from my life before was respect aside from love.
Most of the people I know disrespected me as a person, as a lady and as their fellow living thing in this world.
That might be the reason why it feels so weird that I am being respected by a lot of people.
"You'll get to use of everything, little sis."
I scoffed. "Yeah? You also said that to me last year," I sarcastically replied as I was rolling my eyes.
The sounds of my shoes echoed on the hallway as I walk with my brother which made me feel somehow relaxed.
Someone opened the door for us which revealed the people inside the room.
It looks like they just finished the meeting.
I saw my brother smiled from my peripheral vision and I did the same. I bowed my head a little then greeted them in a polite manner.
"You have such a beautiful girlfriend, Thames," An old man joked then tapped my brother's shoulder.
River chuckled then wrapped his arm around my waist. "She is actually my sister, Mr. Guzman."
Dad approached us. "Let me introduce my daughter," He said then stood beside me. "She is Assia Emeraude Vista, the future CEO of Vista Grande Chain of Hotels."
The board members applaud. Some flashed a smile and some did not. Some of them are eyeing curiously with a bit of dislike. It is kind of visible in their eyes even if they're flashing a smile.
I flashed a wide smile and thanked them even if I feel suffocated and excited at the same time.
I have always known that business industry holds toxicity, especially businesses this big.
I tilted my head while talking to one of the board members, slowly getting irritated because of the way she talk. So toxic.
I waved at her and turned my body to the right. I squinted my eyes when I spotted a bearded man sitting at the corner with mixed expression. He looks uncomfortable.
Somthing at the back of my head was enlightened. He sure is familiar.
I smirked inwardly as a playful idea came to dance in my mind. Some scenarios are a bit inhumane but they sure are helpful as I calm my rage at the moment.
I see.
He was that old man who spit disgusting things when I was trying to observe the our company months ago.
Later that minute, our eyes met. I maintained my smile with some sort of unusual intent for some ladies.
I mouthed, "Found you," Before turning my back.
"Kuya," I called then walked towards him.
"Hmm? What is it, little sis?"
I pointed at the man. "Who is that?"
"It's Mr. Lewis, the Chief Financial Officer. Why did you ask?" He responded.
I waved both of my hands and chuckled a bit. "Nothing, nothing at all, Kuya. It's just that, he's not talking or making any interaction with everyone around here. He also looks problematic," I shrugged. "Nevermind, I do not intend to talk to him. He looks scary."
I acted like I am shivering. "Well, he's unusually quiet these last weeks," He said.
"Okay," I replied with enthusiasm.
I bowed my head. I was chuckling at the back of my mind while playing a pen with my fingers. I bit my bottom lip, excited about the things that are running in my mind.
So crazy. So wonderful.
I feel like playing.
I want to play. I want you to be my playmate while the chess pieces are not ready yet.
I looked at him for the last time. "Let's play," I mouthed.
I hope that dad won't be mad at me. He is a righteous man. He never let Kuya do something that is not acceptable or inappropriate for him. But he let me do what I want a year ago though, it might be because he's trying to spoil me now since he never had the chance to pamper me when I was a kid.
Anyways, I am not planning to tell him about this. I know he will understand. He'll understand after executing what is running in my head right now.
I walked towards my father and discussed some business related things. He told me some things that I need to know.
He handed me a folder which contains the business transactions, the plans and the information about another branch that is under construction.
I almost sighed when I saw the deals and the list of names he have shown me.
I suddenly felt so dizzy. Damn, the thought of interacting with these number of people makes me feel sick. I want to go home.
He showed me almost thirty percent of this world and he's planning to discuss it all with me in a span of one week.
Hmph! What can I do? I was the one who asked for that in the first place.
"How was that, Assia? Did you enjoy your first hours of meeting the people you'll work with?" Dad asked while walking towards the dinning area ahead of me and Kuya River.
I scratched the back of my neck and flashed at gentle smile. "It was great, dad. I am actually looking forward on working with them," I replied.
"That's good then," Dad responded.
While Kuya, on the other hand, squinted his eyes and gave me a scrutinizing glare. I'm shivering because of the thought that he might be analyzing me.
"Why? Do you have something to say, River?" I asked in a bitchy tone then rolled my eyes.
He shrugged. "I am recieving a warning from my blood. It feels like you're planning something sinister," He turned to dad. "Look at her, dad. Assia sure is scary with that sinister smile on her face."
My jaw dropped upon hearing that from him. "What?! Sinister?!" I replied in an exaggerated manner. "It is not sinister at all! It is a gentle smile, Kuya! See!" I made him face me.
He pushed my face witb his palm then groaned. "That smile looks irritated more than it looks like gentle. You can't fool me, little sis," He replied then roared in laughter.
"It is because I am annoyed by you right now!" I yelled as my face starts to heat up in embarrassment and annoyance.
"Now, now, don't fight, kids," Dad intervened in a teasing manner.
Kuya River and I looked at him dumbfounded. He roared into laughter upon realising how we dislike being called that way. My eyes twitched as weel as the side of my lips.
I looked at Kuya and he did the same. My gaze flew on my father again.
"Dad, we are not kids anymore," I pouted.
"Yeah, the only kid here is..."
Dad flashed a small smile. "I know," He replied. "But you were acting like one. I wonder what could have happened if you grew up together."
"Then this house could have burnt if we grew up together. I am pretty sure that Kuya River loves to experiment with chemicals or something flammable," I said then laughed.
I held my tummy when it ached because of laughing as soon as I saw Kuya River's face. It was crumpled and it looks like it can not be painted anymore.
He pulled my hair a little. "And I bet that you are the curious kid who would go through my things," He retorted with a hint of annoyance and teasing.
"Huh?! What are you trying to imply here, Kuya?!"
"Enough, Assia, Thames," Dad placed his palms on our heads. Hmm, I can't believe he can reach the top of Kuya River's head despite of the height difference. I would probably need a chair to step on in order to do that.
Dad smiled. "Stop acting like a toddler," He shook his head. "But I hope that you are still one though. I wanted to treat you both to an amusement park."
Kuya jokingly rolled his eyes. "You won't do that, dad. You would probably bring us to Maldives or somewhere fancy."
"I agree! Based on the way you spend money for us right now, you would probably spoil us or tour us around rhe world even if our brain can't appreciate it yet," I seconded.
Dad laughed. "Yeah, probably."
I held my chin. "Now, I wonder how you pampered this jerk before," I pouted. "I am jealous."
"Well, he used to bring me to Paris and bought me anything I want," My jaw dropped upon hearing what he just said.
"No way," I said under my breath.

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