Chapter 84

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He then started laughing like a psychopath while my mom was barely standing a few feet away from us.
I can't see the point why they're doing this. I can't see why they love hurting each other. I wonder, does marriage really work? Or is there really such thing called a family.
I bowed my head then started laughing while my tears were falling from my eyes. I can feel my dad looking at me in disgust as his grip on my hair tightened. Argh! I feel like I am going to grow bald.
I slowly lifted my head. "Is it fun, dad? Does it satisfy you, dad?" I asked.
His face crumpled like paper. Anger and disgust were visible in his eyes. He clicked his tongue angrily then knocked my head on the wall.
"Shut the fuck up!"
My vision started to get blurry. I can feel hot sticky liquid rolling down my cheeks other than my tears. I chuckled at the back of my head when I smelled the scent of blood.
"No! My son."
I can see my mom screaming but I was unable to hear anything. She was tapping my cheeks but I was too weak to respond. All I can see was her teary eyes and the movements of her mouth as I was losing my consciousness.
I came home full of dirt in my clothes. I passed out near the cliff due to pain and exhaustion.
"My goodness, Quel! I was so worried about you! Where did you go? I almost called the cops because I had no idea where to find you," Mom said while hugging me. "Are you alright?"
I pushed her gently. "I'm fine," I replied then walked out.
She followed me though. She was ranting and talking about how worried she was and scolding me not to do that again. To not make her worry again.
I faced her then smiled. "I'm fine, mom."
She caressed my cheeks. "We're going to have you checked tomorrow, okay? We're still not sure about what that concussion has caused you. Take care of yourself, okay?"
"I know."
I suffered from a mild traumatic brain injury because of that hit. It was so hard to concentrate. It was so hard to keep a straight face while having headaches in classes. I was always irritated. It was so hard to keep my cool. I was always dizzy. And it was so hard to sleep. Especially at night. I was basically dysfunctional. I was basically sick. All thanks to my own father.
I was walking through the hallway of the school when I was suddenly feeling nauseated.
Huh? Where is that sound coming from?
And why does everything around me looks like they have their duplicate?
I fell on my knees while I was massaging my temple.
"Hey, are you okay?"
That voice... it's Athijha's voice.
I looked at her. She has this unusual expression on her face and worry was visible in your eyes.
"Are you okay? Aish! Stupid me. You don't look okay. Wait for me here, okay? I'll go get some help."
I absentmindedly nodded. I was leaning on the wall, barely concious. My eyes were shut and my bidy was trembling a little die to coldness.
Fuck it! Am I having a fever again?
I hate it. I hate how they made me feel because of their actions.
It was such a pain in the ass. Being treated as if I've lost an arm. Being treated as if I am some weak and fragile. Being treated as if I am disabled. Being treated like this makes me feel less of a man.
I hate it.
No... I think I hated it because of what they're doing.
I hate it because I am not used to any of this. I was too overwhelmed about everything that I don't know how to address this feelings.
It sucks.
It sucks being me.
Fifteen years. After fifteen years of feeling so alone, this happened.
The spotlight was suddenly pointed direct to me.
Since that day, Athijha never left my side. I would always see her crying while aiding my wounds. She cries whenever our eyes meets as if she was feeling what I was feeling.
"Your eyes looks dead. It hurts seeing them lifeless when I witnessed how they sparkled."
That was what she said.
It's so ridiculous how she can see through me just by looking at me in the eye.
She always checks on me. She'd ask me how's my day. She'd ask me if everything's alright. She'd ask me if I'm feeling alright.
Then she'll smile. She'll smile at me and say something that always blows my mind.
And there... I'll find myself talking about what happened. Sharing my experiences to her. Telling her how bad I wanted to leave this world and just rest six feet under the ground for the rest of the time.
She'll smack my head and talk about how important life is. She'll tell me that I am not alone. That I was never alone. That I have to fight until I successfully serve the purpose of my life.
And I though, this girl is amazing. This girl is like a star. This girl is like life.
With her green eyes that looks alive, she stared at me with warmth.
Maybe... maybe she's an angel disguised as a human.
"You have to live not because you have a life, you have to live this life and feel alive! Do you get what I mean? If not, then get back in your feet. Your battle has not come to its end yet, okay?"
She looks after me but...
But I forgot to look after her.
She was absent the whole week. She didn't go to the park. She won't answer my calls. She wasn't replying on my texts.
She was out of reach the whole week which made me worry about her.
Clea said that she's not home. Clea said that she's been missing since last Sunday.
I went to their house to confirm if Clea was telling the truth. I mean, I trust Clea but something is really off when it comes to their relationship as siblings.
Something's really off. Especially the atmosphere at the Alonso's residence. It was awfully quiet and the air was a bit heavy.
Maybe it's because Athijha's disappearance? Yeah, maybe that's the reason.
I am sitting at my seat while staring at the door. Hoping to see her. Monday has come again and I haven't seen a glimpse of Athijha.
My eyes grew wide when I saw her standing by the door. She was holding a bunch of books while looking down.
Her long hair was chopped and it barely reaches her shoulder.
I ran towards her and took her with me.
"Quel, let go. Where are we going?" She asked while trying to break free from my grasp.
My grip tightened and as soon as we reaches the garden, I pulled her, slamming her small body on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her.
She stiffened. I felt her stiffened when I did that but I don't care anymore.
My hands were trembling.
"Exiquel," She whispered. "Why?"
I refused to answer. I was afraid that my voice might breal when I talk.
Little by little, her body relaxed. And the next thing I knew, she was hugging me back.
"Where did you go, huh? You weren't answering my calls or replying to my texts. I went to your house, do you that? Huh? I was so worried about you! Were you kidnapped?"
I cried on her shoulder while she's caressing my hair.
"Calm down, Quel. I'm here now," She whispered.
"You were gone for the whole week! And that's not even the correct answer to my question. You weren't home. Your family doesn't know about yout whereabouts. You basically disappeared, Athijha."

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