Chapter 91

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I was up all night before that fucking marriage because of how messy the pieces of information those siblings have given me.
They refused to give me more and said that that's all the information they could possibly give me.
I raked my hair and changed into my suit when I saw the clock hitting seven. I'll go later. I'll take a nap for a minute.
Due to exhaustion, I ended up taking a longer rest more than I planned. I rushed to the office as my mind was constantly being clouded by so many things to the point that I can feel helium filling my brain.
The first thing I saw when I arrived was her eyes slowly getting filled with hope. My eyebrows furrowed when I saw something I hate. Her eyes. I hate her eyes.
"By the right and power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife." The judge said with a smile. "You may now kiss the bride."
I nodded then faced her. I slowly leaned towards her. At that moment, I knew she wanted to back away but she seemed rooted on the ground. And I hated that. I kissed the side of her lips, thinking that she might end up letting go of the tears she's been holding up since our eyes met.
You never really wanted this, right? I know you never wanted to because you're selfless but bullshit! You're letting someone control your fucking life!
She was about to move away when I pulled her by the waist. All of a sudden, I felt her body weaken as her eyes turned darker.
I moved closer and gently blew on her ear. I smirked when I felt her body tremble. Don't give me a lifeless look, lady.
"Welcome to hell, wife." My hell. Where I can see your eyes change its light, Athijha. I let go of her and walked away casually.
I swore that I'll never be like my dad. That I'll never mess everything up but... I'm doing exactly the same.
I raked my hair and threw the glass of wine I was holding. I screamed at the top of my lungs. She was there again, talking to the moon as her tears were falling. I can hardly recognize those eyes as she goes farther. I was alarmed when the waters reached her neck but it seems like it doesn't even bother her.
I took two small steps as my breathing turns rugged. Then I found myself rushing to pull her up to the surface.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at her.
And there she goes again, she looked at me with her kind eyes yet dead.
I was frozen on my spot when she declared that she'll be taking those first three steps away to pull herself away from me. It scared me, of course, it did. But somehow, it made me happy that she's trying to break free from our grasp.
I watched her back until she faded in the dark.
I smiled. "Clea, she's growing. She's finally growing stronger." I mumbled as my lips tremble. "Don't kick me in the butt if you ever find out that I'm being a total asshole, okay?"
This is what we've always wanted, right? For her to break free. For her to live for herself.
I looked up to the moon. "One day, she'll stop talking to you as well." I walked away and headed to the cliff.
Just when I thought I was freeing you, I started wanting to keep you by my side forever. As if I was ready to break the promise I have made to Clea that I'll never do that.
I was just trying so hard to set her free but... I forgot to protect her. I forgot that she's still that fragile girl I've met at the park.
"I don't remember having a business with you today, Quel," Damon said with his eyebrows almost meeting each other.
Iris was tailing him while eating strawberry-flavored ice cream. She rolled her eyes. "You don't have to have a business with somebody who's clearly your friend, Kuya."
I smiled a little. "Iris is right, Dame."
Damon sighed then sat on the sofa across my seat. "Why are you here then? Aren't you supposed to be with your wife right now?"
I glared at him which made his grin grow wider. I clicked my tongue. "She visited her parents," I replied and sipped on the glass of juice.
The siblings exchanged glances then Iris ran towards her room.
"What? She has the very right to visit her parents."
Damon massaged the bridge of his nose. "Have you forgotten what you told us before? You were suspecting that their parents might be the reason why Clea disappeared and the reason why Athijha has been acting strange, right?"
"Well," I halted when Iris placed her Ipad in front of me.
She shoot me dagger glares then hit me at the back of my head. "Aww! What the hell is your problem?"
"That is for being so stupid," She rolled her eyes then opened a site on her Ipad.
Her hands were so fast that I failed to catch even the smallest things in the data displayed on her screen. Seconds later, I found my hands trembling and feeling cold as my eyes grows wider and wider.
It is clearly illegal to hack the government's data but I could not bring myself to tell her to stop. In front of us is secured data about Antony Alonso's dirty background.
Human trafficking.
Drug trafficking.
I cursed under my breath then threw my gaze outside the window. That must be it, right?
I ran towards my car and maneuvered it faster than ever as if I was racing for my life... not, it was as if I was racing for Clea, me, and Athijha.
I was frustrated when I arrived home and she's still out. I was about to drive to Alonso's mansion when I saw her getting out of someone's fucking car.
I called her name, she fell into my arms. She was breathing heavily. She has bruises all over her body and some scratches. Her eyes are also darker. Once again, anger started to build inside me as she was smiling as if she's claiming that everything is her fucking fault.
"What are you doing?" She asked when I rolled her shirt up at the back.
I went silent as I stare at the bruise on her back. I also noticed some scars that are almost gone. I clenched my fist then sighed. I can't lash out. I should not lash out. I gently pressed the side of her bruise which made her groan.
"What happened?" I asked in a baritone voice.
"I stumbled," Lie.
"You're lying,"
"I got involved in a catfight earlier,"
"You're lying," Stop lying, Athijha.
Stop protecting them.
"Earlier, when I was about to go to the library at my parents' home. I saw Lily sneaking inside their room so I decided to follow her," I can almost hear her gulp. "Then I witnessed her stealing my mom's pieces of jewelry. I called the cops and gave them time. I won't let her escape so she pushed me and then my back hit the sharp edge of the wooden table. And when she got arrested, I walked by myself to get back here."
"Then how come you were brought here by that fucking lake?" I frowned as I remember how his eyes resembled hers long ago.
"Lake?" Her forehead creased then giggled as if her bruises doesn't even hurt. "Oh, his name is River, okay? He just happened to see me standing by the highway and offered me a ride." She explained.
"What were you doing at the highway, anyway? Are you trying to commit suicide?" I asked, not knowing if I should open the topic about her and their family.
"No, no, silly," She sighed. "My back pain was killing me so I decided to rest for a while. If I wanted to commit suicide then I'll just jump in front of the train so that no one will act like a hero and save me," She laughed a little.
I sigh. "What about your arms? Where did you get those wounds?" Don't even think of lying.
"I got it from her too, from Lily, but..." I pursed my lips.
"You're not telling me everything, Athijha," I mumbled in a baritone voice.
"My mom made them bleed, she doesn't want me around the mansion anymore," She tilted her head to the other side. "My mom always hated for the reason I'm not aware of. Back then, when was a kid, before we met, she used to lock me in the basement and leave me there with a piece of bread,"
I was astounded. So it wasn't just her father, huh?
"You never told me that,"
"Your dad used to abuse you, Quel. I didn't want you to have panic attacks just like before. I knew how broken you were. I don't want to be a burden to you Quel,"
How can you be so selfless when you were already suffering alone, Athijha? How long are you going to take everything on your own?
I'm so useless, am I? I have been a burden to you without even realizing it.
She carefully turned around and smiled at me. "You don't have to feel guilty, Quel."
"I'm not," I mumbled.
Stop smiling. Stop smiling, love. I know you're hurting.
She leaned on the pillows. "You are, Quel. I can see it in your eyes. You don't have to feel bad for me. You don't have to be guilty because of what you've heard. Quel, I am okay. Quel, look at me, okay? Look at me," Her eyes met mine. "The past has nothing to do with the present, okay?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Quel, I didn't want to see you in that kind of state again. I have seen enough of your breakdowns. I saw how you tried so hard to fight it. I was with you when you seek for professional help," She cupped my face. "I made a silent promise to you that I will do everything I can to prevent that to happen again."
"Jha," I called her name in a faint manner.
"It's okay, Quel. You don't have to worry about me," Be selfless even just for once, Jha.
"Athijha," Tears threatened to fall. I held them back to stop them from falling. I reached for her cheeks and wiped the tears streaming on my cheeks I wasn't aware of. "Be mad at me, Athijha."
She shook her head. "I can't," She whispered.
"I know I crossed the line, Jha. I know what I did is unforgivable. I didn't realize how much pain I was inflicting on you. I was blinded by rage when you broke your promise about stopping our marriage," I took her hand and used that to slap myself.
"Exiquel!" She pulled her hands away.
"Slap me, Athijha. I don't have enough reason to treat you that way. You are already in pain and I added up to your problems. I treated you like trash instead of treating you like a princess. Hurt me, Athijha,"
She kissed me on my forehead instead of doing what I told her to do. It was so soft that I want to cry even if I know I shouldn't. I pulled her and hugged her tightly in a way that she'll feel comfortable. I hugged her tight yet gentle.
She combed my hair using her fingers. "I can not do what you want me to do, Exiquel. Even if you hurt me over and over again. Break me again and again. I wouldn't care. I will still hug you as tight as I can no matter how many times you stab me, no matter how much I bleed. I am going to give all the love I can."
I hugged her tighter. "I'm so sorry, Athijha."
"One sorry is enough, Quel. You don't have to beg for forgiveness. I love you to the moon and back," She caressed my back.
I gently pushed her and placed my forehead on hers. "Jha, can I say something?"

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