Chapter 99

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"Fuck! Stop touching my wound, Iris!" I hissed in pain when she touch it again.
"Why? The sound of your agony is perfect. And I was the one who took the bullet out of your body. You should be grateful and pay me with fun instead of money," I looked at her with my jaw already on the floor. She just said the craziest thing.
"Dude! Do you mind stopping your sister?" Damon glanced at me for a second then just shrugged. He really has no plans of saving me from his psychotic sister.
Iris stopped playing with my wounds after a minute or two which made me sigh in relief.
She crossed her arms. "You should have called us when you were in trouble. It's a good thing you happened to turn to our property."
"Yeah? And it's pretty unbelievable how that small house turned into something this big."
Iris laughed. "That is what you call magic, Exiquel."
I wasn't able to go home to my wife that night. Damon and Iris didn't let me and insisted I should sleep here even just for tonight. I can't call Athijha since my phone has a hole in the middle.
"Do you understand now how you put everything at risk, Exiquel?" My jaw dropped upon seeing my dad walking casually with four men in black escorting him.
"The fuck are you doing here?" I asked under my breath.
"Tell him everything he's allowed to know at the moment, Arnold," Damon said with authority before walking out with my sister.
I was too stunned to speak when he told me how our company survived, and the reason why he agreed on the marriage the Alonso's offered.
"I was trying to keep you both, you mom and you, out of danger my job brings. If I haven't done those inhuman things, you should have died. They will use you against me once they see how I love you," He drank the champagne in his glass then looked at me. "Who would have thought that you'll also end up being part of underground society?"
"I guess it's fated," I muttered.
He laughed. "Your father is an amazing informant, your wife is a daughter of a mafia boss. It all makes sense."
Never have I ever heard him laugh this way. Genuine and free.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He smiled. "I was protecting you," He gave me a pat on the shoulder. "I'm sorry for everything, Quel."
I bought new phone and drove my dad's car to go home to my wife. Our home was too dark, not a single bulb was turned on.
I knocked on her door.
"Love?" I called.
"You look so tired," I mumbled then put some strands of her hair away from her face.
I winced when my wound ached. I know she's awake. Her eyes moved when I talked. I wanted to talk to her but it seems like she wants the other way around.
Face the fucking consequences, Exiquel. You're the one who chose and wanted this.
"I love you, Athijha."
"I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to accompany you home last night, hmm? I'll make it up to you, love. I'll make it up to you."
I went into my room and took a cold shower. I cursed under my breath when my wound started bleeding again.
I sat on the wooden chair then heaved a deep breath. I started cleaning my wound then put some gouges on it.
I leaned then closed my eyes. The scenes when I was young flashed in my mind as my dad's words echoed in my ears.
He had to hurt me and my mom in order to keep us away from the war between the mafias.
I wonder why was it easier for him to hurt us rather than let the mafia do.
I laughed.
Maybe because he knew how to hold back while the mafia doesn't.
I wanted to blame someone but I fucking can't. Every time I try to do, Athijha's face always flashes before the scenes I am imagining.
Then I would be reminded about the times when she chose to accept all the blames to keep everything in place.
She started avoiding me again. She wakes up earlier than before then go to work while I am asleep.
And since I can't come home to her early, she sleeps before the clock strikes at nine.
"Are we okay, Athijha?" I asked while we're eating.
She smiled in a faint way. "I think so," She replied then stared at my eyes, mimicking the intensity of the way I look at hers. "Are we, Quel?" She returned the question in her softest and kindest voice possible.
I forced a smile.
"What do you mean about you can never get what you love, Athijha? What do you mean about everything you love always slips away?" I asked.
I waited for her answer patiently, she might be hesitating to explain it.
"It's nothing, Exiquel," She said even if it's obvious that something is going on, that something has been messing in her mind.
I stood up and walked until I am already behind her. I hugged her tight then kissed the top of her head.
I am suddenly scared and anxious that this might be the last time that I would be able to hug her like this.
"I know it's not nothing, love," I turned her chair in a swift. I kneeled in front of her then cupped her face. "Look at me, love," She obeyed me and stared directly at mine.
"Don't ever think that way again, okay? Everything you love... they don't slip away. They won't ever slip away. They are just falling into the right place so that when the right time comes, everything will flow like water. Beautifull and continously. Do you understand?"
She nodded.
I gulped as I imagine us falling apart because of the reasons I am not ready to face.
"Do you know that you're making me nervous? You're making me nervous because it feels like you are the one who's going to slip away," I chuckled then shake my head in a gentle and slow manner. "Love, if ever that you are planning to slip away from me, please let me know years before you do it. I want to have myself ready when the day has come for you to end our story. But please know... please know that I will never get myself ready even for the longest time. I don't want to lose you, love."
She played with my hair using her fingers. She raked and combed it in the most gentle way.
"Clea is finally here, Exiquel. You won't need me anymore," She said in a kidding manner but I know she mean it. She meant to tell me that.
I was looking at her intently. "Are you still doubting my feelings for you, love?"
"Just tell me that you're doubting me, love. I'll do anything to prove to you how much I love you. I will make you feel every bit of love I can give. I will let the world know how worth it you are for every drop of love. I will conquer every country just to give you the world. I will take the stars and present them to you. And lastly, I will take you to the place you love the most, love. I will take you up there, to the moon where you can shine everytime."
I kissed her knuckles as I stare at her eyes.
"You are the world I am willing to embrace. You are my sun who gives me light. You are the moon who rules the oceans and sents waves of love directly in my heart. You are the stars who became the jewels of my simple cave. You are the every air I breath. You are my raging fire who never fails to amaze me. Who am I without you? How am I going to live without you in my life?"
I wiped the tears in her eyes and kissed the trails of the warm liquid that journeyed through her cheeks.
"Why are you crying now? I never knew that you are such a crybaby, love."
"Do you," She gulped and hesitated to say it. "If ever you are given a chance to turn back the time, are you still going to do the same things you did before?"
I sighed then kissed her on the nape.
"If that ever happens, the only thing I won't do again is hurting you. I am not going to hurt you, my love."
I will try to understand my parents better. I will try to be a better person. I will not do the same mistake I did that have harmed you.

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