Chapter 70

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"Good day, ma'am. Do you have a reservation?" A staff asked in a polite tone, all smiles and a bit cheerful. Her aura made me feel a little better.
I smiled back then surround my gaze. "I am with Exiquel Saavedra," I replied.
"Okay, ma'am. This way," She showed me the way while I am looking at the surroundings.
This place changed a lot. I upgraded. It's been a while since the last time I visited this place.
She brought me to the VIP area. I immediately saw Exiquel sitting near the aquarium a few meters away.
I walked towards him. I intentionally made my steps sound louder to get his attention. And I did not fail to get it.
He smiled and stood up to greet me as soon as our eyes met.
"Hey, love," He was about to hug me when I raised my hand and used it as a barrier between us. "You look stunning."
I rolled my eyes. "Of course, I do," I replied. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me love, huh?"
"And how many times do I have to remind you that I am pursuing you, Athijha?"
"Mr. Saavedra, look, I am kind of uncomfortable around you because I feel like you did something before? Or maybe you've hurt me before," I crossed my arms under my chest.
"I did," He replied under his breath and bowed his head a little which made my mouth partially open.
I was expecting him to tell me that he'd never do that to me.
"Actually, I promised myself to tell you everything I know to help regain your memories when we see each other again and it will be up to you what you'll do next," He helped me sit down.
"Yeah?" I replied in a rude manner because I really don't know what to say.
He caught me off guard!
"The stories I was telling you through voice mail and through call were all true. But that was in my own perspective."
I wanted to tell him that I know about that but I can't.
And another thing is, I can't seem to bring myself to speak.
"Uhm," I tucked my lips in. "I can actually remember some already."
"Was I able to help you regain some?" He asked.
I hesitated if I should nod or shake my head but in the end, I nodded as a response.
He sighed in relief. "This is why I wanted to meet up with you. Tell you everything then court you even if you don't want it."
My forehead creased. "The audacity to insist to court a girl even if she doesn't like it, huh?" I replied with a little bit of sarcasm.
He chuckled. "I just love you so much, love."
I rolled my eyes. "Love my ass," I said in a whispering manner. I do not intend to let him catch that.
"Do you remember most of the moments with your family? With the Alonsos?" He asked.
My blood immediately reacted upon hearing that. I despise that surname.
"Yeah," I answered. "And most of them are nightmares and not worth remembering," I added. "I remembered most of them when you brought me back to that filthy mansion."
He shook his head and smiled. "You have changed a lot. You can't even bring yourself to talk bad and curse before."
"Well, people change, Mr. Saavedra. Anyway, don't remind me of what happened to me when I was still there. Tell me a story that happened between us. Tell us our tale of why we ended up separating," I said with a sweet smile but in a demanded tone.
I want to torture him with those memories, but still, it is inevitable for me not to feel something.
"I was your first love," He started. I wanted to vomit right now.
Damn, he doesn't need to remind me that. I was stupid enough to fall in love with him while he was busy falling in love with that backstabber bitch named Clea.
"And my first love was Clea, your sister," He bowed his head. "When she left, I blamed you for ruining my plans with her."
I held my temple and acted like my head is aching. Which is part true and part lie.
My head still aches whenever I am reminded about the matters connected to them.
He handed me a glass of water. "Do you want me to continue? Or maybe we should talk some other day?" He asked. His voice was laced with gentleness.
I nodded. "Go on, Exiquel. Don't mind me here. I can bear with whatever you'll say."
He sighed and nodded. "Okay then. I," He halted a bit and gulped. "I did not treat you the way you deserved to be treated."
"I know. You've told me about that a lot of times," I sarcastically replied.
He smiled weakly. "You can remember most of them, right?"
I shook my head. "All I remember was how you cheated on me despite us being married."
"I am such an asshole, right? Iris was right," He murmured. "Just please know that I regret all of those."
I stared at him without any trace of emotion in my eyes. "Regretting something doesn't mean that one is supposed to forgive you. Do you know why? It is because you can never turn back the time or simply restore what was lost."
"Yeah, I know that you've lost your trust in me, your faith. But, love, please allow me to restore your love for me and gain your trust again."
"Tell me more," I said in a dismissive tone.
"After you almost drowned and when you came home to me with bruises and wounds, that was when I admitted that I have fallen deeply in love with you. I just don't want to accept that."
"You were just guilty," I murmured.
"Yes, I was guilty. I was guilty because I made you feel that way. But I will never fake my feelings out of guiltiness, love. I am guilty but not to the extent that I did everything just to ease that. Those two months I spent with you before happened out of love and not out of guiltiness or just the obligations."
Up until now, you still can't stand for what you really feel.
But somehow, some part of me still can't avoid believing you. After all these times, I still can't abandon the drops of faith I have in you.
"Quel, do you really love me?" I asked out of nowhere.
He looked me in the eye. His eyes started to get tainted by red. "I do, Love. I never stopped loving you. I never stopped proving to them that you are alive even if they believe you are gone. I never gave up finding you. I never gave up on you and I'll never give up. Not ever again, love."
I only asked one question and he answered me with those. Won't give up my ass.
I can see I Won't Give Up without emotions.
Empty words. You still spit empty words whenever I am around.
When I came back to my senses, I saw him staring at me. Some emotions are freely dancing in his eyes which almost made me want to comfort him just like what I have done before.
He flashed a faint smile. "I understand," He uttered in a hoarse voice.
He tilted his head then forced a smile. "Do you remember our trip to New Zealand?" He asked, forcing himself to sound cheerful.
I am now just holding on to the last straw of strength not to believe in him.
"Your first fashion show was successful that your palm felt cold against mine. You were trembling in happiness and nervousness at the same time, love."
"Really?" I asked.
He nodded. "We visited various places. You were so cute when you were gently holding a cricket on your palm," He chuckled.
I smiled with him upon remembering that moment. That memory sure was good.
"And do you recall visiting The Beehive there, love? It was the night of our third month together. I gave you a necklace with a moon pendant," He gazed at my neck. He's probably looking for it. "Do you still have it, love?" He asked laced with hopefulness.
I slowly shook my head and clenched my fist. "I... I don't have it anymore, Exiquel. It was probably burned along with the car I was driving when I tried to uhm... you know," I let out a nervous laugh.
A lie. I kept it and it is stored in a place along with my greatest treasure.
He nodded. "It is fine. At least you're safe, love."
We ordered something to eat and while waiting for our food, Exiquel continued sharing his memories involving me.
"We used to let the time pass here and relax," He shared. "We were here almost every day with Iris and Damon, and sometimes, with your friends."
"River," I mumbled.
I just want to tease him. As far as I can recall, he doesn't want me to get associated with River. He doesn't want me to get associated with my brother.
I almost laughed when his forehead creased. "What?"
"I said River," I said. "His name and image just flashed in my head. Is he my friend too?"
I saw how the side of his lips twitched. "Yes, you are actually close to him," He replied and it sounded bitter. He sounded annoyed too.
"Really?" I took my phone out of my pouch. "Hold up, I'll search for him on Facebook. I bet he's handsome."
Chills traveled down my spine when I heard a pound in his direction.
I was about to lift my gaze when he suddenly grabbed my phone.
He made my seat swirl and faced him. He caged me between his arms. He licked his lips and looked away.

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