Chapter 41

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Quel was stifling his smile while I am wearing simple doll shoes. He's still not over about my stupidity earlier. Like, who in their right mind would go out wearing a pair of pajamas. I didn't even brush my hair! I was completely out of my mind.
If someone recognizes me in that outfit and took a photo of me to post on any social media platform, I'll be doomed.
I grunted and tied my hair up. "Stop teasing me, will you?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
He placed his hands on his waist and shook his head. He was eyeing with so many unknown emotions dancing in his eyes. He might be biting his lips to stifle a smile but his eyes scream and show how big his smile is.
"Stop staring at me," I stamp my right foot and crossed my arms under my chest. "Exiquel Saavedra, do you want a punch or what?" I said with my eyebrows rises, waiting for his response.
He walked towards me. "Don't be so grumpy, love. And stop raising your eyebrows, they might fly up to the moon."
I scowled. "I hate you, Quel," I said then pouted.
He lifted my chin and kissed me on the lips. "You know you love me, Athijha," He said then chuckled.
He intertwined our fingers and walked beside me. Both of us decided to change plans. We'll just shop for an hour then we'll go to Wellington Botanic Garden. He was the one who suggested the places we're about to visit.
It warmed my heart that he knows how much I love the sight of nature.
We went for a shopping but ended up buying nothing even though we brought enough money to buy lots of things because nothing really caught our eyes.
I excitedly run around the field of flowers the moment we arrived at the botanic garden.
"Love, look, there's a butterfly," I cheerfully told him while pointing at the blue butterfly. "It's big," I giggled.
He was looking at me with his eyes filled with amusement. He inserted his hands in his pocket. "Tell me, love, is this your first time seeing a butterfly?" He asked with a teasing smile.
My face crumpled then looked away. My face started to heat up. It's not my first time seeing one, maybe a third of fourth.
He dramatically covered his mouth. "Love, it is your first time," He said.
"No, it's not," I defensively replied. "Maybe the third time? But it's not really my first time seeing one in person okay? It's just that..." My mind suddenly loads for a minute, leaving me nothing to reason out.
He chuckled then hugged me. "I bet you have never seen a frog," He mumbled.
"How dare you, love! I have seen a frog! We had an experiment involving their species back in high school, don't you remember?"
He chuckled. "What about crickets? Have you seen one?"
I nodded in embarrassment. "B-But just in documentary and... and in pictures," I shut my eyes. "I have never seen one in actual," I shyly mumbled.
"It's fine, love. You can finally see one now. Look behind you."
My face lit up as my eyes sparkled in excitement. "Where?" I asked, looking up.
"Damn, you're cute, love. My cute wife," He guided my head downwards. "Look down, love. It's on the grass."
I shrieked when it hopped closer to me. But then, I sat down and picked it up. "Love, look at its cute antenna! They're moving!"
I dropped the cute little cricket as my body stiffened in shock. My eyes are wide open while my brain is processing what's happening.
My eyes are almost crossed when I attempted to stare at his closed eyes. My mouth parted open. He took that as an invitation to slid his tongue and wander inside my mouth.
My eyelids started to drop. I inched our body as my hand travels from his waist, up to his chest then finally wrapped my arms around his neck. I started returning his kisses but in a sloppy way, kind of teasing him.
When his hands fell on the hem of my shirt, I bit his tongue, making him feel enough pain to withdraw.
He hissed in pain. He started eyeing me like a lost kid. "So mean," He pouted.
I chuckled. "And you're such an asshole, Quel," I bent over and put some strands of my hair behind my ear. I pouted when I can't find the cute cricket anymore. "The little cricket is gone now."
"You bit me because of that?" Quel asked, filled with a mixture of confusion and tease.
I glared at him. "No, I didn't bit you because I lost it. I bit you because you're having a boner again," I rolled my eyes. "We're in a public place, love. Save your juices," I winked at him.
He grunted and mumbled "Really," under his breath.
"Anyway, can you help me look for him? He's still a baby, he might not survive the cruel world," I uttered while looking on the grasses.
"Silly, girl."
Our one-week trip to New Zealand wasn't that productive but it was fun. Quel and I visited Zealandia Sanctuary, Princess bay, and Wellington Waterfront.
It was such a great adventure with him but I just realized how oblivious I still am about the outside world, far from my comfort zone.
I managed to learn how to swim and learning about new things. That's all because of my husband. All thanks to Quel.
The agency has sent me photos to post on my Instagram. My followers keep on going up as well as my friends.
A satisfied smile crept on my lips. My social circle is finally growing. I am gaining new friends and connections with more people, even outside the country. So this is how it feels to finally be free, huh?
I am scrolling on Instagram, letting time pass by as I wait for the clock to strike at four.
My mouth parted the moment I saw Quel's post. It was a stolen shot of me. It was the time when I ran in the field of flowers and pointing at the butterfly, with a caption of, "Every day, Every you."
At this time, I don't have the strength to stop the urge to smile. Butterflies started to dance in my stomach to the point that I feel like I'm floating. I placed my hand on my chest as well as my phone. I leaned on the backrest of the swivel chair and turned.
I'm on cloud nine.
"Love?" I called then peeked through the slightly opened door. I smiled when he looked at me.
"Yes, love?"
"I'm going out," I said, finally entering his room. "Can I? I am going to meet with Iris," I flashed a cute smile.
He smiled back. "With just her?" His eyes squinted.
"Uhm... with my other friends of course. And I heard Iris is bringing her friend from the Philippines," My eyes sparkled in joy with the thought of gaining another friend. "I'm so excited to meet her! So, can I go?"
He chuckled then stood up from his seat. "You're getting better at socializing, Athijha. Of course, you can, love. I will never stop you from going."
I shrieked in joy and gave him a peck on the lips. "Thank you, love!" I showered him with kisses.
"I'm happy to finally see you going out, love. Because since you were born, you have always been caging yourself in your house," He chuckled then cupped my face. "I guess you won't be able to be my best friend and my wife if Clea did not bring me there and introduced me to you. So go, love. Enjoy your day."
It's true, I never left home because my mom won't let me play and socialize for an unknown reason. She never let me hang out until high school, but I still didn't gain friends because of how I looked.
I wore a floral dress and a pair of white doll shoes. I didn't bother to put on any makeup, just powder and a little bit of lip tint. I don't want to look pale. I brought a pouch from the brand I am endorsing which contains my cardholder, my phone, a handkerchief, and an enough amount of money to spend.
I looked for Quel and I found him in the kitchen, talking to someone on his phone. Based on the terms he used, I concluded that he is talking to someone about business. I distanced myself a bit to gave them privacy.
When he dropped the call I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist from the back.
"I didn't know that you're still here," He kissed me on my forehead when he turned around.
"I won't leave without telling you," I chuckled. "I'm leaving. I'll be home before dinner. I'm going to cook, what do you want to eat later?"
He wiggled his eyebrows. "You," I slapped his shoulder which made him chuckle instead of hissing in pain. "Just kidding. Just cook anything you want, love. Everything you cook is delicious."
What a sweet talker. "Sure, I'm going. See you later, love," I kissed him on the cheeks. I was waving my hands while running away.
As soon as I arrived at the restaurant owned by Iris' family, I was immediately assisted by the waitress to the fourth floor which is reserved only for us.
We were on our way up when she cleared her throat. "Uhm, ma'am," She called in a faint voice.
"Yes?" I replied with a smile.
"Can we take a photo together? I am a fan," Her voice was slightly shaking when she said.
I chuckled. "Of course,"

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