Chapter 75

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He sighed. "I went here last night to ask where you hid some papers we'll be needing. But I saw you convulsing in your sleep."
"Oh, sorry you had to cancel an appointment again," I smiled in an apologetic manner.
He shuffled my hair. "You should not be sorry because of that. Be sorry because you had a fever again," He flicked my forehead. "This is the fourth time that you had a fever this month. Tell me, did you spend a lot of time bathing again?"
I chuckled nervously. "Well, no... I mean, I guess?" I averted my gaze when he looked at me with a blank expression. "I guess I did. Got a problem about that, Kuya?"
"A big problem, Assia," He massaged the bridge of his nose. "You were supposed to go to the main branch with dad today. I told him that if you're a little better, I'll take you there so he went ahead. Are you feeling better now?"
My eyes widened. "Oh my God! I forgot about that! Was he mad, Kuya? Should I call my friends to attend my funeral in case I die today out of daddy's rage? I mean, he would probably dump a lot of papers to me later."
"Silly, girl. I don't know if you are trying to lighten the mood or you are being serious," He teased then laughed like someone who's a mess in the head.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say, River."
"We both know that dad will never do that so just chill and eat this," He brought me a tray of foods with a medicine at the upper right side. "Then take this medicine after you finish this, entindido?"
"Clear," I replied. "Uhm, may I request a cup of coffee, River?"
He glared at me. "No." He firmly replied.
"Just a half then?"
"Not a chance, Assia," He replied in a strict tone. "I'll watch you eat. You might throw some foods just like the last time."
"But that doesn't taste good. It almost tasted like a rotten potato," I pouted.
"That's not a good reason. May I remind you that a lot of people are not as fortunate as you to eat thrice a day."
"I know that," I whispered, guilty about what I did the last time that they prepared something for me to eat after being sick.
"Then don't be such a brat, clumsy girl. It doesn't suit you. You look like you're mimicking someone," He then winked at me with a sinister grin on his face.
My mout parted. Is it too obvious? I can't help but to pout. "I am not mimicking anyone, Kuya," I said in a low tone.
"Yeah? Then start eating. It's not like you can stop the time. Dad mighy be waiting and the thing you were saying earlier might really happen."
I bit the insides of my cheeks when I imagined dad acting like a furious dragon. Never have I ever imagined him that way. I was just joking around about it.
I started digging in. True to his words, Kuya River really watched me eat while he's dealing with something in his laptop.
I laughed at the back of my head. So dedicated.
I finished everything he has given me, including the glass of water. I am alreadu finished but I refused to day anything since it looks like he's concentraring.
And... and I am enjoying his face show. A minute, he'll frown. Then after his laptop notify him about someone's message, his facial expression goes insane and flash the total opposite of how it looked like.
I smell love around the air.
I flinched when he looked at my direction with an unreadable expression. But what caught my attention was the color of his ears.
They're slowly turning bright red.
"What did you say, little sis?" He asked in a low voice which made me panic.
Oh my God! Did I say that outloud? Did I blurted it out unconsciously?
"Huh? Wha... what do you mean, Kuya?" I replied in a the most innocent tone.
"You were saying that you smell something earlier," He gave me a scrutinizing glare. "What did you exactly said a minute ago, little sis?"
"I said I smell the refreshing air," I said in an unsure tone.
"That was not what I heard though."
"You heard it, I guess I don't have to repeat that, right?" I nervously muttered.
He squinted his eyes. "Are you messing with me again?"
I raised my hands in the air. "No, I am not, Kuya," I smirked. "I will leave that to someone who's messing with you lr life right now." I roared into laughter.
He looked away. "She's just a patient, Assia."
"Yeah? Looks like she's more of your lover than a patient," I said then winked. "Besides, it looks like you are the patient and she's your cure."
"Shut up, young lady."
"Well, Sure. I won't talk about that anymore. Just make sure to let me meet her before I leave okay? I want to tell her something about you."
"Like what?" He suspiciously asked.
"Like you are the best brother in the whole wide world."
He snorted. "It's not that easy though."
"So you finally admitted that she's not just a patient, huh?" I teasingly asked.
Annoyance is so visible in his face. He looked like he's ready to kill me right now in my room.
He closed gis laptop. "Prepare yourself. I will be waiting for you at the garden," He said then took the tray as well as the plates and utensils. He walked towards the door of my room.
"Wait, Kuya," I called.
"Which garden?" I asked with a small smile plastered on my face.
"The one near the garage," He said then stormed out of my room.
As soon as he's out of my room, I chuckled. I was staring at my door as my mind rewinds the moment that he realized that he's still in my room.
I am a hundred percent sure that he's kind of embarrassed that's wht he suddenly decided to leave me here alone.
So typical of him.
Though, it's just feels a little weird since this is the first time I have seen him interested in some sort of romantic things.
She must be very special to make him feel that way.
That reminds me of how I was when I was so in love with Exiquel that I actually acted to stupid just to please him.
I headed to my bathroom and di my morning routine in a swift so that he won't nag at me just because I made him wait for hours.
I took my phone to check on something.
It was his messages which greeted me, just like what always happens in the last few months.
Ashton 07:47 AM
{Hey, are you awake by now?}
Ashton 07:51 AM
{I bet not. I won't call since you have to rest. Take a healthy breakfast then take your medicine.}
Ashton 08:02 AM
{Good morning, love. :)}
I rolled my eyes. It feels weird that he's asking me if I am awake. It feels like he's texting someone who's in coma. It is a bit creepy.
But a minute later, I found myself typing for a reply.
That's the only thing I have said after a lot of attempts and different possible replies. I even typed something that would probably gross me out at the end of the day!
My God! I getting creepier each day. And my mind is being crappier and crappier as time goes by. So ridiculous.
I am wearing a grey tube with a black coat paired with a black denim skirt which is two inches above the knee. I wore a black stilettos with a five inches heels.
I tied my hair in a bun and let the short strands fall at the sides of my face. I look so professional in these clothes.
I took my bag and went to the garden where I can find my brother.
I am a few meters away from him but it is so obvious that he's talking go someone over the phone.
He has this smile that I have never seen from him and the sparkle in his eyes that glows brighter that his forehead. Kidding.
I hid behind fhe bushes until he's done talking to that person. I can't help but to smile when he chuckled by himself.
I walked towards him with a neutral expression for him not to notice that I have heard or witnessed his in love state.
He raised his eyebrow. "What took you so long?" He arrogantly asked with a furrowed brows.
Seems like someone is trying to hide the butterflies in his stomach by acting so mean.
"Well, I was talking to someone earlier," I replied with a smile.
I just want to remind him about their conversation earlier.
"Were you talking to that Saavedra again, little sis?" He replied.
I shrugged. "Maybe no, maybe I was," I smirked. "But why do you look so flushed, kuya? I can tell that something's up."
"No, I just feel weird."
You are just in love with the person you were talking to.
I rolled my eyes then sat comfortably at the passenger seat.
We were traveling halfway to the company when my phone vibrated which made me flinch on my seat.
"Why?" Kuya asked. He probably noticed that sudden movement.
"Nothing, Kuya. I jusy felt something itchy on my back. That's all," I reasoned out.
I let a minute pass before taking my phone out of my bag.
I knew it. It's him again.
Ashton 12:31 PM
{Good afternoon, love. Have you eaten your lunch?}
He also attached a photo of his lunch. But what I have noticed was the tiny keychain placed above the piles of papers on his desk.
It was the keychain I used to hang on my bag when we were in high school.
I maintained a straight face while staring at his message and to the photo attached in it.
I slid my phone back in my bag without replying to his message. I threw my gaze outside the window and counted every coffee shops that we passes by.
Before I got off the car, I took my phone out again and searched a photo of carbonara in google.
I saved it then sent to Exiquel's number.
{I am eating lunch.}

To The Moon And Backحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن