Alert Note ⚠️

936 135 100

Hey guys,

This is not any update and I am NOT really sorry for that because what you guys are doing to me, you guys really dont deserve this apology or any request from your author.

Now, you will think, what did you do to me so, the answer is, I am constanstly requesting and saying about the votes and the low response of the book but you guys are not taking this seriously because it really doesnt matter to silent readers as they think, its ok we are getting free updates for reading so, doesnt matter if we vote or not but what they dont feel, behind every update, an author put all her hardwork, dedication, time, sleepless nights for them as she really wants to make an update worth reading but at the end, what I am getting, nothing except hurt and disappointement.

Anyway, enough of requesting and enough of apologising, I wont say much just want to tell you all my further decision after seeing the low response on last few chapters which I have being seeing for the last 3 to 4 months. IF THE RESPONSE ON THIS BOOK WILL GO LIKE THIS THEN I WILL NOT CONTINUE ANIKHIL BOOK HERE ON WATTPAD, NOT ONLY THAT BUT MY FURTHER BOOKS TOO, COMING TO YOU WILL BE MY FIRST AND LAST BOOK ON WATTPAD.

I have been thinking so much for the last couple of days which is becoming really stressful for me because I am doing my level best with my every update but in return I am getting nothing. I have even get so many offers from paid platforms where they want me to publish even coming to you there with good price as my book is long and I can even earn like 4 books earnings from this single one but still I refused their offers because this is my start on wattpad and just because of the support my readers, I am here today but now I dont know, what happened suddenly that you guys stopped voting on my chapters. The views are increasing that means people are reading it and viewing it but votes just stopped there on perticular figure. Before it was like more than 170 or 180 but now its hardly crossing 120 or 125 which is so disappointing for me to handle. I am also a human which has a heart to feel that hurt emotion. I am strong and determined but constantly getting that painful thing sometimes break the wall of your patience which is happening with me right now. So, I have decided this and taking the step.

My constant supporters who are always there for me and give me voting on my every update, I know if they are here to support me they will go anywhere for the same. Moreover, I am not saying, this to earn something, I might publish my next upcoming work where I wont get anything because money is not my priority, only the love and respect of my readers matter. If money matters then I would have published my this book on other platform a long time back when I got a huge offer for this neither I will remove my this book from wattpad in coming future. This will always be here on wattpad.

I live alone with my husband and daughter and not even in India where I have maid for my household works. I do  and manage everything alone from cleaning to cooking and from mopping to taking care of my kid. After that, when I get time then I write in that free schedule so, sometimes its really hard to manage everything but still I try my best even during my India trip where we dont have time for taking a sigh of relief due to continous travelling but still I tried my best and gave you all 2 updates with worth 7000 words reading but after stressing myself so much, what did I get, DISAPPOINTMENT, UPSETTING AND HURT which I actually dont deserve. If I am getting more than 600+ or 700+ views then I at least deserve 200+ votes on that perticular chapter.

At last, the decision is all yours. If you want me to publish my upcoming books here then give me the desired voting otherwise, you know my decision which I will not change for anyone.

Thank you so much.

Stay safe and be happy..

With lots of love..

Take care and bye..

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