Ch 29: Coming To You

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Roy Mansion:

Shanaya was stunned and confused to see one person in front of her as she least expected him to be there.

“You..” She said in shocking expression.

Akhil saved Riya before she could fell on the floor. He hid her behind him and said to her, “Your work is done here.  I will take from now onwards. You go and get in the car, my man is waiting there and don’t you dare to pull any stunt for escaping, understood.” At last he warned Riya in his threating voice.

Riya nodded and looked at Shanaya with smirk expression then left. Seeing Riya's smirking face, Shanaya understood, it was all a trap and they used Riya against her.

“You, what are you doing here? This is my private property and I wont allow any outsider to come here.” Shanaya said in her angry tone.

“Privacy..” Akhil said and chuckled. He started coming to her. His face was calm but only he knew how much rage he was feeling from inside.

“Do you even know the meaning of privacy?” He asked her in his calm voice but suddenly when he came closer to her, his eyes was showing fire which could burn her at any second. Seeing the anger in his eyes Shanaya got scared.  He smirked and said in his dangerous voice, “You took very wrong step to meddle in between them but you know what how much you try still you will never succeed to separate them, you know why?”

Shanaya looked him and he said, “Because my friend loves her that deeply you cant even think. He can do anything to protect her because his love is selfless not selfish like yours.”

“How dare you to blame on my love?” Shanaya shouted on him in anger.

“Dare..” Akhil said and laughed. He again looked her in anger and said, “Which love you are talking about because as far as I have knowledge about love we don’t hurt that person whom we love but you not only hurt him instead you gave him pain and still you are shouting on me that how I dare to say about your love.” At last he mocked her and gave a sarcastic look to her.

“You are doing very wrong Mr. Arora to come between me and my work. You don’t know what I can do..” Shanaya said and pointed her finger to him.

“Oh believe me Miss.. You have already done a lot but you know what you just waste your time in all these planning and bullshit you created because you forgot who are Abhigyaan Saxena and Akhil Arora.” Akhil said while smirking.

“What do you mean?” Shanaya asked and now she was feeling scared.

“Now don’t be so innocent, darling that you are not understanding what I mean.” Akhil said and made a fake pout.

Shanaya looked him and he continued,  “Ok, let me call someone then you will understand everything.” Akhil said and dialed a number.

“Gyaan, here someone is so desperate to know about both of us. Care to explain her.” Akhil said on the phone and put it on speaker.

“Yeah, I would love to..” Abhigyaan said. They both turned their heads and saw him standing there.

“Abhi..” Shanaya was saying when Abhigyaan cut her off and said in anger while pointing his finger to her, “Don’t you dare to call my name from your this dirty mouth.”

Shanaya got shocked to see him in this state. He took predatory steps towards her and said in his threating yet dangerous voice, “HOW.DARE.YOU.TO MESS.WITH.ME.AGAIN.” He emphasised every single word.

Shanaya's eyes widened after hearing his tone. He stepped back a little and looked her face which was looking afraid on that time. He ruffled his hairs but seemed like his inner self wasn’t helping him to make him calm. He didn’t want to show his anger so he simply asked her one question, “Why did you do all these?”

Coming To You....[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now