Ch 27: Back To Square One

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*Longest chapter with 6540 words so now please make your writer happy while giving her more and more comments.

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Saxena Mansion:

Sunrays came from the open window of Abhigyaan’s room and fell on his face. He opened his eyes and took some time to adjust himself with the morning lights. He stretched his arms and saw the time on the bedside small clock. Its 6 in the morning. He remembered yesterday’s incidents and his face fell for once but later when he was remembering their phone chat, a hopeful smile came to his lips. He took his phone and opened her picture, this was now his daily routine to do this since he took her pictures. He smiled and while caressing the picture he spoke, “Good morning love, I know you still have some doubt but today I will clear everything and I know after our conversation, everything will be sorted out.” He looked her picture last time with a smile and kissed it. After that he went to his gym area.

After sometimes, He was in his room getting ready when he heard a sweet voice, “Dadda..” Anaisha called him and he turned to see his daughter. Behind her Suhasini, Anil and Akhil were also coming. Last night Akhil got late so he stayed there only.

Abhigyaan saw his daughter was running to him. He spread his arms and picked her up. She kissed on his cheeks and said, “Happy birthday Dadda.”

Abhigyaan too kissed her back and said, “Thank you” to her. Anaisha came out from his arms and he went to his parents. He touched his parents feet and they both gave him blessings with birthday wishes.

Abhigyaan held his mother’s hand and looked down then said, “I am so sorry mom and dad, last night was little rough for me. I was upset with something and I took out my frustration on you both while shouting. Please forgive me.”

Suhasini caressed his head in affection and said, “No beta, it wasn’t your fault. We should have discussed with you first. I guess who would be at your place on that time surely reacted the way you did so there was nothing to feel sorry for anything.”

He looked his mother and they both hugged. He then went to his father and hugged him too. Suhasini came to him and said, “Come soon, I will arrange the breakfast, ok.”

He nodded and they all went downstairs except Akhil. He came to him with a smile and hugged him. Akhil gave a pat on his back then said, “Happy birthday lover boy, I wish today will be the most memorable day of your life.”
Abhigyaan smiled and broke the hug then said, “Thanks” to him.

Abhigyaan went to the dressing to collect his things. Akhil saw that his friend was still looking a little gloomy and nervous too. He wanted to ease the mood so he thought to tease him, “You didn’t tell me, how was your family date yesterday.” He smirked at last.

Abhigyaan looked his smirking face through mirror and mentally thought just to refrain from his teasing, he didn’t tell him anything but his fate had another plan for him. He continued his work and said, “It wasn’t the planned one, its just the coincident that we met there.”

“But still you guys spent all your time with each other, tell me how was it?” Akhil said and came to him with mischievous grin.

“You know Rey and Anny love each other’s company so we were just together for them.” Abhigyaan said and shrugged.

“Did you get any indication from her like any sign that she also likes you?” Akhil asked because he wanted to know how she felt when she was around him.

Abhigyaan heard him and looked him only to see that he was serious now. That mischievousness was gone from his face, might be he wanted to observe something. He remembered every time when they were closed and while reminiscing those moments he said, “I don’t know exactly, because sometimes when I see in her eyes, it seems like she holds some fears in that, it feels like she was running from something but after our friendship, I saw that change and she was feeling comfortable around me but yesterday  I saw that fear again when she was talking to me with her teary eyes. I don’t know what was that but whatever it is, I really want to remove it.”

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